Saturday, May 24, 2014

Solar Cycle News; DNA, Magnetic Fields and Biological Information Transfer | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

Solar Cycle News; DNA, Magnetic Fields and Biological Information Transfer | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

Information Transfer Via Electromagnetic Signals 
HeartMath’s research shows that animals and the nervous systems of people in close proximity can detect the heart’s electromagnetic field and that a bioelectromagnetic field such as that radiated by the human heart and brain can affect other individuals and the global information field environment.
Research conducted in our laboratory has confirmed the hypothesis that when an individual is in a state of heart coherence, the heart radiates a more coherent electromagnetic signal into the environment. Additionally, when we are in a coherent state we are more sensitive to detecting the information in the fields radiated by others.
Recent scientific studies involving DNA, water, the environment and magnetic fields, lend support to the hypothesis that magnetic fields can carry biologically relevant information. The authors of a 2011 study conducted by Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier et al., say DNA in their experiments teleported itself to distant cells through electromagnetic signals. Furthermore, they indicated that this information could instruct the re-creation of DNA when the basic constituents of DNA are present and coupled with extremely low electromagnetic frequency fields.
Such low electromagnetic frequency fields, ones that are able to stimulate DNA information transfer, could come from sources such as Schuman resonances, which occur naturally in the earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum, starting at 7.83 hertz. Thus, some scientists surmise, solar and geomagnetic activity could affect human health and behavior – down to the level of the DNA.
If DNA signaling can be stimulated by the Schuman resonances and brain and heart frequencies overlap with those frequencies, it raises interesting questions about how we all are interconnected with each other through solar and geomagnetic frequencies.
Other scientific research has explored the nature and interaction of ecosystems, water molecules and electromagnetic fields.
In Conclusion and Looking Ahead 
It remains uncertain when humans finally will move away from the current global unrest and instability to a more stable and peaceful planet. There clearly is an urgency, however, among millions of people to discard old structures that do not serve all sentient beings and the planetary environment. We are in the midst of a paradigm shift in consciousness and on the threshold of a new era of personal and global harmony.
Solar activity not only has been correlated with social unrest, destructive climatic conditions and other adverse events, but also with periods of great human achievement, including in architecture, arts and science and positive social change.
We can learn from past mistakes and consciously choose to harness such energetic influences for human flourishing and advancement and humanitarian efforts. The Global Coherence Initiative employs multiple strategies for increasing personal, social and global coherence. Through GCI’s internet-based global network, a rich array of people around the world are connecting daily to radiate heart consciousness around the planet to shift global consciousness toward a more harmonious and peaceful future.
It is with gratitude and appreciation that all of us at GCI thank you for your continued support as together we seek to increase global coherence.
Annette Deyhle, Ph.D., and the GCI research team

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Judy Goodman Commentary Page


This interview has been prompted by my own personal journey into another dimension. The experience changed my life and left me with a desire to know more, and understand all that I saw. The person that guided me, and several others, on this adventure is Judy Goodman. What I experienced seemed so extraordinary that I felt compelled to share this with other people. Judy is a multi talented, sensitive and compassionate lady who comes from a very small town in Southeast Georgia. She has been described as a spiritual counselor and healer who is known for opening the eyes of many skeptics. With confusion confronting us at every aspect of our lives, she is a breath of fresh air.

     What I observed about Judy's work is that it is always done for others, selflessly, and without reservation. I would like for my interview to serve as an introduction to Judy and a better understanding of "spirit". She is in the process of writing several books. Her audio book, "Journey...The Quest of the Soul ©" was released in Scotland and is already being listened to around the world. She is a true professional from today's working industry and still found time to lecture and honor the special gift she has. My visit with Judy took place at her private home located in Georgia....
      There is a lot of talk about "NDE's" and "out of body". Can you relate my experience during our "journey to the other side" to either of these?

 "Not really! While there are some similarities, there is a very unique and special difference. If I may quote a friend of mine I think I can share a brief overview with you. After a similar experience, I asked a lady from Alabama to describe what her trip felt like. I believe the words I said were, "how would you describe this to someone who didn't know what you are talking about?" She described it to me as..."starting out very much like hypnosis and changing." As she said, " I don't know how it changed or when, but I saw and felt XXX (her son who had died recently). Her tears and emotions were very real and could only come from a deeply profound visit with a loved one who is in spirit."
      As I have gotten to know more about your work, I have learned that you have an ability to heal and communicate with spirit. How did you acquire those gifts?

   "First of all, let me stress the point that I do not heal, God does. It is true that there is a very special and unique energy that flows through me that has affected many people in many ways. That energy is a gift from God, a gift that places a responsibility and burden on me. That same energy also allows me to help others find their own way in their spiritual journey. My ability to communicate with spirit came with me at the time of my birth."
      You told me that your spiritual knowledge does not come from books, where does it come from?

     "Our most valuable knowledge comes from experience! My personal belief system tells me that I have lived more than one life. I believe that I have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge and growth from other lives. During our lifetime, we have good and bad experiences, these situations are the best teachers of knowledge. There are other places in another dimension where I have studied. What I learned, and the places I studied are too complicated to explain in so short a space. I do not read very many of the books that are available today because it complicates the knowledge that came with me at my birth. I believe there are some great books available today and encourage people to read anything that interests them. Books provide us with many different views and opinions and an opportunity to find our own truth."
      Do you feel there is a greater movement in the search for spiritual growth today?

 "Yes! History tells us that mankind has always had a desire to grow spiritually. It seems to me that the need is greater today because of the severity of many elements of our existence. By that, I mean that there seems to be more crime, illness, suffering and oppression in general. With that in mind, it is easy to understand why people are ready for answers. Because of the overall desperation in this world, it is also easy for me to understand why some people would allow themselves to be deceived."
      Why do so many people seek you out and come to you for help?

  "Two reasons immediately come to mind.. First of all they are hurting, secondly, they want to grow and find their own way. Within the confines of these two reasons is a multitude of needs that knows no barriers. It is not me particularly that the people seek, it is the answers that I can help them find."
     Can you give me an example of what happens when you help someone change their life?

     "Recently, while lecturing in St. Louis, there was a gentleman who expressed his complete dismay and distrust of anything he might hear that evening. The lecture lasted seven hours and at the end of the evening, he moved us all to tears as he explained how differently he felt. He said that his life had been changed by what he had learned during the lecture. I might have been the instrument that helped him on his way, the end result is that he wanted to change his life, and he did. Generally speaking, when a person reaches the state that will allow their life to change, the catalyst will be placed in their path. As a person's life begins to change, it will never be according to what I might think is best for them. It is always whatever their particular path dictates. Actually, that makes it a lot easier for me, I don't have the additional burden of knowing just what is best for each person."

     The night that I participated in the group that made the "trip to the other side" I visited my father who had been dead twenty four years. Where and how did you learn to do this for people?
Allow me to share a few things with you regarding this very special thing I call..."a trip to the other side..."

 First of all, I call it that because I don't know a better way to describe just exactly what happens. During the process, each participant makes an extended out of body trip. This is always accomplished by the direction of, and with the full guidance of God. I never know exactly when the trip(s) will take place and who will be in attendance. I am always told when and where, and ultimately who will participate. From experience, I have learned that not everyone will have an overwhelming trip. Sometimes a person makes the journey as a preparation for something yet to come, with no special memories at the end of the event. During the experience, I am much like a pilot flying an airplane. It seems to be my task to help arrive and return safely and leave the special events to God.

     The knowledge and understanding was given to me before my birth and has always been with me. I did not act on this until I became a mature adult and had achieved a level of responsibility that was in accordance with the task at hand. As an individual, this is not something I could do. I am not special, just obedient to our creator, the one I call God. It is a privilege for me to sit and listen to each person explain what happened to them. I cry and laugh with them and share in the joy of their discoveries. Knowing what I do
  Interviewed by:  S. Waldrop.

Is Ascension Beginning? - Part 3 and more... -

Is Ascension Beginning? -

And while we know that there is that aspect of humanity that expects to see things to believe in things, the changes that have been taking place are internal changes. The change is in the energies, the change is in your bodies, the change is in the chakras, the change from carbon to crystalline forms, the change in DNA, all of these are internal changes within each of you.

And yes, it is affecting the world and it is affecting the world in wonderful and wondrous ways however, the world is still a vision that is a mirror for you and so what you see in the world are those things that are continuing to be cleansed from the third dimensional world reality as you move and shift into the higher dimensions. And so, as it was discussed today, those things that you continue to be vexed by as humans, those things that are continuing to show up in your world, in the way of confrontations, wars, power struggles, all of those kinds of things. And while some would say they are being caused by the power mongers of the world, there is still responsibility that is to be taken by those of you who are still in existence on this planet because it is a mirroring effect.

What is the benefit of the changes that are happening? The benefit is that, as you continue to allow the cleansing to take place in your bodies, in your minds, in your spirits, in all of those things that you are, allows your light body to merge more and more with your physical body. That is to say that those things that are fully released as you continue to evolve are left behind fully and completely. And yes, it is like pulling layers off. You think you have accomplished growth at one stage and then, you have another layer of that to deal with. Then it pops up when you least expect it and that, sometimes, is challenging for those of you who think you’ve got your work done. And it is like, “Oh, no. Where did that come from?”

But more and more, the phenomenon that you discussed today about looking at your life as “past life” aspects is going to occur for you. And you will have no attachments to those things that you have done in the past. You may have looked back in the past at other times had great self-judgment, self-anger or a feeling of a loss of discipline. Those things are not holding on to you in the same way anymore. And, as you continue to move forward, you continue to release them more and more. That has been part of releasing friends, part of releasing relationships, part of releasing jobs, hobbies, activities, all of this is releasing so you can be in the moment and be in the experience as it is in this very time.

Do not be surprised as you continue to have the realization that these things are no longer a part of you. Will there be a moment of grieving now and then? Some of you will have a moment of grieving and that is absolutely appropriate. But the grieving means that you have dealt with it and you are ready to move forward as opposed to stuffing that energy down and not looking at it in a way that would be most appropriate. Crying, anger, all of those kinds of emotions are things that are not to be hidden or buried into your being. The more that you can shine the light in your life and look at things with love and compassion for yourself, the more you will be able to release them in ways that will be most positive for you.

And so, the world will continue to mirror back greater and greater amounts of light, harmony, balance, calmness, love, compassion as you continue to exhibit these things within your own life and within your own beings.

Saul, on Eternal love by John Smallman

During those quiet times make and renew your intent to be Love in action in every moment. When you make that intent, and then hold it and demonstrate it, you are very effectively adding to the field of Love enveloping the world.

Love can be rejected or ignored, but It cannot be destroyed, eradicated, or overpowered because It is infinitely powerful, being All That Exists. As you make the intent allow the Love to wash over you and embrace you, feel It, and then forgive all who appear to be in opposition to It. Doing this is enormously powerful, it eases your stress and anxieties, and it truly does soften the hearts of those who seem most opposed to It, effectively wearing down their ill-advised resistance to It.

Of course many of you are already doing this, and some of you no doubt are feeling that it is having little if any effect. You could not be more wrong! Your loving intentions are changing the world and bringing all to awakening. Continue to do what you have been doing so well, and make a point of accessing your inner knowing which confirms your certainty that your awakening is imminent.

With so very much love, Saul.

Why Should one meditate ...

Why should one meditate?

Meditation is a discipline that requires your focused attention and therefore you need to practice it seriously and regularly. Often you spend time sitting, intending to meditate, but other “important” stuff comes to mind distracting you. Then, suddenly, the quiet time that you had set aside has passed and you have to move on. But with practice you do become steadily more adept at disregarding the distractions that your ego tosses so enthusiastically into your quiet space. Persistence with your practice works, so persist, the odds of success are weighted heavily in your favor.

Guidance or answers from the spiritual realms are very softly “spoken,” gentle, unintrusive, so you do have to listen carefully and patiently, and that is very difficult for those of you brought up in the “high-powered, get it done” kinds of western culture where time is money and must not be wasted. As a result, you often respond with the first thought that comes to mind when dealing with a stressful or conflict-driven situation, and, as you have all doubtless experienced, it can frequently be the wrong one.

Meditation is not only an essential practice to allow you to gain access to your guides and receive answers from them on issues that concern you. It also trains you not to react too quickly, and possibly impulsively, in your daily lives when communicating with others, but instead to pause and make space for all the appropriate responses available to you to present themselves, putting you in a far better position to deal with whatever the situation demands.

So, yet again, I am stressing the importance of making “down time,” quiet time, uninterruptible time solely for yourself available to yourself daily. The stresses upon you have been increasing enormously as more and more of the deceit and corruption on which the world – the illusory world – turns is disclosed, demanding that you sit up and take notice.