Saturday, May 24, 2014

Solar Cycle News; DNA, Magnetic Fields and Biological Information Transfer | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

Solar Cycle News; DNA, Magnetic Fields and Biological Information Transfer | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

Information Transfer Via Electromagnetic Signals 
HeartMath’s research shows that animals and the nervous systems of people in close proximity can detect the heart’s electromagnetic field and that a bioelectromagnetic field such as that radiated by the human heart and brain can affect other individuals and the global information field environment.
Research conducted in our laboratory has confirmed the hypothesis that when an individual is in a state of heart coherence, the heart radiates a more coherent electromagnetic signal into the environment. Additionally, when we are in a coherent state we are more sensitive to detecting the information in the fields radiated by others.
Recent scientific studies involving DNA, water, the environment and magnetic fields, lend support to the hypothesis that magnetic fields can carry biologically relevant information. The authors of a 2011 study conducted by Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier et al., say DNA in their experiments teleported itself to distant cells through electromagnetic signals. Furthermore, they indicated that this information could instruct the re-creation of DNA when the basic constituents of DNA are present and coupled with extremely low electromagnetic frequency fields.
Such low electromagnetic frequency fields, ones that are able to stimulate DNA information transfer, could come from sources such as Schuman resonances, which occur naturally in the earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum, starting at 7.83 hertz. Thus, some scientists surmise, solar and geomagnetic activity could affect human health and behavior – down to the level of the DNA.
If DNA signaling can be stimulated by the Schuman resonances and brain and heart frequencies overlap with those frequencies, it raises interesting questions about how we all are interconnected with each other through solar and geomagnetic frequencies.
Other scientific research has explored the nature and interaction of ecosystems, water molecules and electromagnetic fields.
In Conclusion and Looking Ahead 
It remains uncertain when humans finally will move away from the current global unrest and instability to a more stable and peaceful planet. There clearly is an urgency, however, among millions of people to discard old structures that do not serve all sentient beings and the planetary environment. We are in the midst of a paradigm shift in consciousness and on the threshold of a new era of personal and global harmony.
Solar activity not only has been correlated with social unrest, destructive climatic conditions and other adverse events, but also with periods of great human achievement, including in architecture, arts and science and positive social change.
We can learn from past mistakes and consciously choose to harness such energetic influences for human flourishing and advancement and humanitarian efforts. The Global Coherence Initiative employs multiple strategies for increasing personal, social and global coherence. Through GCI’s internet-based global network, a rich array of people around the world are connecting daily to radiate heart consciousness around the planet to shift global consciousness toward a more harmonious and peaceful future.
It is with gratitude and appreciation that all of us at GCI thank you for your continued support as together we seek to increase global coherence.
Annette Deyhle, Ph.D., and the GCI research team

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