Because our physical and psychological apparatus is designed to
satisfy our desires, they realize their potential only to the extent we
utilize them.
Divining is a close synonym of dowsing and gets to the root of what dowsing is all about. Divining comes from the word divinus meaning
“of, or by, or for a god, the gods, also inspired by them.” Hence,
divining is a spiritual practice — the success of which rests on a
divine state of mind.
Dowsing is simply a natural tool that enables you to amplify what you
are already perceiving, but simply have not bothered to pay attention
to before. It is a handle on the abstract world of feeling, intuition
and the sacred.
Dowsing is a very important technique for anyone working with sacred or haunted spaces. Dowsing can be used to:
- Locate underground water lines and springs. The direction of flow,
depth and quantity of flow (gallons per minute) can also be ascertained. - Locate ley lines and their direction of flow.
- Find power centers, places where the Earth’s field alters human consciousness.
- Determine if a water line or ley line is having a negative effect on the health of the people living or working above the line.
- Communicate with and receive guidance from Devas and Angels.
- Map underground earth energies in order to design and build sacred spaces.
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