Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Why Should one meditate ...

Why should one meditate?

Meditation is a discipline that requires your focused attention and therefore you need to practice it seriously and regularly. Often you spend time sitting, intending to meditate, but other “important” stuff comes to mind distracting you. Then, suddenly, the quiet time that you had set aside has passed and you have to move on. But with practice you do become steadily more adept at disregarding the distractions that your ego tosses so enthusiastically into your quiet space. Persistence with your practice works, so persist, the odds of success are weighted heavily in your favor.

Guidance or answers from the spiritual realms are very softly “spoken,” gentle, unintrusive, so you do have to listen carefully and patiently, and that is very difficult for those of you brought up in the “high-powered, get it done” kinds of western culture where time is money and must not be wasted. As a result, you often respond with the first thought that comes to mind when dealing with a stressful or conflict-driven situation, and, as you have all doubtless experienced, it can frequently be the wrong one.

Meditation is not only an essential practice to allow you to gain access to your guides and receive answers from them on issues that concern you. It also trains you not to react too quickly, and possibly impulsively, in your daily lives when communicating with others, but instead to pause and make space for all the appropriate responses available to you to present themselves, putting you in a far better position to deal with whatever the situation demands.

So, yet again, I am stressing the importance of making “down time,” quiet time, uninterruptible time solely for yourself available to yourself daily. The stresses upon you have been increasing enormously as more and more of the deceit and corruption on which the world – the illusory world – turns is disclosed, demanding that you sit up and take notice.

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