Thursday, March 14, 2013

Kennedy Center Honors 2012 - Led Zeppelin - YouTube

Kennedy Center Honors 2012 - Led Zeppelin - YouTube

Led Zepplin-Stairway to Heaven (HD) - YouTube

Led Zepplin-Stairway to Heaven (HD) - YouTube

Removing The Shackles: To the Bridge Crew

Removing The Shackles: To the Bridge Crew
"Stairway To Heaven"
There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven.
When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for.
Ooh, ooh, and she's buying a stairway to heaven.

There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings,
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven.

Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it makes me wonder.

There's a feeling I get when I look to the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees,
And the voices of those who stand looking.

Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it really makes me wonder.

And it's whispered that soon, if we all call the tune,
Then the piper will lead us to reason.
And a new day will dawn for those who stand long,
And the forests will echo with laughter.

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now,
It's just a spring clean for the May queen.
Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on.
And it makes me wonder.

Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know,
The piper's calling you to join him,
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind?

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul.
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold.
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll.

And she's buying a stairway to heaven.

quantumodyssey - Blog

quantumodyssey - Blog


March 2013 The Next Great Event in The Awakening!  

Hello Everyone!
I conducted a research project using QHH to obtain more clarity for humanity regarding The Shift and all it entails. My focus was what we would be experiencing and how to prepare ourselves mentally, physically and spiritually. The information brought forth was truly enlightening especially regarding what the electronic/wireless environments are doing to us!
The book is called Quantum Odyssey by Mindy Mitchell and is available as an ebook  at and at The following is an excerpt from my book regarding the next possible upcoming event of The Awakening.
I wanted to be sure and share this information with everyone as this stated event is to occur this March 2013!  I look forward to sharing our collective experience of this event as it unfolds over the next few months and how it unfolds for each and everyone of us.
As I tell all of my QHH clients, there is no wrong way to have an experience. Each of us are here on our own journey and as such will have a variety of experiences and responses to our lives on Earth. Not all will be aware to the same thing at the same time. Some will recognize change immediately, others slowly but surely, some not at all.
Below is a segment from an actual Quantum Healing Hypnosis session (QHH) where I explored using QHH as a research tool to go forward into time and ask many of the hot topics that are circulating regarding the new millennium we are moving into and the New Earth..The Ascension...The Shift...The Awakening.
I don't believe that there is any one truth or reality out there as I believe that the truth and reality exists as a multi-faceted gem. Each facet of the gem provides a different perspective, different from all the other facets. None being more real or greater than the other. We each will experience our reality and truths through different facets of perception.
The more we open ourselves to experiencing a different reality than we have been conditioned to, the more likely we are to evolve and awaken to a New Earth!
The world was absolutely flat for centuries. Until it wasn't......
Remember...keep all THREE eyes open!

M represents me Mindy and E is Ellen the subject.
E: I see a like a moment in time. The only thing I can describe it like…it is like when you flip the switch and the lights go on. There is this incredible blue light! So soft… I see color of blue light and when this light switch goes on the light expands... It is so beautiful! Throughout the whole universe and it’s the coming together of one mind! It so unbelievable!
M: Is this a happening at this time or a future event?
E: It is a future event...and it’s going to happen. The only thing I can think of is a scripture that says "…in the twinkling of an eye" and it’s so amazing!!!! (Spoken with absolute wonder and awe)
M: Is there an earth time when this event will be taking place?
E: It is’s feels now. It’s melting... it doesn’t feel far away.
M: Is this "The Shift" "The Awakening" that’s coming?
E: Yes! It’s all minds coming to together in a split second! It’s so bizarre!
M: Will that event take place on our calendar year of 12-21-12?
E: March 2013
M: When you say ALL minds…Will all human beings experience the same thing or will there be individuals who are unaware of this event?
E: This is so wild! (Experiencing extreme visual and sensory downloads)
Everyone will know. Not everyone will care.
M: Does this correlate with the event known as the second coming of Christ?
E: Yes!
Holy sh**! (…experiencing huge waves of energy and emotion) I wish you could feel what I feel right now!
M: Describe what you are experiencing right now!
E: Gasping. Holy cow. Gasping...oh my god oh my god oh my god! I can’t describe’s like a download where you are all tingly on the outside but this is on the inside...oh my god! Oh geez!  The light is amazing!
M: Is this light what you are experiencing or is it something else?
E: Yes, it’s the light! It’s’s like...I have never seen anything like it! So crazy!
M: So is this second coming of Christ actually the Christ "consciousness" coming back onto the planet?
E: And it’s been building and building. But it’s like it going to...the minds unite! It’s like a moment in time for all of us that have been waiting...Our minds are united!
M: What is the outcome of that when all the minds unite? What does that produce or create?
E: Clarity. Oh geez... it’s like waking up from a dream. The words that are coming up for me is, the ILLUSION is gone! Oh my god its wild!
M: That is very exciting!
E: It affects everybody but there are those still in the illusion and those out of it. It like there’s two groups of people.
M: Is there anything that defines those who are still in the illusion?  Any reason why there are those choosing to stay in the illusion? The reason they have created that reality for themselves?
E: Fear.
M: Is that fear of change or fear anything new? What is that fear of?
E: Fear of knowing!
M: What is it that they don't want to know?
E: That it is ALL an illusion.
M: Are these the people that hold on to the illusion of separateness and hierarchies and power structures?
E: Its attachment to the illusion! (with wonder)… they believe that they are a part of what they see! It’s like a hologram. So wild! They can't see the light; they can't connect because they believe they are the illusion. They believe themselves to be what they are...but that’s not it! It’s like I believe I am a monkey so I appear as a monkey! OH geezzzz!
M: For those that can experience the light and experience this awakening, what is it that they believe? What is it that allows them to see the light and participate and be transformed?
E: They believe. This is sooo weird. They believe that they are not important!! It’s like when you see fish swim together and birds fly together, they all become one yet they are separate. They are individual but one is not more important than the other!... Here comes another wave!
M: I just had a flash of something I have always heard but didn’t understand...Is this what is meant by "the meek shall inherit the Earth"?!!
E: Yes!!
Oh god...ooooooh...(more huge waves of energy are pulsing through her!)  Oh my god I wish you could feel this! It’s like being on a rollercoaster...its sooooo beautiful! I feel so humble (sobbing and tears)
M: So those that don’t experience this are attached to the ego-self? Their importance in the material realm? Those who define themselves and others by the material world? What their car makes them, what their mansions make them, what their bank account makes them?
E: Yes, Yes! But they could also be a poor person who still thinks they are important, it’s not just the rich, and it’s everybody! Everybody who thinks they are more important...It’s a mindset!
M: So anybody who thinks they are more important than their fellow human beings?
E: Yes!
M: Ah ha! That’s powerful, so profound!
M: What else do we need to share with humanity and the average person who maybe reading this. About this event?
E: It’s so weird... it’s "know thy self-know thy neighbor" "know thy self, know thy neighbor". When you know yourself you can truly know your neighbor. But if you are afraid of yourself and don't know yourself, how can you know your neighbor? How can you put yourself in your neighbors shoes of you don’t even know yourself? Each person is important. They are important but not more important than the other. That’s how we are part of the one.
M: What is the time frame for when this uniting of one mind will take place?
E: March 2013. It’s a big month!
M: That is interesting because that somewhat correlates with Hopi prophecy of in this time frame we are in now we will be a door will be opening from the 4th world which we are currently to the 5th world. Is that the door that is opening into the 5th world, also known as the 5th dimension?
E: Yes...oh here come the waves again!
The waves she experienced  equaled validation of absolute  truth!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

wrongly incarcerated speaks of miraculous event.

American Kabuki - 
(UPDATE: email correction:

We have been following the story of Patrick Cody Morgan for a few weeks now. Patrick is currently behind bars for crimes he did not commit. The only thing he is guilty of it is standing up against the system and fighting for what he believed in. 

In the last post we learned about a very unique Soul, Anthony Bonojo, whom Patrick has been blessed to connect with, since his incarceration. Here is the link to that post and an excerpt for those of you new to this story:

I had to write to you of what happened to me this morning.  After breakfast, I was standing outside my cell door waiting for the day room to open.  A black gentlemen from Nigeria began to speak to me.  At first I could barely understand him.  He asked me why I was not following the instruction of my upbringing.  I asked him what he meant.  He said you were baptised as a child, why do you not listen to God?  I asked him why he said that.  He said you have filed paperwork in your case?  I told him I filed my own paperwork and I began to explain to him how I was fighting a fraudulent system from without the system and that I couldn't step into their fraudulent system and expect a remedy.  He then told me that God sent him to tell me that my paperwork is being blessed by the Father.  He told me I needed faith and that God asked him to show me His faith.  He told me that my paperwork was not meant for just me but for hundreds of thousands of people, but it needed my faith to be catalyst.  He told me to be at Bible study at 9:00am. 

At 9:00am I was at Bible study.  I listened to this man of God talk for more than 1 hour about Grace.  Tears began to well up in my eyes, for I knew God was with me at this moment.  He explained to the rest of the group how my stance against the government was being blessed by God and that my paperwork was being blessed by God.  He went on to tell the group that God was not working on the Judge's heart or the Prosecutor's heart, but on the hearts of those above and around them.  That I was imprisoned to learn to trust God's Grace and to learn total faith.  He then went on to say that my family would see me victorious in this situation and would see me as a leader.  I was expected to lead many people but I needed to go through this situation to learn to trust him in all areas of my life.

As we spoke about Proverbs and Psalms, he told me the story of David and Goliath.  He said David went to he battle to further his own glory, but when he saw the giant, he had to humble himself and step back and let God take the battle.  He told me God said it was time for me to step back and let God take over the battle for me.  His grace would be placed on my paperwork and hearts and minds will start to change.  I am to use this time to learn how to listen to the Holy Spirit and use his guidance.  He said I have world knowledge, but now I needed spiritual knowledge. 

I can tell you I have never experienced anything like this.  He told me he had been tuning into my dreams for the last few days and that I was not listening to what God was trying to tell me.  I told him I had been very down the last few days.  He told me that is why I couldn't hear God.  He said God does not understand depression or anxiety.  It is not part of his creation.  That to hear God I needed to rise up and accept my place as a Child of God and then he would make me a Servant of God.  He said not everyone is meant to hear the word, but I could if I would stay in the light of the Holy Spirit and not get down when things don't go as I expect.  He said the Father is handing my case a special way so that it will be a testament to many that God lives and has never left us during this time of oppression.  He said he wants me to only speak the truth, do not give in, and my words will be heard by all the world.
Stacy, you can post this on Brian, D's and Heather's site if you want.  What I have told you is the truth and I will never doubt that God is with me ever again.

Love you both eternally,

I know there are many people out there, many of whom will read this, who need help. I just want you all to know the era of great human suffering is almost over, so hang in there and KNOW that you are loved and not alone. 

This morning I was guided to share the messages below from Cody. One thing I've learned, when your inner voice speaks, it's best to listen. If YOU are guided to help in any way, an opportunity is presented below to do so. There is no obligation of course. Ultimately, the most valuable offering we can possibly bestow is that of, if nothing else please send lots of love to Anthony and his family <3 .="" nbsp="" span="">

In Absolute Gratitude,

Now that I have shown his wife how to set up a Paypal acct. Cody asked that I resend this to you.  We have sent them money to get their electricity turned back on and some food baskets.  They are really struggling.  Thank you guys,  S
I have spent the last 2 hours meeting with Anthony Bonojo.  He is the prophet who approached me.  My head is still spinning.    God is going to bestow so many blessings on us that are to be used in His name.  Anthony is such a true prophet.  He wants nothing for his knowledge, but he gets many blessings from other inmates in this place. 
Anthony is an innocent man.  His wife and 3 daughters are living in Lake Olympia.  A prisoner who met Anthony in here has been helping them with food and utilities.  That is the man they wanted Anthony to lie about.  He refused and has been here 28 months with no trial.  His oldest daughter was accepted to Hoffstra and BYU, but because they have no money, she is attending Sam Houston State on scholarship.  I told Anthony I would put his information on the Internet for all to see, and let God direct those people to his family.
If anyone is reading this on the Internet, please contact Anthony's wife and help her and her 4 daughters, including the one enrolled in college.  Just send 5 dollars each.  If everyone who read this just sent 5 dollars, they would never have to worry about money again. Stacy showed them how to set up a Paypal acct.  The email is:  It's time for all us to begin to start helping the widows, divorcees and orphans.  God wants us to accept responsibility for each other.  When that begins to happen, this planet will change overnight.  We are One and what is done to the least of us is done to the rest of us.  Not one of us can be left behind.  Start in your community and help the hungry and impoverished.  It's time we all wake up and quit listening to the elitists tell us we need a new car every year.
His house is facing foreclosure and his wife is working part-time.  His girls are all gifted in Academics.  This man is a true prophet of God.  He told me things about my life that only I could possibly know.  He told me God wants me to start controlling my thoughts and anytime I have doubt, to immediately dismiss it.  Anytime I have a negative thought, to immediately dismiss it.  He said I was blessed before with a lot of money, but I didn't use it wisely and in his name.  But God knows my heart has compassion for all mankind and he wants to be able to use me to help people with the prosperity he bestows upon me. 
Anthony told me he was with me the night I was sentenced.  Though I wouldn't cry, Anthony said God heard my heart crying out and wanted me to know that he was with me the whole time.  He never left me.  He told me that I have to control my anger.  God wants me to bless those who are evil, not show anger.  He said I need to allow the peace of the Holy Spirit to come upon me and not give into the ego.  He said when I see evil, just bless it and move on.  He said I need to instantly change the channel when I see something on TV that depicts pornography or killing.  Never let evil enter into my consciousness. 
I cried with joy when Anthony told me that God is going to show me and world that he can change any situation.  That I would learn what Grace is and begin to accept his Grace in my life continuously.  My lesson is about Grace. 
I wish I had a tape recorder and could tape this man.  He is profound.  He lives in the Holy Spirit and transfers that life directly to me.  He told me to never let anything come out of my mouth that is evil.  Only good should pass from my lips.  Words are very powerful and when matched with belief, can move mountains.  I believe Anthony was put here to meet me.  I know it now.
I know I am rambling but my mind is racing right now from all the energy that is coming to me from the Holy Spirit.  I just feel so blessed to have been given a second chance at life and this time around I am going to be working for the real MAN! 
With love and light,

Here is one more message we just received from Cody this morning :)

To all OPPT Members,
Today's message is about hope.  Over the last ten months I have been blessed to have a loving Wife and Sister who continuously send me inspirational updates from authors all over the world.  Some are bloggers, some are writers and some are actual prophets.  But in the end, I realized today how blessed I have been to have access to people who love me enough to keep my Spirit up and feed me words of inspiration.  My new spiritual mentor, Anthony, preached this morning how the Bible states that each one of us is a minister, and we are expected to uplift others Spirit with God's Word.  It had never occurred to me before today that other inmates don't have access to information outside of the Bible and books that are inspired by the Bible.  The OPPT Mission and UCC Filings are enough to uplift anyone's Spirit that is looking for inspiration and hope. 
Yesterday, Stacy sent me two articles that prophecised the coming Golden Age/Ascension.  I allowed my roommate to read both articles, and soon he had showed it to three other inmates.  Today inmates were coming up to me and asking if I had any other articles about the coming Ascension.  I had to start going backwards in my emails and printing off past articles that Stacy had sent me.  It has been food for the soul for these inmates.  The one thing this current system takes from every man is hope.  From the initial arrest, everyone is told it's impossible to win against the government, so you better take a plea.  Then everyone is told Fed time is 5 times longer than State time.  For those who choose to go to trial, the time is 15 times longer than State time.  So hope is a commodity in this system. 
Stacy's friend said in a letter to me that hope is God's way of communicating with us.  So I would like to say thank you to Heather, D and Brian and all the OPPT members for communicating for God.  Your words are heard and spreading through the hearts of inmates at the Federal Detention Center in Downtown Houston.  Even with limited resources to inmates, God's word reaches every heart that longs for it. 
With love and light,

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