Monday, June 23, 2014
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
[New post] A short update on the energies - emdonelan@gmail.com - Gmail
[New post] A short update on the energies - emdonelan@gmail.com - Gmail
As many of you have already attested to, this last Gathering of yours was indeed a resounding success, and even if the outcome of it may not be perceivable to all of you just yet, know that what you accomplished will indeed have far reaching consequences, not just beyond the shores of your little Pond, but in the realms beyond yours. You see, what you did was nothing less than a complete anchoring of a vast field of energetics, and as such, you have in many ways created a cloud of energy that will be permanently based around your globe, much like that electronic "cloud" many of you utilize whenever you access your electronic devices. In other words, you have helped to format a frequential layer that will be utilized not only to store but also to download vast amounts of information, information that hitherto only has been accessible by individuals, but that now will be used for mass upgradings and collective efforts, such as the one you have just completed.
So what you have helped to engender, is in fact a tool that will have far reaching implications, for this tool will foreshorten the time and distance if you will of this whole operation. As you know well by now, time and indeed distance are something very different from what you humans perceive, but this energetic "cloud" that you have helped to put into place will enable a lot of information processes to bypass the old and more cumbersome way of singular downloads. This can in many ways be likened to the arrays of radio telescopes all hooked up in a grid that enables your scientists to study the depth of space in far more detail and accuracy than what they could if they only use the signals from one single of these dishes. For what you have helped to establish, is in many ways a similar synchronized group of receivers and transmitters that will literally envelop his whole planet of yours within a layer of energetically enhanced particles that will simplify the transferring of information between the two sides of the veil, to put it in a simplified term. In other words, you have just completed a task that will be of enormous help to all of those like minded souls out there who are already immersed in the turnaround process of this entire planet, and for that, our gratitude has no bounds.
Not only that, but as you all connected through the hours that this energetic distribution took place, you also enabled your own individual setup to be optimized in such a way, your own "direct line" has been upgraded exponentially. You see, the clearing of debris that took place during that get-together was indeed a thorough one, and now, you truly stand ready and enabled to push ahead with your new tasks. For as we mentioned in a previous message, you have by now entered that next phase of the proceedings, where your own personal clearance will have been completed to such a degree, you can start to let your true tasks begin to unfold. And so, what was set into motion this last Sunday by your generous assistance will start to come into fruition very soon. And what you set into motion will also touch the very core of so many of your fellow men and women, for what you did acted as a kind of trigger that will serve to set a lot of inner circuits into full power mode. This is turn will engender quite a spectacular set of events, but again, do not expect to see something akin to what has been presented to you in all sorts of dramatized offerings from your entertainment media. Again, the human mind has been set to expect a very defined set of events taking place in order to make this world as if new again, but we would like to remind you that what you can currently envisage, bears little resemblance to what will actually take place, and even if the kind of event you might expect to take place would be a global one, it might actually be a global event on a very different scale than what you think. You see, what brings change on a large scale often takes place on a very small scale, for in this it is as in everything else in Creation; a fragment of interaction may become a whole, but a whole lot of fragments can also become a seemingly chaotic soup before it all simmers down to a grand new and viable version of itself. And just what do we mean by that? Simply that your entire world is about to change but it will change from the inside out as we have mentioned before, and as you are amongst the pioneers, you are the ones who will embody this change first.
And that is what you are already doing, as you have changed your entire setup, not just once, but several times over since this whole operation turnaround was set into motion, but even if you look at yourself with a quizzical eye, you may still fail to detect anything "new" at all about your person or even your circumstances. That may be so, but to a trained eye, you could not be more different than the one you used to be. And you all have that trained eye, for as you know so well by now, that "eye" is the internal one, the all-knowing one, the one that knows just where to look in order to take in the full scope of what is going on. So again we say go deep within, and connect with that part of you who knows just where you are at, and who will rejoice because it can attest to the success you already are. For you have managed to lift yourself out of the old dross, and now, you have helped to lift your entire world that tiny little increment higher in vibration that will literally make a world of difference, not just to you, but to all. For we see this in grand terms, and we see that what you accomplished on a molecular level will ring out all across Creation, and with it comes a brand new level of interconnected signatures that will trigger embedded sequences lying dormant in so many of your kin, and these again will start the ball rolling in so many ways and in so many settings - and some of them rather unexpected even for you.
So again we thank you for allowing these frequencies to take you into their embrace, for by doing just that, you enabled them to literally embrace this entire planet with a brand new set of coordinates that will be utilized in the manner we described above. So thanks to your generosity and your willingness to stay the course on behalf of All of creation, you helped to create this broad field of transmitters that will serve to maximize the linkup between your "station" and us, and in addition, it will serve to amplify any signals coming through in such a way that any collective efforts will become vastly more powerful in the time ahead. So what you did will make all of us better equipped to help you to help yourselves, and it will also make you far better equipped to engender the response you seek to get from your creative endeavours. For this energetic cloud in the sky will in many ways serve as the repository for your dreams, and now, by attaching yourself to this cloud you will make those dreams become manifest one by one. Both as individuals but more and more as one cohesive unit of souls, all working together for the betterment of this entire planet, and for every single being living upon her. And for this, we cannot thank you enough.
[New post] A short update on the energies - emdonelan@gmail.com - Gmail
[New post] A short update on the energies - Aisha North
you have in many ways created a cloud of energy that will be permanently based around your globe, much like that electronic "cloud" many of you utilize whenever you access your electronic devices. In other words, you have helped to format a frequential layer that will be utilized not only to store but also to download vast amounts of information, information that hitherto only has been accessible by individuals, but that now will be used for mass upgradings and collective efforts, such as the one you have just completed.
you have in many ways created a cloud of energy that will be permanently based around your globe, much like that electronic "cloud" many of you utilize whenever you access your electronic devices. In other words, you have helped to format a frequential layer that will be utilized not only to store but also to download vast amounts of information, information that hitherto only has been accessible by individuals, but that now will be used for mass upgradings and collective efforts, such as the one you have just completed.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Solar Cycle News; DNA, Magnetic Fields and Biological Information Transfer | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?
Solar Cycle News; DNA, Magnetic Fields and Biological Information Transfer | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?
Information Transfer Via Electromagnetic Signals
HeartMath’s research shows that animals and the nervous systems of people in close proximity can detect the heart’s electromagnetic field and that a bioelectromagnetic field such as that radiated by the human heart and brain can affect other individuals and the global information field environment.
Research conducted in our laboratory has confirmed the hypothesis that when an individual is in a state of heart coherence, the heart radiates a more coherent electromagnetic signal into the environment. Additionally, when we are in a coherent state we are more sensitive to detecting the information in the fields radiated by others.
Recent scientific studies involving DNA, water, the environment and magnetic fields, lend support to the hypothesis that magnetic fields can carry biologically relevant information. The authors of a 2011 study conducted by Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier et al., say DNA in their experiments teleported itself to distant cells through electromagnetic signals. Furthermore, they indicated that this information could instruct the re-creation of DNA when the basic constituents of DNA are present and coupled with extremely low electromagnetic frequency fields.
Such low electromagnetic frequency fields, ones that are able to stimulate DNA information transfer, could come from sources such as Schuman resonances, which occur naturally in the earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum, starting at 7.83 hertz. Thus, some scientists surmise, solar and geomagnetic activity could affect human health and behavior – down to the level of the DNA.
If DNA signaling can be stimulated by the Schuman resonances and brain and heart frequencies overlap with those frequencies, it raises interesting questions about how we all are interconnected with each other through solar and geomagnetic frequencies.
Other scientific research has explored the nature and interaction of ecosystems, water molecules and electromagnetic fields.
In Conclusion and Looking Ahead
It remains uncertain when humans finally will move away from the current global unrest and instability to a more stable and peaceful planet. There clearly is an urgency, however, among millions of people to discard old structures that do not serve all sentient beings and the planetary environment. We are in the midst of a paradigm shift in consciousness and on the threshold of a new era of personal and global harmony.
Solar activity not only has been correlated with social unrest, destructive climatic conditions and other adverse events, but also with periods of great human achievement, including in architecture, arts and science and positive social change.
We can learn from past mistakes and consciously choose to harness such energetic influences for human flourishing and advancement and humanitarian efforts. The Global Coherence Initiative employs multiple strategies for increasing personal, social and global coherence. Through GCI’s internet-based global network, a rich array of people around the world are connecting daily to radiate heart consciousness around the planet to shift global consciousness toward a more harmonious and peaceful future.
It is with gratitude and appreciation that all of us at GCI thank you for your continued support as together we seek to increase global coherence.
Annette Deyhle, Ph.D., and the GCI research team
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Judy Goodman Commentary Page
This interview has been prompted by my own personal journey into another dimension. The experience changed my life and left me with a desire to know more, and understand all that I saw. The person that guided me, and several others, on this adventure is Judy Goodman. What I experienced seemed so extraordinary that I felt compelled to share this with other people. Judy is a multi talented, sensitive and compassionate lady who comes from a very small town in Southeast Georgia. She has been described as a spiritual counselor and healer who is known for opening the eyes of many skeptics. With confusion confronting us at every aspect of our lives, she is a breath of fresh air.
What I observed about Judy's work is that it is always done for others, selflessly, and without reservation. I would like for my interview to serve as an introduction to Judy and a better understanding of "spirit". She is in the process of writing several books. Her audio book, "Journey...The Quest of the Soul ©" was released in Scotland and is already being listened to around the world. She is a true professional from today's working industry and still found time to lecture and honor the special gift she has. My visit with Judy took place at her private home located in Georgia....
There is a lot of talk about "NDE's" and "out of body". Can you relate my experience during our "journey to the other side" to either of these?
"Not really! While there are some similarities, there is a very unique and special difference. If I may quote a friend of mine I think I can share a brief overview with you. After a similar experience, I asked a lady from Alabama to describe what her trip felt like. I believe the words I said were, "how would you describe this to someone who didn't know what you are talking about?" She described it to me as..."starting out very much like hypnosis and changing." As she said, " I don't know how it changed or when, but I saw and felt XXX (her son who had died recently). Her tears and emotions were very real and could only come from a deeply profound visit with a loved one who is in spirit."
As I have gotten to know more about your work, I have learned that you have an ability to heal and communicate with spirit. How did you acquire those gifts?
"First of all, let me stress the point that I do not heal, God does. It is true that there is a very special and unique energy that flows through me that has affected many people in many ways. That energy is a gift from God, a gift that places a responsibility and burden on me. That same energy also allows me to help others find their own way in their spiritual journey. My ability to communicate with spirit came with me at the time of my birth."
You told me that your spiritual knowledge does not come from books, where does it come from?
"Our most valuable knowledge comes from experience! My personal belief system tells me that I have lived more than one life. I believe that I have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge and growth from other lives. During our lifetime, we have good and bad experiences, these situations are the best teachers of knowledge. There are other places in another dimension where I have studied. What I learned, and the places I studied are too complicated to explain in so short a space. I do not read very many of the books that are available today because it complicates the knowledge that came with me at my birth. I believe there are some great books available today and encourage people to read anything that interests them. Books provide us with many different views and opinions and an opportunity to find our own truth."
Do you feel there is a greater movement in the search for spiritual growth today?
"Yes! History tells us that mankind has always had a desire to grow spiritually. It seems to me that the need is greater today because of the severity of many elements of our existence. By that, I mean that there seems to be more crime, illness, suffering and oppression in general. With that in mind, it is easy to understand why people are ready for answers. Because of the overall desperation in this world, it is also easy for me to understand why some people would allow themselves to be deceived."
Why do so many people seek you out and come to you for help?
"Two reasons immediately come to mind.. First of all they are hurting, secondly, they want to grow and find their own way. Within the confines of these two reasons is a multitude of needs that knows no barriers. It is not me particularly that the people seek, it is the answers that I can help them find."
Can you give me an example of what happens when you help someone change their life?
"Recently, while lecturing in St. Louis, there was a gentleman who expressed his complete dismay and distrust of anything he might hear that evening. The lecture lasted seven hours and at the end of the evening, he moved us all to tears as he explained how differently he felt. He said that his life had been changed by what he had learned during the lecture. I might have been the instrument that helped him on his way, the end result is that he wanted to change his life, and he did. Generally speaking, when a person reaches the state that will allow their life to change, the catalyst will be placed in their path. As a person's life begins to change, it will never be according to what I might think is best for them. It is always whatever their particular path dictates. Actually, that makes it a lot easier for me, I don't have the additional burden of knowing just what is best for each person."
The night that I participated in the group that made the "trip to the other side" I visited my father who had been dead twenty four years. Where and how did you learn to do this for people?
"Allow me to share a few things with you regarding this very special thing I call..."a trip to the other side..."
First of all, I call it that because I don't know a better way to describe just exactly what happens. During the process, each participant makes an extended out of body trip. This is always accomplished by the direction of, and with the full guidance of God. I never know exactly when the trip(s) will take place and who will be in attendance. I am always told when and where, and ultimately who will participate. From experience, I have learned that not everyone will have an overwhelming trip. Sometimes a person makes the journey as a preparation for something yet to come, with no special memories at the end of the event. During the experience, I am much like a pilot flying an airplane. It seems to be my task to help arrive and return safely and leave the special events to God.
The knowledge and understanding was given to me before my birth and has always been with me. I did not act on this until I became a mature adult and had achieved a level of responsibility that was in accordance with the task at hand. As an individual, this is not something I could do. I am not special, just obedient to our creator, the one I call God. It is a privilege for me to sit and listen to each person explain what happened to them. I cry and laugh with them and share in the joy of their discoveries. Knowing what I do." Interviewed by: S. Waldrop.
Is Ascension Beginning? - Part 3 and more... -
Is Ascension Beginning? -
And while we know that there is that aspect of humanity that expects to see things to believe in things, the changes that have been taking place are internal changes. The change is in the energies, the change is in your bodies, the change is in the chakras, the change from carbon to crystalline forms, the change in DNA, all of these are internal changes within each of you.
And yes, it is affecting the world and it is affecting the world in wonderful and wondrous ways however, the world is still a vision that is a mirror for you and so what you see in the world are those things that are continuing to be cleansed from the third dimensional world reality as you move and shift into the higher dimensions. And so, as it was discussed today, those things that you continue to be vexed by as humans, those things that are continuing to show up in your world, in the way of confrontations, wars, power struggles, all of those kinds of things. And while some would say they are being caused by the power mongers of the world, there is still responsibility that is to be taken by those of you who are still in existence on this planet because it is a mirroring effect.
What is the benefit of the changes that are happening? The benefit is that, as you continue to allow the cleansing to take place in your bodies, in your minds, in your spirits, in all of those things that you are, allows your light body to merge more and more with your physical body. That is to say that those things that are fully released as you continue to evolve are left behind fully and completely. And yes, it is like pulling layers off. You think you have accomplished growth at one stage and then, you have another layer of that to deal with. Then it pops up when you least expect it and that, sometimes, is challenging for those of you who think you’ve got your work done. And it is like, “Oh, no. Where did that come from?”
But more and more, the phenomenon that you discussed today about looking at your life as “past life” aspects is going to occur for you. And you will have no attachments to those things that you have done in the past. You may have looked back in the past at other times had great self-judgment, self-anger or a feeling of a loss of discipline. Those things are not holding on to you in the same way anymore. And, as you continue to move forward, you continue to release them more and more. That has been part of releasing friends, part of releasing relationships, part of releasing jobs, hobbies, activities, all of this is releasing so you can be in the moment and be in the experience as it is in this very time.
Do not be surprised as you continue to have the realization that these things are no longer a part of you. Will there be a moment of grieving now and then? Some of you will have a moment of grieving and that is absolutely appropriate. But the grieving means that you have dealt with it and you are ready to move forward as opposed to stuffing that energy down and not looking at it in a way that would be most appropriate. Crying, anger, all of those kinds of emotions are things that are not to be hidden or buried into your being. The more that you can shine the light in your life and look at things with love and compassion for yourself, the more you will be able to release them in ways that will be most positive for you.
And so, the world will continue to mirror back greater and greater amounts of light, harmony, balance, calmness, love, compassion as you continue to exhibit these things within your own life and within your own beings.
And while we know that there is that aspect of humanity that expects to see things to believe in things, the changes that have been taking place are internal changes. The change is in the energies, the change is in your bodies, the change is in the chakras, the change from carbon to crystalline forms, the change in DNA, all of these are internal changes within each of you.
And yes, it is affecting the world and it is affecting the world in wonderful and wondrous ways however, the world is still a vision that is a mirror for you and so what you see in the world are those things that are continuing to be cleansed from the third dimensional world reality as you move and shift into the higher dimensions. And so, as it was discussed today, those things that you continue to be vexed by as humans, those things that are continuing to show up in your world, in the way of confrontations, wars, power struggles, all of those kinds of things. And while some would say they are being caused by the power mongers of the world, there is still responsibility that is to be taken by those of you who are still in existence on this planet because it is a mirroring effect.
What is the benefit of the changes that are happening? The benefit is that, as you continue to allow the cleansing to take place in your bodies, in your minds, in your spirits, in all of those things that you are, allows your light body to merge more and more with your physical body. That is to say that those things that are fully released as you continue to evolve are left behind fully and completely. And yes, it is like pulling layers off. You think you have accomplished growth at one stage and then, you have another layer of that to deal with. Then it pops up when you least expect it and that, sometimes, is challenging for those of you who think you’ve got your work done. And it is like, “Oh, no. Where did that come from?”
But more and more, the phenomenon that you discussed today about looking at your life as “past life” aspects is going to occur for you. And you will have no attachments to those things that you have done in the past. You may have looked back in the past at other times had great self-judgment, self-anger or a feeling of a loss of discipline. Those things are not holding on to you in the same way anymore. And, as you continue to move forward, you continue to release them more and more. That has been part of releasing friends, part of releasing relationships, part of releasing jobs, hobbies, activities, all of this is releasing so you can be in the moment and be in the experience as it is in this very time.
Do not be surprised as you continue to have the realization that these things are no longer a part of you. Will there be a moment of grieving now and then? Some of you will have a moment of grieving and that is absolutely appropriate. But the grieving means that you have dealt with it and you are ready to move forward as opposed to stuffing that energy down and not looking at it in a way that would be most appropriate. Crying, anger, all of those kinds of emotions are things that are not to be hidden or buried into your being. The more that you can shine the light in your life and look at things with love and compassion for yourself, the more you will be able to release them in ways that will be most positive for you.
And so, the world will continue to mirror back greater and greater amounts of light, harmony, balance, calmness, love, compassion as you continue to exhibit these things within your own life and within your own beings.
Saul, on Eternal love by John Smallman
During those quiet times make and renew your intent to be Love in action in every moment. When you make that intent, and then hold it and demonstrate it, you are very effectively adding to the field of Love enveloping the world.
Love can be rejected or ignored, but It cannot be destroyed, eradicated, or overpowered because It is infinitely powerful, being All That Exists. As you make the intent allow the Love to wash over you and embrace you, feel It, and then forgive all who appear to be in opposition to It. Doing this is enormously powerful, it eases your stress and anxieties, and it truly does soften the hearts of those who seem most opposed to It, effectively wearing down their ill-advised resistance to It.
Of course many of you are already doing this, and some of you no doubt are feeling that it is having little if any effect. You could not be more wrong! Your loving intentions are changing the world and bringing all to awakening. Continue to do what you have been doing so well, and make a point of accessing your inner knowing which confirms your certainty that your awakening is imminent.
With so very much love, Saul.
Love can be rejected or ignored, but It cannot be destroyed, eradicated, or overpowered because It is infinitely powerful, being All That Exists. As you make the intent allow the Love to wash over you and embrace you, feel It, and then forgive all who appear to be in opposition to It. Doing this is enormously powerful, it eases your stress and anxieties, and it truly does soften the hearts of those who seem most opposed to It, effectively wearing down their ill-advised resistance to It.
Of course many of you are already doing this, and some of you no doubt are feeling that it is having little if any effect. You could not be more wrong! Your loving intentions are changing the world and bringing all to awakening. Continue to do what you have been doing so well, and make a point of accessing your inner knowing which confirms your certainty that your awakening is imminent.
With so very much love, Saul.
Why Should one meditate ...
Why should one meditate?
Meditation is a discipline that requires your focused attention and therefore you need to practice it seriously and regularly. Often you spend time sitting, intending to meditate, but other “important” stuff comes to mind distracting you. Then, suddenly, the quiet time that you had set aside has passed and you have to move on. But with practice you do become steadily more adept at disregarding the distractions that your ego tosses so enthusiastically into your quiet space. Persistence with your practice works, so persist, the odds of success are weighted heavily in your favor.
Guidance or answers from the spiritual realms are very softly “spoken,” gentle, unintrusive, so you do have to listen carefully and patiently, and that is very difficult for those of you brought up in the “high-powered, get it done” kinds of western culture where time is money and must not be wasted. As a result, you often respond with the first thought that comes to mind when dealing with a stressful or conflict-driven situation, and, as you have all doubtless experienced, it can frequently be the wrong one.
Meditation is not only an essential practice to allow you to gain access to your guides and receive answers from them on issues that concern you. It also trains you not to react too quickly, and possibly impulsively, in your daily lives when communicating with others, but instead to pause and make space for all the appropriate responses available to you to present themselves, putting you in a far better position to deal with whatever the situation demands.
So, yet again, I am stressing the importance of making “down time,” quiet time, uninterruptible time solely for yourself available to yourself daily. The stresses upon you have been increasing enormously as more and more of the deceit and corruption on which the world – the illusory world – turns is disclosed, demanding that you sit up and take notice.
Meditation is a discipline that requires your focused attention and therefore you need to practice it seriously and regularly. Often you spend time sitting, intending to meditate, but other “important” stuff comes to mind distracting you. Then, suddenly, the quiet time that you had set aside has passed and you have to move on. But with practice you do become steadily more adept at disregarding the distractions that your ego tosses so enthusiastically into your quiet space. Persistence with your practice works, so persist, the odds of success are weighted heavily in your favor.
Guidance or answers from the spiritual realms are very softly “spoken,” gentle, unintrusive, so you do have to listen carefully and patiently, and that is very difficult for those of you brought up in the “high-powered, get it done” kinds of western culture where time is money and must not be wasted. As a result, you often respond with the first thought that comes to mind when dealing with a stressful or conflict-driven situation, and, as you have all doubtless experienced, it can frequently be the wrong one.
Meditation is not only an essential practice to allow you to gain access to your guides and receive answers from them on issues that concern you. It also trains you not to react too quickly, and possibly impulsively, in your daily lives when communicating with others, but instead to pause and make space for all the appropriate responses available to you to present themselves, putting you in a far better position to deal with whatever the situation demands.
So, yet again, I am stressing the importance of making “down time,” quiet time, uninterruptible time solely for yourself available to yourself daily. The stresses upon you have been increasing enormously as more and more of the deceit and corruption on which the world – the illusory world – turns is disclosed, demanding that you sit up and take notice.
Monday, May 12, 2014
[New post] A history of Creation – part 7 - emdonelan@gmail.com - Gmail
[New post] A history of Creation – part 7 -
"Here you are, all ready and primed to take another sip from this fertile sea of energetic particles, ready and waiting to heed your call. For that is what this is all about, your willingness to step forth and create with all that you are and all that you are about to BECOME. For you have come a long way dear ones, but still, there is so much more to DO. And this time, we do not speak in terms of personal achievements, rather we speak of a collective surge of creative energy that is about to wash all over you. For you have only just begun to tap into this reservoir that you have been led to, and now the time for you all to really step into it has come upon you. We think you will find these next few weeks to be more than exhilarating, as you will all begin to SEE how your own endeavours come to life.
"Here you are, all ready and primed to take another sip from this fertile sea of energetic particles, ready and waiting to heed your call. For that is what this is all about, your willingness to step forth and create with all that you are and all that you are about to BECOME. For you have come a long way dear ones, but still, there is so much more to DO. And this time, we do not speak in terms of personal achievements, rather we speak of a collective surge of creative energy that is about to wash all over you. For you have only just begun to tap into this reservoir that you have been led to, and now the time for you all to really step into it has come upon you. We think you will find these next few weeks to be more than exhilarating, as you will all begin to SEE how your own endeavours come to life.
As we were saying, the time has come for you all to really step into this vast ocean of creative energy, all lying and waiting for you, ready to BECOME whatever it is that is needed for this wonderful world of yours to start to return to its roots. For its roots are deeply embedded in quite another sense of being than the one you have all been experiencing up until now, and the word that can best describe it, is paradisiacal. For paradise awaits you dear friends, but it will only come at your beck and call, and as such, the creative forces that are about to be unleashed are the ones that through you will engender it all. For as we have told you again and again, this is not done FOR you, but BY you, and now, the time to have fun creating it all is about to come upon you all. In fact, some of you have been busy creating the world of their dreams for quite some time already, but now, the amount of dreamscaping that will start is simply overwhelming. Again, what you create is not a random act, rather, it is one that has been carefully planned from the very beginning, and as such, you can just let loose and let go of any inhibitions that may follow in the footsteps of this grand assignment. For it is a grand assignment indeed, the grandest there is, and naturally, you will all feel some hesitation before you manage to commit yourself wholeheartedly to this mission. And that is only to be expected, for if there is one thing a human mind can comprehend, it is limitation, but now, as you start to tap into these freely moving lanes of creative forces, you will have no choice but to let go of any and all inhibitions that may still stand in your way.
Again, we remind you this does not mean that you will be free to create havoc for your own entertainment, that is not an option here, so you might as well dismiss those fears of destruction once and for all. No, when we say let go and let loose, we simply refer to the fact that you have all very clear instructions as to what your role in all of this is, and as such, all you have to do, is to give in to this overwhelming urge to CREATE. And, as you know already, this process is simply about letting your consciousness interact with that force field of possibility, the Source, the material that engenders matter at the insistence of YOU. And you are God, as we have said again and again, and even if mankind has a long history of burning people at the stake whenever anyone has been brave enough to claim this same fact, this time there will be no repercussions for doing the same thing. No, this time, you will be told to repeat this message as often as you can: ”I am GOD, and so are YOU.” For this is the hidden treasure that mankind has been left bereft of finding for eons, but this time, there will be no more locked doors or tricky passageways standing between you and this truth. For this time, you will become the true wonders that you really are. For you are US, and we are YOU, and now you will show the rest of Creation the way to the future by unleashing that truth upon yourselves, and upon everyone else."
With love, light and gratitude from me, Aisha
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Dana Zook: Recovering from Canada’s Holocaust « Golden Age of Gaia
Dana Zook: Recovering from Canada’s Holocaust « Golden Age of Gaia
I’m sharing this story as a third party because it’s significant in showing the Tsunami of Love embracing Gaia right now.
From March 28-31, 2014, my sister, Tamara Jo, attended the 4-day First Nations Justice Hearing in Edmonton Alberta; the final one of the four held across Canada, which was live-streamed to 40 countries world-wide.
Her late husband was a victim of a residential school and she knows many families from the reservation deeply affected by residential-school trauma. His brother, remembered only by a few elders, was a 5-year old boy, who was carried out of the school in the middle of the night; never to be seen again. He was one of countless thousands.
Many heart-rending stories came out at the hearing; children stripped of their names, birthdays and hair (the latter which is sacred in First Nations tradition). These are in addition to the horrific physical, emotional and sexual abuse that occurred to hundreds of thousands of children, many of whom never returned home to see their parents.
There were stories of the ghostly, silent villages stripped of their children; filled only with grief-stricken parents who were terrified by the threat of jail for resisting. There are memories of girls and nuns allegedly giving birth to babies that were buried alive; unmarked mass graves, and generally the near destruction of a beautiful spiritual race that has been deeply connected to Gaia.
It has remained a hidden part of our history that until now, has been silenced, denied and unspoken, even by those who experienced it. The tragedy also lies in the condemning judgements made against First Nations people in this country and throughout the world.
My sister is a very humble soul who also has a very open heart and spiritual eye. In spite of her pain and tears, throughout the conference, she was channeling divine light, offering deep prayers for the traumatized and murdered souls of the children and was constantly calling upon higher realms to help in the healing of all the souls and people.
With her spiritual eye open, she started to see little sparkles rise up from the thousands of people attending the hearing. She described them as initially like sparkles in the snow which changed to look like fireflies rising up. Many people described burning hands and feet, unbeknownst to them, the place attaching spirits often leave. Many of these lights had eyes that looked at her in gratitude and love because she could see them.
She saw the residential school her late husband attended and saw thousands of these fireflies rising up. She saw fragments of traumatized spirits coming back together in wholeness for their journey home.
As she wept in gratitude for the salvation of these souls, she began one by one, to see the same phenomenon in all the residential schools across Alberta (25 in total!), then across Canada… This quickly spread to the USA, Mexico, and then each country throughout the world. (Apparently Australia was significantly lit up!).
She also saw the lights of many earthbound spirits from accidents, suicides and wars. She saw them rise up in clusters throughout the waters/oceans. Throughout all of this, she described being in what seemed like a vortex tube where she became immersed in unity consciousness and transcended time and space. She saw the stunning beauty of our beloved Mother Earth lit up with healing, freedom and joy of millions of souls going home.
For the closing ceremonies, many people, including prominent politicians, were moved to tears and many hearts were opened. During this, she saw a massive spiritual teepee of light over the conference and white milky-like spiritual energy pouring through the top onto everyone which, she realized was Divine Mother’s milk nurturing her children.
At the end, a sacred fire was lit and all the Kleenex with everyone’s tears from the last four days, were burned to ash. Tamara Jo called upon Lady Quan Yin to place a pearl of compassion into each of the hearts of all attending and anyone they subsequently come across. In addition, with the help of angels, she symbolically placed an ember from the sacred fire into each heart. She saw the trails of light from all the people going back to their communities and touching the hearts of whomever they came close to.
She’d extremely humbled and honored to have been used this way and has absolutely no ego about it. In response to her service, she has received miracles following this whole event. I have strongly encouraged her to write about this since she is a bright, articulate and excellent storyteller. However, she is struggling with many issues, including her health and it’s too much for her right now.
I feel that this has been a profound shift in many realms and my hope is that in sharing this, it may help many people who’ve be struggling with faith and hope or change towards the materialization of Nova Earth.
Thank you for joining your heart of love in oneness for a beautiful beginning of our new world…
In Love and gratitude,
Dana Zook
Dana Zook: Recovering from Canada’s Holocaust

From March 28-31, 2014, my sister, Tamara Jo, attended the 4-day First Nations Justice Hearing in Edmonton Alberta; the final one of the four held across Canada, which was live-streamed to 40 countries world-wide.
Her late husband was a victim of a residential school and she knows many families from the reservation deeply affected by residential-school trauma. His brother, remembered only by a few elders, was a 5-year old boy, who was carried out of the school in the middle of the night; never to be seen again. He was one of countless thousands.
Many heart-rending stories came out at the hearing; children stripped of their names, birthdays and hair (the latter which is sacred in First Nations tradition). These are in addition to the horrific physical, emotional and sexual abuse that occurred to hundreds of thousands of children, many of whom never returned home to see their parents.
There were stories of the ghostly, silent villages stripped of their children; filled only with grief-stricken parents who were terrified by the threat of jail for resisting. There are memories of girls and nuns allegedly giving birth to babies that were buried alive; unmarked mass graves, and generally the near destruction of a beautiful spiritual race that has been deeply connected to Gaia.
It has remained a hidden part of our history that until now, has been silenced, denied and unspoken, even by those who experienced it. The tragedy also lies in the condemning judgements made against First Nations people in this country and throughout the world.
My sister is a very humble soul who also has a very open heart and spiritual eye. In spite of her pain and tears, throughout the conference, she was channeling divine light, offering deep prayers for the traumatized and murdered souls of the children and was constantly calling upon higher realms to help in the healing of all the souls and people.
With her spiritual eye open, she started to see little sparkles rise up from the thousands of people attending the hearing. She described them as initially like sparkles in the snow which changed to look like fireflies rising up. Many people described burning hands and feet, unbeknownst to them, the place attaching spirits often leave. Many of these lights had eyes that looked at her in gratitude and love because she could see them.
She saw the residential school her late husband attended and saw thousands of these fireflies rising up. She saw fragments of traumatized spirits coming back together in wholeness for their journey home.
As she wept in gratitude for the salvation of these souls, she began one by one, to see the same phenomenon in all the residential schools across Alberta (25 in total!), then across Canada… This quickly spread to the USA, Mexico, and then each country throughout the world. (Apparently Australia was significantly lit up!).
She also saw the lights of many earthbound spirits from accidents, suicides and wars. She saw them rise up in clusters throughout the waters/oceans. Throughout all of this, she described being in what seemed like a vortex tube where she became immersed in unity consciousness and transcended time and space. She saw the stunning beauty of our beloved Mother Earth lit up with healing, freedom and joy of millions of souls going home.
For the closing ceremonies, many people, including prominent politicians, were moved to tears and many hearts were opened. During this, she saw a massive spiritual teepee of light over the conference and white milky-like spiritual energy pouring through the top onto everyone which, she realized was Divine Mother’s milk nurturing her children.
At the end, a sacred fire was lit and all the Kleenex with everyone’s tears from the last four days, were burned to ash. Tamara Jo called upon Lady Quan Yin to place a pearl of compassion into each of the hearts of all attending and anyone they subsequently come across. In addition, with the help of angels, she symbolically placed an ember from the sacred fire into each heart. She saw the trails of light from all the people going back to their communities and touching the hearts of whomever they came close to.
She’d extremely humbled and honored to have been used this way and has absolutely no ego about it. In response to her service, she has received miracles following this whole event. I have strongly encouraged her to write about this since she is a bright, articulate and excellent storyteller. However, she is struggling with many issues, including her health and it’s too much for her right now.
I feel that this has been a profound shift in many realms and my hope is that in sharing this, it may help many people who’ve be struggling with faith and hope or change towards the materialization of Nova Earth.
Thank you for joining your heart of love in oneness for a beautiful beginning of our new world…
In Love and gratitude,
Dana Zook
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Finding Places of Power: Dowsing Earth Energies . . . this info will help with our understanding of Ley Lines :) ~J | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?
Finding Places of Power: Dowsing Earth Energies . . . this info will help with our understanding of Ley Lines :) ~J | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?
In the late seventies, I belonged to a group called the New England Antiquities Research Association (NEARA), which studies the historic and prehistoric past of New England. There are many interesting stone and earth monuments all over New England that NEARA helps locate, preserve and study.
One summer day, I drove to the top of a mountain in central Vermont. At the top, I parked and started walking around. I get a certain feeling at power centers and I was picking up on this feeling as I found a standing stone and a recumbent stone with Iberian Ogam inscriptions believed to have been written by European Celts 3000 years ago. So much for Columbus “discovering” America. At the center of this cosmic place is a beautifully preserved underground chamber called Calendar II because it is oriented to the midwinter sunrise. If you sit inside the chamber and look out the entranceway on the morning of the winter solstice, December 21, the sun will rise in the center of the entrance. Analysis by archeoastronomer Byron Dix shows that the chamber was also used in lunar observations and eclipse prediction. This is only one of many such sites found all over New England.
This chamber, like most other such chambers, is located over an underground water spring and a ley-line power center. As I entered the chamber, I felt a palatable presence in the air, an increase in energy density, an intensity of experience. It came to me that this chamber was specially designed to evoke these kinds of feelings and experiences. The overhead lintel stones weigh approximately three tons each. I couldn’t stay in the chamber for more than five minutes. The “volume” of the energy in this place was too high for my tastes and sensitivity.
In the late seventies, I belonged to a group called the New England Antiquities Research Association (NEARA), which studies the historic and prehistoric past of New England. There are many interesting stone and earth monuments all over New England that NEARA helps locate, preserve and study.
One summer day, I drove to the top of a mountain in central Vermont. At the top, I parked and started walking around. I get a certain feeling at power centers and I was picking up on this feeling as I found a standing stone and a recumbent stone with Iberian Ogam inscriptions believed to have been written by European Celts 3000 years ago. So much for Columbus “discovering” America. At the center of this cosmic place is a beautifully preserved underground chamber called Calendar II because it is oriented to the midwinter sunrise. If you sit inside the chamber and look out the entranceway on the morning of the winter solstice, December 21, the sun will rise in the center of the entrance. Analysis by archeoastronomer Byron Dix shows that the chamber was also used in lunar observations and eclipse prediction. This is only one of many such sites found all over New England.
This chamber, like most other such chambers, is located over an underground water spring and a ley-line power center. As I entered the chamber, I felt a palatable presence in the air, an increase in energy density, an intensity of experience. It came to me that this chamber was specially designed to evoke these kinds of feelings and experiences. The overhead lintel stones weigh approximately three tons each. I couldn’t stay in the chamber for more than five minutes. The “volume” of the energy in this place was too high for my tastes and sensitivity.
Secret Language of the Universe: How Your Beliefs Shape Your Reality
Secret Language of the Universe: How Your Beliefs Shape Your Reality
HJ: Every single thing you encounter on your journey through life is highly significant. Every moment contains the potential for awakening. Life is a feedback loop, a cosmic mirror if you will, constantly reflecting back to you the contents of your own heart and mind.
A book I have been reading made the analogy that the mind is like an oven. Whatever you put in an oven is baked. You can put a cake in or a shoe in and the oven will do the exact same thing — bake. The mind works the same way. It brings into your life whatever it is you hold in it. If you fill it with doubt, confusion and limiting beliefs, well then you will get a life that reflects those things and everyone you encounter will reflect them back to you because they will influence everything you say, think and do.
On the other hand, if you hold the thought or vibration of love, abundance and peace, that is what you will experience in the circumstances in your life and will find people reflecting back to you time and time again.
Therefore, you meet yourself time and time again in a thousand disguises on the path of life. When you realize this, you gain a mirror into your mind and soul that allows you to grow and evolve your consciousness at incredible speeds.
This is the path to freedom. This is the path to awakening. This is the path to deep, lasting peace that is totally within your reach in every moment.
Remember, the Buddha awakened in an instant. You have the exact same potential within you.
- See more at: http://www.thehealersjournal.com/2014/03/07/change-your-beliefs-shape-your-reality/#sthash.C6ezhdwj.okRqxsMx.dpuf
HJ: Every single thing you encounter on your journey through life is highly significant. Every moment contains the potential for awakening. Life is a feedback loop, a cosmic mirror if you will, constantly reflecting back to you the contents of your own heart and mind.
A book I have been reading made the analogy that the mind is like an oven. Whatever you put in an oven is baked. You can put a cake in or a shoe in and the oven will do the exact same thing — bake. The mind works the same way. It brings into your life whatever it is you hold in it. If you fill it with doubt, confusion and limiting beliefs, well then you will get a life that reflects those things and everyone you encounter will reflect them back to you because they will influence everything you say, think and do.
On the other hand, if you hold the thought or vibration of love, abundance and peace, that is what you will experience in the circumstances in your life and will find people reflecting back to you time and time again.
Therefore, you meet yourself time and time again in a thousand disguises on the path of life. When you realize this, you gain a mirror into your mind and soul that allows you to grow and evolve your consciousness at incredible speeds.
This is the path to freedom. This is the path to awakening. This is the path to deep, lasting peace that is totally within your reach in every moment.
Remember, the Buddha awakened in an instant. You have the exact same potential within you.
- See more at: http://www.thehealersjournal.com/2014/03/07/change-your-beliefs-shape-your-reality/#sthash.C6ezhdwj.okRqxsMx.dpuf
Thursday, March 6, 2014
The GREAT AWAKENING The Point of Awakening the Great Peace
The Peace Gateways Grids Diagrams given to Joe Crane, Divined by GWHardin
The Peace Gateways Grids Diagrams given to Joe Crane, Divined by GWHardin
The GREAT AWAKENING The Point of Choosing for Our World |
brought to you by LIFT UP THE WORLD ... ONE BLESSING AT A TIME a new multi-card by G.W. Hardin |
Angelic Awakening ... Stepping into the Great Awakening ... Angelic Visits on these topics angelic teleconference audio 222 hz tone 333 hz tone 444 hz tone angelic events & geometry angel photos at Yellowstone & Switzerland |
THE NEW GRIDS for the Vibrations of Peace and the Light of Truth that Leads to Wisdom |
The Halls of Healing and Enlightenment and the Grids In the last visit of September 8, Michael showed Joe a series of grids that interconnected and interrelated forming what some of us consider to be the “fabric of the universe,” a term the angels originally coined. Since then, a series of meetings between Jewls, Iris, Colleen, Michael Baumann, and myself, has discerned the purpose and meaning of these grids. As we continue with the worldwide transformation in what I call the “Angelic Awakening” (www.gwhardin.com), these grids will play a growing importance in how we fashion a new kind of world. Grid 1: In 1998, Michael appeared to Joe to describe seven points around North America that the angel called the Halls of Healing and Elightenment. These Halls were to be established by the Gatekeepers (Missoula, MT; Denver/Boulder, CO; Santa Fe/Taos, NM; San Antonio; Knoxville, TN; Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN, and St. Louis). It’s been a while since we’ve spoken about the Gatekeepers among the Sevens, but it is time to bring the Gatekeepers on board once again. Many of you were not aware that at the Yellowstone event, Gatekeepers were positioned in the middle of the 8 circles that made up the outside area of the Shekinah formation in the west. There was a reason why, and that reason will unfold further in this message. We did not know at the time, but the Halls of Healing and Enlightenment form a circle with a center. That center is connected to St. Louis and Kansas City. St. Louis is called the “Gateway to the West” where the giant Peace Arch was built. Interesting that the new vibrations of Peace will spread through the the three grid systems through this center of the two cities in Missouri. Grid 2: The Eden Events were to circumscribe the boundaries of the New Eden. If one draws lines from each of the locations to its opposite location, a pattern develops right on top of the seven Halls of Healing and Enlightenment, also centered between Kansas City and St. Louis. If one assumes that Virginia Beach, Virginia (or nearby), is the next Eden Event, then the 8th Eden Event would most likely be in the Portland/Roseburg region to keep the geometry of the Eden boundaries recognizable. The last event (2011) would most likely be in the Kansas City region where all three grids center. Grid 3: A new geometric mathematics has developed from a scientist named Marko Rodin. His Rodin coil is a breakthrough in quantum laws, along with a mathematician named Garrett Lisi who has created a new Theory of Everything based on geometry. The geometry of both, it turns out, have embedded within them the angelic merkaba and the Cube of Metatron. Thus, we discovered, the third grid that Michael showed Joe is based upon a form of waves called scalar waves, and specifically soliton waves. The Metatron geometry and the ninth seal are based upon this soliton concept which, in this case, eminates from a circular wave that goes out across the planet. The 3 grids: When you place the three grids together, three areas pop out: Austin/San Antonio, Northern Idaho, and Eastern Connecticut. Oddly enough, this matches up with the three names that Michael gave Joe: Iris, Colleen, and Jewls. These three have agreed to create grid anchors using sacred geometric figures based upon the angelic merkaba and the geometry of the Rodin coil. The Sandpoint anchor will connect two Halls of Healing and Enlightenment along with the Metatron grid. The same will occur with the Mystic, Connecticut, anchor. The Austin anchor will anchor these two grids along with the Eden grids, thus completing the ability of the Sevens to send forth the ever growing vibrations of Peace as the New Eden emerges. The circle inside the Metatron geometry (grid) touches the intersecting points of the Eden Events in the west and the center of the Halls of Healing at St. Louis in the east. When all the grids fire up together, a soliton wave of grace will cover the earth repeatedly, sweeping the vibrations of Peace and the Light of Truth across a new Earth, connected to a new Heaven. I want to encourage all of you to support Iris, Colleen, and Jewls in this effort as the anchors are put in place and the remaining Eden Events complete the boundaries of the New Eden. The ability of using soliton waves with conscious intent will allow the Gatekeepers of the world to bring forth the fullness of the Halls of Healing and Enlightenment. The time is now to for this to move to the next level. At this time, I call the Gatekeepers forward as Michael indicated in bringing the grids forward for the world. from my heart to yours, GW |
Finding Places of Power: Dowsing Earth Energies . . . this info will help with our understanding of Ley Lines :) ~J | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?
Finding Places of Power: Dowsing Earth Energies . . . this info will help with our understanding of Ley Lines :) ~J | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?
Because our physical and psychological apparatus is designed to
satisfy our desires, they realize their potential only to the extent we
utilize them.
Divining is a close synonym of dowsing and gets to the root of what dowsing is all about. Divining comes from the word divinus meaning
“of, or by, or for a god, the gods, also inspired by them.” Hence,
divining is a spiritual practice — the success of which rests on a
divine state of mind.
Dowsing is simply a natural tool that enables you to amplify what you
are already perceiving, but simply have not bothered to pay attention
to before. It is a handle on the abstract world of feeling, intuition
and the sacred.
Dowsing is a very important technique for anyone working with sacred or haunted spaces. Dowsing can be used to:
Because our physical and psychological apparatus is designed to
satisfy our desires, they realize their potential only to the extent we
utilize them.
Divining is a close synonym of dowsing and gets to the root of what dowsing is all about. Divining comes from the word divinus meaning
“of, or by, or for a god, the gods, also inspired by them.” Hence,
divining is a spiritual practice — the success of which rests on a
divine state of mind.
Dowsing is simply a natural tool that enables you to amplify what you
are already perceiving, but simply have not bothered to pay attention
to before. It is a handle on the abstract world of feeling, intuition
and the sacred.
Dowsing is a very important technique for anyone working with sacred or haunted spaces. Dowsing can be used to:
- Locate underground water lines and springs. The direction of flow,
depth and quantity of flow (gallons per minute) can also be ascertained. - Locate ley lines and their direction of flow.
- Find power centers, places where the Earth’s field alters human consciousness.
- Determine if a water line or ley line is having a negative effect on the health of the people living or working above the line.
- Communicate with and receive guidance from Devas and Angels.
- Map underground earth energies in order to design and build sacred spaces.
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Sunday, March 2, 2014
Thursday, February 27, 2014
We have the Power-science proves - emdonelan@gmail.com - Gmail
We have the Power-science proves - from Big Picture blog

We Have The Power
Despite appearances, we have the power. Free
will is the ultimate law in this universe and when a critical mass of
people makes a decision for the planetary liberation and insists long
enough, that liberation inevitably comes. This is the highest natural
law and the Cabal will have to obey it, willingly or unwillingly, and
release the surface of this planet to humanity.
will is the ultimate law in this universe and when a critical mass of
people makes a decision for the planetary liberation and insists long
enough, that liberation inevitably comes. This is the highest natural
law and the Cabal will have to obey it, willingly or unwillingly, and
release the surface of this planet to humanity.
When a critical mass of human beings gathers
with a focused intent, it can have a drastic effect on the planetary
situation. The critical mass for humanity fluctuates somewhere between
100,000 and 150,000 people.
with a focused intent, it can have a drastic effect on the planetary
situation. The critical mass for humanity fluctuates somewhere between
100,000 and 150,000 people.
We have managed to gather about one quarter
million participants for the Peace Portal Activation on August 25th,
2013 and we have managed to avert the possible military invasion into
million participants for the Peace Portal Activation on August 25th,
2013 and we have managed to avert the possible military invasion into
Global Consciousness Project, directed by
Roger Nelson from Princeton University, studies the effect of
synchronized human consciousness at events of planetary importance, on
random number generators. The project does not measure if the effect is
positive or negative, it registers only a deviation from statistically
expected results:
Roger Nelson from Princeton University, studies the effect of
synchronized human consciousness at events of planetary importance, on
random number generators. The project does not measure if the effect is
positive or negative, it registers only a deviation from statistically
expected results:
project has proven beyond reasonable doubt (the odds against chance are
more than a trillion to one) that unified human consciousness does have
an effect that is far from random:
project has proven beyond reasonable doubt (the odds against chance are
more than a trillion to one) that unified human consciousness does have
an effect that is far from random:
project has found out that Peace Portal Activation (p=0.027) has
affected global consciousness more than any event since beginning of
2013, except for Nelson Mandela's »death« in December last year
(p=0.013). It had more effect than resignation of the former Pope
(p=0.087), election of the current Pope (p=0.186), Boston false flag
event (p=0.765) and Sochi Olympics (p=0.202)! And about the same effect
as the 9-11 false flag event in 2001 (p=0.031):
project has found out that Peace Portal Activation (p=0.027) has
affected global consciousness more than any event since beginning of
2013, except for Nelson Mandela's »death« in December last year
(p=0.013). It had more effect than resignation of the former Pope
(p=0.087), election of the current Pope (p=0.186), Boston false flag
event (p=0.765) and Sochi Olympics (p=0.202)! And about the same effect
as the 9-11 false flag event in 2001 (p=0.031):
p represents probability that a certain event generated its effects by
chance. It is a fairly good measure of a global coherence of
consciousness on the surface of the planet. The lower the number, the
more powerful the coherence of consciousness is.
p represents probability that a certain event generated its effects by
chance. It is a fairly good measure of a global coherence of
consciousness on the surface of the planet. The lower the number, the
more powerful the coherence of consciousness is.
Aion Portal Activation on November 23rd, 2013
has also reached the critical mass and a tangible result was the Iran
peace agreement just a few hours after the activation. The effect of the
Aion Portal Activation on the human consciousness is measured here:
has also reached the critical mass and a tangible result was the Iran
peace agreement just a few hours after the activation. The effect of the
Aion Portal Activation on the human consciousness is measured here:
We can influence the coherence of
consciousness on the planet everyday, not only at portal activations.
Exposing truth through the alternative media and mass protests, if they
persist long enough, are the most effective ways to achieve that
coherence. When the critical mass of truth will be exposed through
alternative media, it will trigger a chain reaction of the planetary
awakening which will be synchronized with the Event through the Galactic
consciousness on the planet everyday, not only at portal activations.
Exposing truth through the alternative media and mass protests, if they
persist long enough, are the most effective ways to achieve that
coherence. When the critical mass of truth will be exposed through
alternative media, it will trigger a chain reaction of the planetary
awakening which will be synchronized with the Event through the Galactic
Galactic Central Sun is the source of our free will and of course the
Cabal can not stop the Galactic Central Sun! Nor can they stop the
cosmic wave of Light which accelerates the key breakthroughs in
evolution to happen faster and faster, converging into a mega
breakthrough point in our near future:
Galactic Central Sun is the source of our free will and of course the
Cabal can not stop the Galactic Central Sun! Nor can they stop the
cosmic wave of Light which accelerates the key breakthroughs in
evolution to happen faster and faster, converging into a mega
breakthrough point in our near future:
We are far more powerful than it sometimes appears:
Despite the mainstream media blackout, mass
protests have reached the United States (the country with the strongest
Cabal control) and this is a very good sign that we are close to the
protests have reached the United States (the country with the strongest
Cabal control) and this is a very good sign that we are close to the
When this realization penetrates through the masses, it will help co-create the Event.
The other crucial factor is the fact that the Fed does not have the gold:
People are beginning to realize the fact that gold is gone:
when this realization penetrates through the masses, it will help
co-create the Event and the Reset of the financial system as the
critical mass of trust in the fiat system will be gone.
when this realization penetrates through the masses, it will help
co-create the Event and the Reset of the financial system as the
critical mass of trust in the fiat system will be gone.
The Cabal has made some desperate moves
lately, like »suiciding« the bankers and manipulating color revolutions
in Ukraine and Venezuela by Jesuit-backed Blackwater/Xe/Academi snipers
and their Muslim Brotherhood cohorts killing people and inciting
lately, like »suiciding« the bankers and manipulating color revolutions
in Ukraine and Venezuela by Jesuit-backed Blackwater/Xe/Academi snipers
and their Muslim Brotherhood cohorts killing people and inciting
It is good to note that the same Muslim
Brotherhood propaganda pamphlets that were handed out in Egypt were also
given to Ukrainian protesters:
Brotherhood propaganda pamphlets that were handed out in Egypt were also
given to Ukrainian protesters:
We are entering a very interesting period in a
few days. Let me conclude by making a hint that mass arrest scenario is
not the only aspect of the plan to remove the Cabal from power.
few days. Let me conclude by making a hint that mass arrest scenario is
not the only aspect of the plan to remove the Cabal from power.
Victory of the Light is near!

Mary Stavrou |
| 9:12 AM ( |
Kryon Synchronicity - emdonelan@gmail.com - Gmail
Kryon Synchronicity - emdonelan@gmail.com - Gmail
Of all the various Channeled messages out there, I will admit that
Kryon is one of the few that I generally find contains information that I
resonate with. You can read information about the 7 times that Kryon
has been invited to the United Nations buildings in New York to deliver
messages to the S.E.A.T. Council, UN staff and Delegates and Guests HERE
http://www.kryon.com/CHAN% 202013/k_channel13_ synchronicity.html
dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Once again my partner steps
aside. We've described channelling before as a process that honors the
Human Being. It uses a multidimensional, biological portal called the
pineal, and it allows that which is the creative source inside you to
expand. This is channelling. Channelling is available to humanity and
always has been. In this new energy, however, it is available for very
new information, new thought, and new processes that are coming your way
we begin the message or anything that is going to be taught, I wish to
ask a question: Is it possible that there is an intelligent source in
your Universe, in your galaxy, that has helped put together what you
see here today? Is it possible that there is a plan that is benevolent
for the Human Being because the Human is part of that creative source? * ETERNAL ESSENCE*
Is it possible that you are never alone? Is it possible that the
family is a little different than you think? Maybe it's even larger
than you think? Is it possible that the entire message I'm about to
give you is accurate, true, and real and from a source that is outside
of your body and outside of your reality?
took my partner [Lee] a long time to understand that there is no trick
here. It took him a long time because the mind-created "reality" box
he came out of demanded it would have to be false and there would be
negative consequences for what he is doing. "God doesn't talk to Humans this way," many said. "It's a trick from the darkness of the planet and it wishes to invade and capture your soul," many said. However,
he learned quickly that every single time he opened his pineal, it
became the portal for the love of God. That's all he received at first.
It was pure - the purest thing he has ever experienced - and it was
consistent, always the same. It never tainted itself, never biased
itself, and never told a Human to do anything out of integrity. It was
always congratulatory, benevolent, and represented the real spiritual
family. It never changed in 23 years.
the way it should be, dear ones, and if you need some kind of proof
that this is real, maybe, just maybe, you might open that part of your
heart that you have the ability to open and make a statement, "I would like to feel something. I would like some validation within my cells that this is correct and true." * "What do I know?" * That
is when you might begin then to feel the chills that you can only
receive when you know the truth is being revealed. The truth is simple: I
know you; I know your many lives; I know what you're going through,
old soul. You are known to me. I see you now. *
I AM I. I am ONE. The chills (or whatever physical manifestation you
perceive) of true inner resonance with your heart that tells you the
greater truth of what is real and true.
have done so much together, yet you have never seen my face or my real
name. I'm with you all the time, within the entourage that you can
count into the trillions. We are with you in the hardest times you've
had, through the tears, through the sorrow and, yes, also when
celebrating those moments you choose to toast in victory. Sometimes
that victory is health and sometimes it is solutions over problems
you've carried for a lifetime. We know who you are. You're never alone.
The System
is a system that my partner has taught in these meetings for years.
It's a system we have mentioned in countless messages, and we've never
really dedicated an entire channel to it in the way we are doing today.
This is a system that most of you don't even know how to use, yet some
of you use it all the time. You just don't know when you're using it,
since it's not intuitive to what you have learned.
This message is going to be about the way synchronicity works, * Following the energetic trail*
and we'll sub-title it, "The Demise of the Bell-shaped Curve"! [Kryon
laugh] When something happens to you that is good, your friends around
you may say, "What a lucky person you are! What are the chances that this would happen to you?"
When you go into a difficult situation, something that is common to
humanity like surgery, and you come out with results that are positive
beyond expectations, your friends may again exclaim, "What a lucky person you are!" Then somehow you continue to be "lucky" over and over.
you go someplace and you accidentally meet just the right person who
knows someone else who has just the right information that you were
looking for. This leads you to end up with exactly what you wanted. What
are the chances of this? Your friends are amazed! "What an incredibly lucky person you are!"
That's all a Human can say, since there simply is no other explanation
in their reality. The idea that you might actually be bending the
bell-shaped curve of average and, by chance, using an available system
will never occur to them.
do not see the structure of synchronicity. It is not part of any kind
of system that they use. They believe it is simply chance. The only
structure that is used is goal setting, planning, and forward-looking
systems. Only through these does the Human believe they can help control
their lives. Indeed, this is the only way a Human can achieve things
in a linear fashion so that
they will arrive at a pre-set goal. In this linear system, no matter
what kind of process you have studied that will get you from A to B,
there must be a goal. Some of you take those goals and you will paste
them to the refrigerator so you'll see it every day. This is a linear
process for a linear Human Being and is well known.
What if I told you that there is a process that is not linear and has only conceptual goals? A conceptual goal is one that says, "Dear God, *Jehovah, Allah, Buddha, Shiva, Source, Universe, ONE*
put me in the right place even though I don't know where it is. Dear
God, when you do it, make it comfortable for me and help me to see the
sense of it. Make it easy and bring me the right situations and
synchronicities to put me in this place I don't know about." How about that? *Letting
go of expectations and programming, letting go of the clutching and
grabbing onto the set in stone "rules" of HOW it MUST be- preplanned,
preordained, fully structured within the boundaries of what is
allowed/condoned/acceptable/ able to exist *
If you told that statement to someone off the street, they would say, "You must be New Age!" They
see you as silly and floating around without a goal, hoping the
Universe will somehow show you the way. They laugh. But the Human who
begins to use synchronicity as their life's path is simply changing the
box of belief to include something that is available to all but is not
in 3D. In fact, some of you have been using this process a very long time, but you're just not aware of it.
The Truth About the Power of Synchronicity
today's channelling is about the power of synchronicity and the truth
about it. Now you know what it is, so we will discuss where it comes
from, who is involved in it, and what you can do to help make it happen
for you. The Human Being creates synchronicity with intent and belief. *INTENT, THE WILL AND THE WORD * That is how it starts.
this next item comes from my partner, who loves to talk about the
Parking Angel. [Laughter] This is the example he uses, so we'll do the
same thing. Many Lightworkers like to use that which they conceive as a
special angel who has powers to overlook a giant parking lot to see who
is pulling out and where it's taking place. The idea is that the Human
will then ask the parking angel to help guide the car to find a good
parking place. Now, this is not forward planning, is it? It is a
different concept, a concept that has you placing yourself or an angel
that becomes your eyes, far above the parking lot to see the parameters
of the entire lot and what is going on. If that were possible, then in
3D you could direct your automobile to arrive when someone is pulling
out, and it works! It actually works. Over and over, it works. It works
because this is the definition of synchronicity. There is no planning
ahead, but rather a concept that you assign and believe in that requires
an overview of a situation that you cannot work out in 3D. Most people
just circle within the lot, expecting chance.
Now, I cannot close this parking angel discussion without giving you the rest of the story that my partner demands I give you. There is no such thing as the parking angel! It's you, assigning your power to a mythological creature that stands on your car with a P on its chest. [Laughter]
are very good at this. They don't believe they can do it, but they
believe angelic powers can do it. Therefore, they assign their power
away to a higher entity. However, it's you doing it, dear one! It's you
finding that parking place, but you just don't believe it. * ALL is ONE- There is no hierarchy *
let us put that entire example in a larger capacity, which is the
scale of life and living. Here you find yourself in a situation where
you wish to move forward in an area you don't know about. All you want
to do is park. Parking is a metaphor for putting the vehicle of a
Human Being in a place that is appropriate for your life, wherever that
would be. It gets you there so that you can then move on with what you came for. That is the metaphor.
Humans have an idea where that would be. It's normal for you to build goals and expectations. Humans say, "I want to write a book; I want to create a healing center; I have this, I want to have that."
It is absolutely normal. So the next question I have to ask you is
this: Are you OK if what you receive is not what you imagine? Is it OK
if it's better? Is it OK if it matches the Akash you came for or the
talents you have that perhaps you are not even aware of? That's the
first step, to have the intent to create synchronicity in your life to
bring you to a place that matches an invisible ability.
When you used the parking angel, did you specify the place for your car? No. You said, "Anywhere!" So the goal was conceptual, not specific. This is what it is all about.
How It Works in 3D
how synchronicity works: You come to a meeting like this and you meet
somebody for the first time. Perhaps you meet them in a place in the
back or in the hallway. You get to talking and you find out that you
have common interests. Often they have information you need or you have
something they need, and you both leave with a connection you didn't
expect. Then the connection leads to something else, for they know
people that you don't know and vice versa. Later, you might call them or
meet with them. Then, outside of what you originally thought about,
you might find yourself working in an area you didn't expect to work
in, which fulfills a lot of the things that you originally wanted. *
I have spoken of this quite often in the past year. Asking yourself
"What do I know?" and then LISTENING and WATCHING for the answer- not
limiting the source of the answer you want to receive...... from a
book, movie, song, story your child tells you, the words of a stranger
at the park, the billboard at the mall..... LISTEN AND WATCH and the
answer is ALWAYS ALL WAYS there- but first you much open your ears and
eyes and hearts to SEE it. *
you arrive with no expectation at all, but you meet a partner of your
life! This happens over and over to many, because they decide to come
to where family is. Over and over, Human Beings have resigned
themselves to being alone in life. Then they'll come to a meeting of
like minds and they'll find somebody that fits them. Life changes, and
there is sometimes romance and synchronicity. You didn't plan it! Do
you see the difference? *Sometimes you meet
the family of your life, the family (soul family?) that is not brought
together through blood and genetics, but through heart and soul- inner
resonance of meeting a person/people with which you are free to BE you,
to DO what you BE, with full acceptance and love*
Human who steps out of the door on the way to this meeting does what?
He shows up and has a great time, but all the while, he/she is open to
synchronicity. "Dear Spirit, if I'm supposed to meet somebody, then let me have the signals within my intuition to at least look for it." Do you see the difference here? Synchronicity is planning for concepts that you cannot define. *This
has been driven home to me several times over the past few months in
Morocco- needing something, setting the intent, then literally meeting
someone within hours who not only can answer the question, but is of
greater help than anticipated to begin with*
am sitting in a room of old souls and at least a quarter of you know
exactly what I'm talking about. You're here because of it; somebody
showed you something that perhaps made you look at things differently.
It didn't give you a doctrine, did it? It only made you look. Can you
put a price on that? It made you look into a place that showed you that
you are divinely built, and perhaps biology has something more in it,
something called innate. Innate is body intelligence and knows
who you are. It works with the Human Being whenever asked. It is a
consciousness within a consciousness, and it hooks you up with
synchronicity. It does it way beyond the laws of average and way beyond
the bell-shaped curve. So I just gave you the scenario that can happen
over and over in meetings like this, in small gatherings, and in large
gatherings. Now, let us talk about how it works. These are things that
we have seldom discussed and never within a channelling like this. But
first, we've got to talk about the majesty of the Human Being.
wasn't that long ago that we gave you a channelling called the nine
energies of the Human Being. It's what I want my partner to begin
teaching soon. It's esoteric, it's complex, and it's time. There are
conceptual parts of these nine attributes that go beyond what the Human
Being is used to hearing and here is one of them.
The Human is Part of the Creative Source of the Universe
If it's true, dear one, that
you are a part of the creative source, do you then logically
understand that your soul is enormous and that only a piece of it is
inside your 3D biology? If
all of this energy was in your body, you'd vanish! You'd turn into
light itself with more power than all the masters of humanity. You'd
have that which Elijah experienced as the only Human to ever ascend
while another watched and recorded it. According to the account, Elijah
vaporized because the power of God cannot live in the Human Being at
full strength. * This is one of the few
things in this message that I disagree with- though it might only be a
disagreement in terminology, I would have to ask Kryon for
clarification, lol- This is steeped in the old paradigm of the past,
not the new paradigm that we are currently in/entering. To limit Source
is to place limits on the unlimitable. * .Do you understand? And
if you understand this, you will understand that you are only
experiencing a small portion of the God in you, which is the creator in
your body. So here is what begs another question: Where
is the rest of your spiritual self? It's with me, dear one. It's on
the other side of the veil as part of the creative source. It never
left. * This is such a huge eye
opener to many people- words that explain the unexplainable that we
experience continuously- The KNOWING that you're not just here, that you
are not just in this perceived moment, that you are experiencing far
more in your perceived "Dream" state than you are in your perceived "3D"
waking state. *
here is what is difficult for your perception in your 3D box. You
carry around a corporeal identity that is singular. We have said before
that you're really not singular at all. Instead, you are part of a
very large group that is God. When you get to Earth, a piece of you
separates out and becomes corporeal. It has one body with one face, and
this is how you see things. But the rest of you - which is still you -
stays with God. * We are our Perception of Self, and yet we are ONE*
let me tell you the revealed truth: You are a multidimensional being
and part of you is on the other side of the veil. Get used to it. Your
soul is not separated out, but in 3D it seems like it. There is not a
soul somewhere with your face on it on the other side of the veil,
tapping its toe waiting for the rest of it to come home. You are always
are Humans, however, who believe in this separation, because all they
can do is project their linearity onto the majesty of God. We've talked
about that as well. So get used to the fact that there is a quantum
God and a (perceived) linear Human
Being, and you cannot put them together easily in your mind. The truth
is that you're part of the sacred soup of God and those sacred parts
look down upon you and are always available, always available. Just
like the parking angel, your soul parts see everything. Imagine! A part
of you is available from the other side of the veil. Let's put this in
your 3D perspective: It's a spy in the sky and it looks at everything
all the time. It knows who you are and everything about you because
it's part of you. It broadcasts information to you that you receive
through intuitive thought. Are you here, are you understanding? It
informs you to get up and go places, if you're listening.
It's a Divine System in All Humanity
is what you need to know: Every single Human Being on the planet has
it because every single Human Being is a part of the whole. Do you
understand that? What would happen, however, if there is a broadcast
done, but 90 percent of the people don't have a radio? That means 90
percent never receive it. The broadcast is still there with their name
on it, but they don't have a radio because they don't believe it.
here comes you. Some of you got your metaphoric radio a long time ago
and some of you are just getting it now. Believing it exists activates
it. The "radio" is the pineal gland opening up into a multidimensional
portal that tunes right into that which is you. This is difficult for a
Human Being to understand. When you receive this broadcast from the
"multidimensional you", it guides you left and right; it knows who you
are; it's benevolent; it's part of God; it's part of me. It's hard to
explain. That's why it feels so good, dear ones. Did you ever wonder why
profound messages and meditations feel so good? It's you with you!
It's beautiful! If you're part of the creative force and you are
quantum and multidimensional, it means that these intuitive messages
have your face on them and would never lead you into a place for other
reasons other than benevolent ones. That's the system.
Why Are You at This Meeting?
let's go back to the point at which you decided to come to this
meeting. Some of you are sitting here today yet you didn't know about
the meeting until the last minute. I want to tell you, you're tuned in.
Your radio is working because your intuition spoke to you enough for
you to look around and go somewhere and find out this meeting was
going to ask you a question: Who haven't you met yet in this room? Now
that is a hard question, since you can't meet everyone, can you? So
now we're getting into the process of synchronicity and a process that
is guided through intuitive thought. It's what you would call the innate intelligence of the body allowing you to be in the right place at the right time
and talk to the right people. You can't really plan ahead for that, can
you? Instead, you must be tuned to it, and some of you may have
discovered things today here that will make a change in your life.
Perhaps you met others who have similar interests? That's what it's
So when another person says to you, "You must be New Age",
just smile and admit it. You are using intuitive thought and listening
to it as much as possible to put you in the right place at the right
time. This should also dispel the
notion that a New Age person just sits at home doing nothing but
meditation and waiting for God to speak to him/her. That is not the way
it works. Instead, go places that your intuition says to go to.
Then discern, was it right? Was it not right? What does it feel like
when it's right and what does it feel like when it's not right? Put all
this together and, pretty soon, like a muscle in the body when
exercised, it starts to work better for you. *DO!!!!!! BE & DO!! *
works with you to fine tune it. It knows what you are trying to do and
helps the process along. Sometimes you can look at somebody and they
look back and suddenly it seems like you could say, "Hello, old friend! It's good to see you."
You might hug for a moment or shake hands, depending upon the culture,
and know that you've just met a best friend again. They may have
something for you or they may not. It just may be for a moment so you can intermingle in a quantum way and acknowledge the fact that you are old souls. That's good enough. *Heather
once made this analogy to me about the paths we are all on: We each
have our own path that we follow, and at times our paths cross, at times
our paths might join together for a while, and then separate again to
perhaps come back together at a later point in our journey. Some paths
might criss-cross back and forth, almost like weaving a web- and yet
each is distinct. Our paths cross for a purpose- to aid each other,
maybe to deliver an important message or lesson that we wanted to learn,
or maybe for us to help someone else on their own journey- and the time
spent together might be measurable in minutes, hours, days, or even
years or decades. *
Hard Concepts
The hardest things for Humans in all this is what I'm going to present next. The process is different than you think. First,
we have established that it's not linear. It's a conceptual attribute
that you cannot plan on. The timing is not known, so you cannot paste a
goal for something you don't know about on your refrigerator. Instead,
it requires the Human Being to be in faith and with no clock. That's
number one. *This is what I and Heather call working from the Order Continuum instead of the TIME Continuum.*
we've established that the information comes from a part of you that
is on the other side of the veil, because you cannot hold all of the
mastery that you have in the corporeal body. *
I disagree with this, as I mentioned above. I believe that the
perceived lack of mastery or information is due to the choices made to
EXPERIENCE UNKNOWING, to further understand separation/oneness, to
experience all that IS. * You are part of the creative source
and always will be. Part of you is on my side of the veil - the part
that talks to you intuitively and says, "Go left, go right, stand up, sit down, go over there and meet that person."
the next one, it's the hardest concept of all. How do we describe it?
There are seven billion souls on the planet and they all have the same
attribute as you do - all of them. They are all on the other side of
the veil as well as being here, just like you. They're all talking at
the same time and broadcasting things, just like you. The things they
are broadcasting are using the same "mind of God" that you have because
they are on my side of the veil. The divine parts of humanity are
still divine, no matter what the corporeal and intellectual parts are
believing or doing. Are you understanding this?
So even if they have a corporeal self on Earth that is completely and totally unaware and has no radio to receive, it doesn't make any difference. They're still broadcasting potentials and loving intuitive messages. These messages are benevolent and for all humanity. This
means you can listen to them as well and they're tuned to your
frequency, since that frequency is not proprietary. The result? They'll
tell you things that intuitively will help guide you and help you to
work with their corporeal counterparts. This is difficult to
understand. Think of it this way: The divine parts of Humans you may
never meet know you are listening. Therefore, by broadcasting to you,
they help their own soul counterparts, for you are working on peace on
Earth and compassionate action. *this is also
the reason that a person who is perceived to be "sleeping" might be the
one that delivers a message to you that you are looking for ;>) *
In your 3D singularity, you're hooked up to one soul - you - right? On my side of the veil? No. On my side, you're hooked to all of them.
So, therefore, even the soul parts and pieces of complete nonbelievers
are still broadcasting information that will help humanity. It's a
hard concept. Think of it as a collective, intuitive force.
"Wow!" people say. "Look at that tragedy you escaped. Why did you leave the building before it fell down?" You might say, "I don't know. Something told me to go and I did."
This happens over and over, dear ones, and now you know why it works.
Is it possible that the Human soul is connected in such a way that it
talks to everybody at the same time? The answer is yes.
an intuitive healer sits before a totally dense and stubborn
unbeliever, do they still get messages to help heal that person? Yes!
So the intuitive innate of every Human Being is working no matter if
that Human has the ability to "hear" it or not. It's broadcasting to
the healer! It's broadcasting to all. This alone should show you that
intuition does not come from the synapse of the brain, but rather the
portal of the pineal.
are you supposed to do with this information? Well, we've already
covered a little of it. First, understand the process and believe it. Do
not get disappointed that your planning is not working. You can't have
both, dear ones. You can't have plans in the corner waiting, just in
case. The synchronicity won't work, since you'll void it if you try to
plan around it. Do you see that?
*That one deserved BOLD and UNDERLINING *
understand that synchronicity may take you to a place you didn't plan
on. Is that OK? The old soul will sit in the chair and say, "Of course. Yes, it's OK. Anything is good." Really? Really? Humans like it their way. You
might be pushed and pulled to uncomfortable situations and places you
would not have initially chosen on your own. Can you honor this? Can
you say, "It is well with me. I know I'm supposed to be here because this is where synchronicity placed me"? Feel the love of God surge through your heart and all the cells of your body. Then say, "Thank you God for putting me in the right place at the right time." It
may take awhile to figure out the "whys" of it all, but eventually you
will see it clearly and smile. You will realize that you could never
have planned it, and it was perfect.
me tell you something: Perhaps your 3D goal will never be
accomplished. Is that OK? Instead of settling into a final goal, you'll
always be in motion, always. Is that OK? There'll always be the ladder
to climb in knowledge, in awareness, and energy. New things will
always be coming your way. It will be this way until the moment you
take your last breath. You will feel that you "never arrived" at your
goal, but that's not true, for each day you have arrived. It's a
mindset - and you don't like that either, do you? Instead, you want to
arrive in a place and say "I made it!" Then you wish to purchase a T-shirt that confirms it. [Laughter]
can put you in places that are beautiful. It can save your life, and
often does. It voids all the karmic attributes that have pushed and
pulled you around forever. It
changes the way people think about you because you change. It changes
the way you think about others because you are put in the places to see
who you are. It rearranges that which you believe because you start to
have reinforcement of action, and you know that it is working. You
can stand tall and tell the others that you have no idea where you are
going and you are proud of it! All the while, you are healthier than
they are, and you're happier than they are, and you love people they
won't love. Do you see what I'm saying?
is a change in perception of life. It's a change in everything that
the Human Being has been taught in 3D, and it's not "let go and let
God". It is a partnership - a new arrangement that's conceptual and
demands work on your part, demands it.
synchronicity, but if it doesn't come when you think it might, don't
be disappointed. It simply wasn't supposed to! Humans are funny. Look
at the phrases that many in your culture use. They know about this! "Well, I guess it was supposed to happen." They have no idea! Yes!! [Kryon laugh] Or, "The universe had a message for me." They have no idea, that's exactly right! Exactly right.
So I've just given you the mechanics of it and it's beautiful and it's just for you. Benevolent, helpful Information is being broadcast
all the time, even from the non-believing souls. Their "God part" is
active and knows that you are hearing them. It helps the old soul to go
from A to B. More than that, it helps you find processes and principles
and people who can make a difference on the planet. This is what's
going to be a beginning of a marriage not just to help Humans navigate
the now but to navigate that which is coming. These are set-ups for
the next time around Akashically. What did we tell you the last time we
spoke? We discussed Akashic Inheritance. What you learn this time carries into the next time, so the set-ups you have in this life will carry into the next. You'll remember
them and you'll keep going. Today's synchronicity is tomorrow's future.
It's important, old soul, that you start to learn how to use it and to
carry it. Learn how to expect it, how to believe in it, and change the
way things work for you. As part of this new teaching, we tell you
it's time to void the bell-shaped curve of 3D that tells you about
averages and the probability of your life. All you have to do is nudge
that curve a little with a multidimensional energy called synchronicity
and you design your own curve. Synchronicity is learning to acknowledge the Higher-Self and the fact that God is inside. It shows a willingness to listen
in a way you never have before to a source that is personal, loving,
benevolent, and beautiful - an energy that will never change.
And so it is.
I found it very "Synchronistic " that
this message, though originally channeled in August of this year, wasn't
published until 3 days ago.
I would like to speak of my own
journey to where I am in this moment of now and how this message of
"Synchronicities" and manifesting- because that is a major part of what
manifesting is- has played such a huge part of who I BE now.
As I said last week in my article: "Journey of Truth and Tooth", the
two weeks leading up to our adventure and the actual trip itself played
itself out as a huge spotlight on everything I've been learning and
DOing over the past while. Some of this learning has been of the
conscious type and some of it has been of the unconscious type- the type
of learning that you don't necessarily understand or recognize as
"learning" until you look back on the experiences of years and see the
journey in hind sight in one grand "Ahhhhaaaaaa!" moment.
The journey was a continuous stream of moments, one after another,
of intense clarity and some moments were so huge in their transparency
that it was like being hit over the head with a baseball bat.
"Do you SEE?!? Do you get it now?!" ...... whack whack!
One of the biggest Whacks upside the head was to understand fully
that I KNOW what I KNOW, when I need to KNOW it, and when that I KNOW
it, I KNOW IT! I learned the final lesson to listen myself and to DO what it tells me to do, because it doesn't guide me wrong.
I learned over this past year to stop planning and just DO. Brian Kelly posted an excellent article several months ago called "The Law of Detachment" that outlined a few aspects of Kryon's words above:
Of all the various Channeled messages out there, I will admit that
Kryon is one of the few that I generally find contains information that I
resonate with. You can read information about the 7 times that Kryon
has been invited to the United Nations buildings in New York to deliver
messages to the S.E.A.T. Council, UN staff and Delegates and Guests HERE
This live channelling was Given in North Carolina.
Aug 24, 2013
help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and
Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live
has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication
that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in
Asheville, North Carolina in 2013.
This live channelling was Given in North Carolina.
Aug 24, 2013
help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and
Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live
has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication
that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in
Asheville, North Carolina in 2013.
dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Once again my partner steps
aside. We've described channelling before as a process that honors the
Human Being. It uses a multidimensional, biological portal called the
pineal, and it allows that which is the creative source inside you to
expand. This is channelling. Channelling is available to humanity and
always has been. In this new energy, however, it is available for very
new information, new thought, and new processes that are coming your way
we begin the message or anything that is going to be taught, I wish to
ask a question: Is it possible that there is an intelligent source in
your Universe, in your galaxy, that has helped put together what you
see here today? Is it possible that there is a plan that is benevolent
for the Human Being because the Human is part of that creative source? * ETERNAL ESSENCE*
Is it possible that you are never alone? Is it possible that the
family is a little different than you think? Maybe it's even larger
than you think? Is it possible that the entire message I'm about to
give you is accurate, true, and real and from a source that is outside
of your body and outside of your reality?
took my partner [Lee] a long time to understand that there is no trick
here. It took him a long time because the mind-created "reality" box
he came out of demanded it would have to be false and there would be
negative consequences for what he is doing. "God doesn't talk to Humans this way," many said. "It's a trick from the darkness of the planet and it wishes to invade and capture your soul," many said. However,
he learned quickly that every single time he opened his pineal, it
became the portal for the love of God. That's all he received at first.
It was pure - the purest thing he has ever experienced - and it was
consistent, always the same. It never tainted itself, never biased
itself, and never told a Human to do anything out of integrity. It was
always congratulatory, benevolent, and represented the real spiritual
family. It never changed in 23 years.
the way it should be, dear ones, and if you need some kind of proof
that this is real, maybe, just maybe, you might open that part of your
heart that you have the ability to open and make a statement, "I would like to feel something. I would like some validation within my cells that this is correct and true." * "What do I know?" * That
is when you might begin then to feel the chills that you can only
receive when you know the truth is being revealed. The truth is simple: I
know you; I know your many lives; I know what you're going through,
old soul. You are known to me. I see you now. *
I AM I. I am ONE. The chills (or whatever physical manifestation you
perceive) of true inner resonance with your heart that tells you the
greater truth of what is real and true.
have done so much together, yet you have never seen my face or my real
name. I'm with you all the time, within the entourage that you can
count into the trillions. We are with you in the hardest times you've
had, through the tears, through the sorrow and, yes, also when
celebrating those moments you choose to toast in victory. Sometimes
that victory is health and sometimes it is solutions over problems
you've carried for a lifetime. We know who you are. You're never alone.
The System
is a system that my partner has taught in these meetings for years.
It's a system we have mentioned in countless messages, and we've never
really dedicated an entire channel to it in the way we are doing today.
This is a system that most of you don't even know how to use, yet some
of you use it all the time. You just don't know when you're using it,
since it's not intuitive to what you have learned.
This message is going to be about the way synchronicity works, * Following the energetic trail*
and we'll sub-title it, "The Demise of the Bell-shaped Curve"! [Kryon
laugh] When something happens to you that is good, your friends around
you may say, "What a lucky person you are! What are the chances that this would happen to you?"
When you go into a difficult situation, something that is common to
humanity like surgery, and you come out with results that are positive
beyond expectations, your friends may again exclaim, "What a lucky person you are!" Then somehow you continue to be "lucky" over and over.
you go someplace and you accidentally meet just the right person who
knows someone else who has just the right information that you were
looking for. This leads you to end up with exactly what you wanted. What
are the chances of this? Your friends are amazed! "What an incredibly lucky person you are!"
That's all a Human can say, since there simply is no other explanation
in their reality. The idea that you might actually be bending the
bell-shaped curve of average and, by chance, using an available system
will never occur to them.
do not see the structure of synchronicity. It is not part of any kind
of system that they use. They believe it is simply chance. The only
structure that is used is goal setting, planning, and forward-looking
systems. Only through these does the Human believe they can help control
their lives. Indeed, this is the only way a Human can achieve things
in a linear fashion so that
they will arrive at a pre-set goal. In this linear system, no matter
what kind of process you have studied that will get you from A to B,
there must be a goal. Some of you take those goals and you will paste
them to the refrigerator so you'll see it every day. This is a linear
process for a linear Human Being and is well known.
What if I told you that there is a process that is not linear and has only conceptual goals? A conceptual goal is one that says, "Dear God, *Jehovah, Allah, Buddha, Shiva, Source, Universe, ONE*
put me in the right place even though I don't know where it is. Dear
God, when you do it, make it comfortable for me and help me to see the
sense of it. Make it easy and bring me the right situations and
synchronicities to put me in this place I don't know about." How about that? *Letting
go of expectations and programming, letting go of the clutching and
grabbing onto the set in stone "rules" of HOW it MUST be- preplanned,
preordained, fully structured within the boundaries of what is
If you told that statement to someone off the street, they would say, "You must be New Age!" They
see you as silly and floating around without a goal, hoping the
Universe will somehow show you the way. They laugh. But the Human who
begins to use synchronicity as their life's path is simply changing the
box of belief to include something that is available to all but is not
in 3D. In fact, some of you have been using this process a very long time, but you're just not aware of it.
The Truth About the Power of Synchronicity
today's channelling is about the power of synchronicity and the truth
about it. Now you know what it is, so we will discuss where it comes
from, who is involved in it, and what you can do to help make it happen
for you. The Human Being creates synchronicity with intent and belief. *INTENT, THE WILL AND THE WORD * That is how it starts.
this next item comes from my partner, who loves to talk about the
Parking Angel. [Laughter] This is the example he uses, so we'll do the
same thing. Many Lightworkers like to use that which they conceive as a
special angel who has powers to overlook a giant parking lot to see who
is pulling out and where it's taking place. The idea is that the Human
will then ask the parking angel to help guide the car to find a good
parking place. Now, this is not forward planning, is it? It is a
different concept, a concept that has you placing yourself or an angel
that becomes your eyes, far above the parking lot to see the parameters
of the entire lot and what is going on. If that were possible, then in
3D you could direct your automobile to arrive when someone is pulling
out, and it works! It actually works. Over and over, it works. It works
because this is the definition of synchronicity. There is no planning
ahead, but rather a concept that you assign and believe in that requires
an overview of a situation that you cannot work out in 3D. Most people
just circle within the lot, expecting chance.
Now, I cannot close this parking angel discussion without giving you the rest of the story that my partner demands I give you. There is no such thing as the parking angel! It's you, assigning your power to a mythological creature that stands on your car with a P on its chest. [Laughter]
are very good at this. They don't believe they can do it, but they
believe angelic powers can do it. Therefore, they assign their power
away to a higher entity. However, it's you doing it, dear one! It's you
finding that parking place, but you just don't believe it. * ALL is ONE- There is no hierarchy *
let us put that entire example in a larger capacity, which is the
scale of life and living. Here you find yourself in a situation where
you wish to move forward in an area you don't know about. All you want
to do is park. Parking is a metaphor for putting the vehicle of a
Human Being in a place that is appropriate for your life, wherever that
would be. It gets you there so that you can then move on with what you came for. That is the metaphor.
Humans have an idea where that would be. It's normal for you to build goals and expectations. Humans say, "I want to write a book; I want to create a healing center; I have this, I want to have that."
It is absolutely normal. So the next question I have to ask you is
this: Are you OK if what you receive is not what you imagine? Is it OK
if it's better? Is it OK if it matches the Akash you came for or the
talents you have that perhaps you are not even aware of? That's the
first step, to have the intent to create synchronicity in your life to
bring you to a place that matches an invisible ability.
When you used the parking angel, did you specify the place for your car? No. You said, "Anywhere!" So the goal was conceptual, not specific. This is what it is all about.
How It Works in 3D
how synchronicity works: You come to a meeting like this and you meet
somebody for the first time. Perhaps you meet them in a place in the
back or in the hallway. You get to talking and you find out that you
have common interests. Often they have information you need or you have
something they need, and you both leave with a connection you didn't
expect. Then the connection leads to something else, for they know
people that you don't know and vice versa. Later, you might call them or
meet with them. Then, outside of what you originally thought about,
you might find yourself working in an area you didn't expect to work
in, which fulfills a lot of the things that you originally wanted. *
I have spoken of this quite often in the past year. Asking yourself
"What do I know?" and then LISTENING and WATCHING for the answer- not
limiting the source of the answer you want to receive...... from a
book, movie, song, story your child tells you, the words of a stranger
at the park, the billboard at the mall..... LISTEN AND WATCH and the
answer is ALWAYS ALL WAYS there- but first you much open your ears and
eyes and hearts to SEE it. *
you arrive with no expectation at all, but you meet a partner of your
life! This happens over and over to many, because they decide to come
to where family is. Over and over, Human Beings have resigned
themselves to being alone in life. Then they'll come to a meeting of
like minds and they'll find somebody that fits them. Life changes, and
there is sometimes romance and synchronicity. You didn't plan it! Do
you see the difference? *Sometimes you meet
the family of your life, the family (soul family?) that is not brought
together through blood and genetics, but through heart and soul- inner
resonance of meeting a person/people with which you are free to BE you,
to DO what you BE, with full acceptance and love*
Human who steps out of the door on the way to this meeting does what?
He shows up and has a great time, but all the while, he/she is open to
synchronicity. "Dear Spirit, if I'm supposed to meet somebody, then let me have the signals within my intuition to at least look for it." Do you see the difference here? Synchronicity is planning for concepts that you cannot define. *This
has been driven home to me several times over the past few months in
Morocco- needing something, setting the intent, then literally meeting
someone within hours who not only can answer the question, but is of
greater help than anticipated to begin with*
am sitting in a room of old souls and at least a quarter of you know
exactly what I'm talking about. You're here because of it; somebody
showed you something that perhaps made you look at things differently.
It didn't give you a doctrine, did it? It only made you look. Can you
put a price on that? It made you look into a place that showed you that
you are divinely built, and perhaps biology has something more in it,
something called innate. Innate is body intelligence and knows
who you are. It works with the Human Being whenever asked. It is a
consciousness within a consciousness, and it hooks you up with
synchronicity. It does it way beyond the laws of average and way beyond
the bell-shaped curve. So I just gave you the scenario that can happen
over and over in meetings like this, in small gatherings, and in large
gatherings. Now, let us talk about how it works. These are things that
we have seldom discussed and never within a channelling like this. But
first, we've got to talk about the majesty of the Human Being.
wasn't that long ago that we gave you a channelling called the nine
energies of the Human Being. It's what I want my partner to begin
teaching soon. It's esoteric, it's complex, and it's time. There are
conceptual parts of these nine attributes that go beyond what the Human
Being is used to hearing and here is one of them.
The Human is Part of the Creative Source of the Universe
If it's true, dear one, that
you are a part of the creative source, do you then logically
understand that your soul is enormous and that only a piece of it is
inside your 3D biology? If
all of this energy was in your body, you'd vanish! You'd turn into
light itself with more power than all the masters of humanity. You'd
have that which Elijah experienced as the only Human to ever ascend
while another watched and recorded it. According to the account, Elijah
vaporized because the power of God cannot live in the Human Being at
full strength. * This is one of the few
things in this message that I disagree with- though it might only be a
disagreement in terminology, I would have to ask Kryon for
clarification, lol- This is steeped in the old paradigm of the past,
not the new paradigm that we are currently in/entering. To limit Source
is to place limits on the unlimitable. * .Do you understand? And
if you understand this, you will understand that you are only
experiencing a small portion of the God in you, which is the creator in
your body. So here is what begs another question: Where
is the rest of your spiritual self? It's with me, dear one. It's on
the other side of the veil as part of the creative source. It never
left. * This is such a huge eye
opener to many people- words that explain the unexplainable that we
experience continuously- The KNOWING that you're not just here, that you
are not just in this perceived moment, that you are experiencing far
more in your perceived "Dream" state than you are in your perceived "3D"
waking state. *
here is what is difficult for your perception in your 3D box. You
carry around a corporeal identity that is singular. We have said before
that you're really not singular at all. Instead, you are part of a
very large group that is God. When you get to Earth, a piece of you
separates out and becomes corporeal. It has one body with one face, and
this is how you see things. But the rest of you - which is still you -
stays with God. * We are our Perception of Self, and yet we are ONE*
let me tell you the revealed truth: You are a multidimensional being
and part of you is on the other side of the veil. Get used to it. Your
soul is not separated out, but in 3D it seems like it. There is not a
soul somewhere with your face on it on the other side of the veil,
tapping its toe waiting for the rest of it to come home. You are always
are Humans, however, who believe in this separation, because all they
can do is project their linearity onto the majesty of God. We've talked
about that as well. So get used to the fact that there is a quantum
God and a (perceived) linear Human
Being, and you cannot put them together easily in your mind. The truth
is that you're part of the sacred soup of God and those sacred parts
look down upon you and are always available, always available. Just
like the parking angel, your soul parts see everything. Imagine! A part
of you is available from the other side of the veil. Let's put this in
your 3D perspective: It's a spy in the sky and it looks at everything
all the time. It knows who you are and everything about you because
it's part of you. It broadcasts information to you that you receive
through intuitive thought. Are you here, are you understanding? It
informs you to get up and go places, if you're listening.
It's a Divine System in All Humanity
is what you need to know: Every single Human Being on the planet has
it because every single Human Being is a part of the whole. Do you
understand that? What would happen, however, if there is a broadcast
done, but 90 percent of the people don't have a radio? That means 90
percent never receive it. The broadcast is still there with their name
on it, but they don't have a radio because they don't believe it.
here comes you. Some of you got your metaphoric radio a long time ago
and some of you are just getting it now. Believing it exists activates
it. The "radio" is the pineal gland opening up into a multidimensional
portal that tunes right into that which is you. This is difficult for a
Human Being to understand. When you receive this broadcast from the
"multidimensional you", it guides you left and right; it knows who you
are; it's benevolent; it's part of God; it's part of me. It's hard to
explain. That's why it feels so good, dear ones. Did you ever wonder why
profound messages and meditations feel so good? It's you with you!
It's beautiful! If you're part of the creative force and you are
quantum and multidimensional, it means that these intuitive messages
have your face on them and would never lead you into a place for other
reasons other than benevolent ones. That's the system.
Why Are You at This Meeting?
let's go back to the point at which you decided to come to this
meeting. Some of you are sitting here today yet you didn't know about
the meeting until the last minute. I want to tell you, you're tuned in.
Your radio is working because your intuition spoke to you enough for
you to look around and go somewhere and find out this meeting was
going to ask you a question: Who haven't you met yet in this room? Now
that is a hard question, since you can't meet everyone, can you? So
now we're getting into the process of synchronicity and a process that
is guided through intuitive thought. It's what you would call the innate intelligence of the body allowing you to be in the right place at the right time
and talk to the right people. You can't really plan ahead for that, can
you? Instead, you must be tuned to it, and some of you may have
discovered things today here that will make a change in your life.
Perhaps you met others who have similar interests? That's what it's
So when another person says to you, "You must be New Age",
just smile and admit it. You are using intuitive thought and listening
to it as much as possible to put you in the right place at the right
time. This should also dispel the
notion that a New Age person just sits at home doing nothing but
meditation and waiting for God to speak to him/her. That is not the way
it works. Instead, go places that your intuition says to go to.
Then discern, was it right? Was it not right? What does it feel like
when it's right and what does it feel like when it's not right? Put all
this together and, pretty soon, like a muscle in the body when
exercised, it starts to work better for you. *DO!!!!!! BE & DO!! *
works with you to fine tune it. It knows what you are trying to do and
helps the process along. Sometimes you can look at somebody and they
look back and suddenly it seems like you could say, "Hello, old friend! It's good to see you."
You might hug for a moment or shake hands, depending upon the culture,
and know that you've just met a best friend again. They may have
something for you or they may not. It just may be for a moment so you can intermingle in a quantum way and acknowledge the fact that you are old souls. That's good enough. *Heather
once made this analogy to me about the paths we are all on: We each
have our own path that we follow, and at times our paths cross, at times
our paths might join together for a while, and then separate again to
perhaps come back together at a later point in our journey. Some paths
might criss-cross back and forth, almost like weaving a web- and yet
each is distinct. Our paths cross for a purpose- to aid each other,
maybe to deliver an important message or lesson that we wanted to learn,
or maybe for us to help someone else on their own journey- and the time
spent together might be measurable in minutes, hours, days, or even
years or decades. *
Hard Concepts
The hardest things for Humans in all this is what I'm going to present next. The process is different than you think. First,
we have established that it's not linear. It's a conceptual attribute
that you cannot plan on. The timing is not known, so you cannot paste a
goal for something you don't know about on your refrigerator. Instead,
it requires the Human Being to be in faith and with no clock. That's
number one. *This is what I and Heather call working from the Order Continuum instead of the TIME Continuum.*
we've established that the information comes from a part of you that
is on the other side of the veil, because you cannot hold all of the
mastery that you have in the corporeal body. *
I disagree with this, as I mentioned above. I believe that the
perceived lack of mastery or information is due to the choices made to
EXPERIENCE UNKNOWING, to further understand separation/oneness, to
experience all that IS. * You are part of the creative source
and always will be. Part of you is on my side of the veil - the part
that talks to you intuitively and says, "Go left, go right, stand up, sit down, go over there and meet that person."
the next one, it's the hardest concept of all. How do we describe it?
There are seven billion souls on the planet and they all have the same
attribute as you do - all of them. They are all on the other side of
the veil as well as being here, just like you. They're all talking at
the same time and broadcasting things, just like you. The things they
are broadcasting are using the same "mind of God" that you have because
they are on my side of the veil. The divine parts of humanity are
still divine, no matter what the corporeal and intellectual parts are
believing or doing. Are you understanding this?
So even if they have a corporeal self on Earth that is completely and totally unaware and has no radio to receive, it doesn't make any difference. They're still broadcasting potentials and loving intuitive messages. These messages are benevolent and for all humanity. This
means you can listen to them as well and they're tuned to your
frequency, since that frequency is not proprietary. The result? They'll
tell you things that intuitively will help guide you and help you to
work with their corporeal counterparts. This is difficult to
understand. Think of it this way: The divine parts of Humans you may
never meet know you are listening. Therefore, by broadcasting to you,
they help their own soul counterparts, for you are working on peace on
Earth and compassionate action. *this is also
the reason that a person who is perceived to be "sleeping" might be the
one that delivers a message to you that you are looking for ;>) *
In your 3D singularity, you're hooked up to one soul - you - right? On my side of the veil? No. On my side, you're hooked to all of them.
So, therefore, even the soul parts and pieces of complete nonbelievers
are still broadcasting information that will help humanity. It's a
hard concept. Think of it as a collective, intuitive force.
"Wow!" people say. "Look at that tragedy you escaped. Why did you leave the building before it fell down?" You might say, "I don't know. Something told me to go and I did."
This happens over and over, dear ones, and now you know why it works.
Is it possible that the Human soul is connected in such a way that it
talks to everybody at the same time? The answer is yes.
an intuitive healer sits before a totally dense and stubborn
unbeliever, do they still get messages to help heal that person? Yes!
So the intuitive innate of every Human Being is working no matter if
that Human has the ability to "hear" it or not. It's broadcasting to
the healer! It's broadcasting to all. This alone should show you that
intuition does not come from the synapse of the brain, but rather the
portal of the pineal.
are you supposed to do with this information? Well, we've already
covered a little of it. First, understand the process and believe it. Do
not get disappointed that your planning is not working. You can't have
both, dear ones. You can't have plans in the corner waiting, just in
case. The synchronicity won't work, since you'll void it if you try to
plan around it. Do you see that?
*That one deserved BOLD and UNDERLINING *
understand that synchronicity may take you to a place you didn't plan
on. Is that OK? The old soul will sit in the chair and say, "Of course. Yes, it's OK. Anything is good." Really? Really? Humans like it their way. You
might be pushed and pulled to uncomfortable situations and places you
would not have initially chosen on your own. Can you honor this? Can
you say, "It is well with me. I know I'm supposed to be here because this is where synchronicity placed me"? Feel the love of God surge through your heart and all the cells of your body. Then say, "Thank you God for putting me in the right place at the right time." It
may take awhile to figure out the "whys" of it all, but eventually you
will see it clearly and smile. You will realize that you could never
have planned it, and it was perfect.
me tell you something: Perhaps your 3D goal will never be
accomplished. Is that OK? Instead of settling into a final goal, you'll
always be in motion, always. Is that OK? There'll always be the ladder
to climb in knowledge, in awareness, and energy. New things will
always be coming your way. It will be this way until the moment you
take your last breath. You will feel that you "never arrived" at your
goal, but that's not true, for each day you have arrived. It's a
mindset - and you don't like that either, do you? Instead, you want to
arrive in a place and say "I made it!" Then you wish to purchase a T-shirt that confirms it. [Laughter]
can put you in places that are beautiful. It can save your life, and
often does. It voids all the karmic attributes that have pushed and
pulled you around forever. It
changes the way people think about you because you change. It changes
the way you think about others because you are put in the places to see
who you are. It rearranges that which you believe because you start to
have reinforcement of action, and you know that it is working. You
can stand tall and tell the others that you have no idea where you are
going and you are proud of it! All the while, you are healthier than
they are, and you're happier than they are, and you love people they
won't love. Do you see what I'm saying?
is a change in perception of life. It's a change in everything that
the Human Being has been taught in 3D, and it's not "let go and let
God". It is a partnership - a new arrangement that's conceptual and
demands work on your part, demands it.
synchronicity, but if it doesn't come when you think it might, don't
be disappointed. It simply wasn't supposed to! Humans are funny. Look
at the phrases that many in your culture use. They know about this! "Well, I guess it was supposed to happen." They have no idea! Yes!! [Kryon laugh] Or, "The universe had a message for me." They have no idea, that's exactly right! Exactly right.
So I've just given you the mechanics of it and it's beautiful and it's just for you. Benevolent, helpful Information is being broadcast
all the time, even from the non-believing souls. Their "God part" is
active and knows that you are hearing them. It helps the old soul to go
from A to B. More than that, it helps you find processes and principles
and people who can make a difference on the planet. This is what's
going to be a beginning of a marriage not just to help Humans navigate
the now but to navigate that which is coming. These are set-ups for
the next time around Akashically. What did we tell you the last time we
spoke? We discussed Akashic Inheritance. What you learn this time carries into the next time, so the set-ups you have in this life will carry into the next. You'll remember
them and you'll keep going. Today's synchronicity is tomorrow's future.
It's important, old soul, that you start to learn how to use it and to
carry it. Learn how to expect it, how to believe in it, and change the
way things work for you. As part of this new teaching, we tell you
it's time to void the bell-shaped curve of 3D that tells you about
averages and the probability of your life. All you have to do is nudge
that curve a little with a multidimensional energy called synchronicity
and you design your own curve. Synchronicity is learning to acknowledge the Higher-Self and the fact that God is inside. It shows a willingness to listen
in a way you never have before to a source that is personal, loving,
benevolent, and beautiful - an energy that will never change.
And so it is.
I found it very "Synchronistic " that
this message, though originally channeled in August of this year, wasn't
published until 3 days ago.
I would like to speak of my own
journey to where I am in this moment of now and how this message of
"Synchronicities" and manifesting- because that is a major part of what
manifesting is- has played such a huge part of who I BE now.
As I said last week in my article: "Journey of Truth and Tooth", the
two weeks leading up to our adventure and the actual trip itself played
itself out as a huge spotlight on everything I've been learning and
DOing over the past while. Some of this learning has been of the
conscious type and some of it has been of the unconscious type- the type
of learning that you don't necessarily understand or recognize as
"learning" until you look back on the experiences of years and see the
journey in hind sight in one grand "Ahhhhaaaaaa!" moment.
The journey was a continuous stream of moments, one after another,
of intense clarity and some moments were so huge in their transparency
that it was like being hit over the head with a baseball bat.
"Do you SEE?!? Do you get it now?!" ...... whack whack!
One of the biggest Whacks upside the head was to understand fully
that I KNOW what I KNOW, when I need to KNOW it, and when that I KNOW
it, I KNOW IT! I learned the final lesson to listen myself and to DO what it tells me to do, because it doesn't guide me wrong.
I learned over this past year to stop planning and just DO. Brian Kelly posted an excellent article several months ago called "The Law of Detachment" that outlined a few aspects of Kryon's words above:
law of conscious detachment accelerates all areas of our evolution.
When we live aligned with this law, we do not feel the need to force
solutions. We understand that with focused intention, patience, and
faith, the right solutions arise on their own. It is not that we take
no action; we take action aligned in faith and detachment."
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