Explaining the Angelic Geometry for the Circle of Sevens & the Eden Event |
• How the Angelic Gateway Came into Being — The Seven Gifts of Heaven for Humanity In 1995 a series of angelic visits began whereby teachings would be given to humanity. In 1997 the angels asked seven master souls to congregate and sit in geometric formations given by the angels. The first geometric formation given was called the "Formation of the Seven," later referred to as the Angelic Gateway. When the seven master souls sat in this geometry, an initiation process began whereby the realm of angels and the realm of humans would begin to come together. This geometry serves as a vibrational stepping stone that facilitates this coming together. The reason the angels called the geometry the Angelic Gateway or the Gate of Grace was because this geometry served as a gateway into the angelic realm. These angelic appearances continue to this day. What the angels told the seven masters was that 2000 years ago Heaven attempted to present to humanity seven great gifts. These gifts were given through the seven great churches of Asia Minor (Turkey, today). But instead of passing on these great gifts to humanity, the churches kept the gifts for themselves to acquire power and influence. The seven cities of these churches did become great indeed, but in the process the seven gifts were lost. Not until now have the seven gifts been returned. But instead of returning these gifts through any church, the angels presented these gifts to each human at birth, based on the primary archetypal gift that soul vibrated to. When seven people come together carrying these soul vibrations, along with one who is called a Servant (one who has already been initiated into the vibrations using the two geometries given by the angels), an Angelic Gateway opens. Once the Gateway opens, those assembled have an enhanced ability to work with the angelic realm in various ways. | ||
• Purpose of the Angelic Gateway The Angelic Gateway allows us more easily and effectively to work with the angelic realm. These messengers of Source (Allah, God, Goddess, Brahma, Buddha, etc.) are here to help us learn and grow as we move toward true Oneness with ourselves, with the angels, and with Source. The Gateway enhances our abilities to meditate or pray or accept help. When asking, standing in your Ray of Creation spot allows clarity and focus. When receiving, standing in the center enhances the answer or the gift or the communication. Many people have used the Gateway to facilitate healing or anointing or attuning. The Gateway has two 3D geometric counterparts that raise its effectiveness even further. You can find this information in the book ON THE WINGS OF HEAVEN and THE MASTERS RETURN. As the name implies, the Gateway is an opening into the angelic realm. The geometry is made up of what is called "quantum arithmetic," meaning the geometry is an active quantum event. In quantum physics, one of the great forces of life is that of vortex energy. The Angelic Gateway creates two vortexes swirling in opposite directions. The reason for this is that the geometry is actually made up of two 3D pyramids, one point up, the other pointing down. Where these pyramids intersect is where the four spots in the middle, making up a small square, are located. These two pyramids are quantum forces bringing together the forces of Heaven with the forces of Earth. | ||
• How to Create the Angelic Gateway The most effective way to create an Angelic Gateway is to assemble seven people carrying the seven different vibrational gifts of the soul, plus a Servant. How to determine those vibrational gifts within oneself is listed below. The second way to open an Angelic Gateway is to use seven different crystals. These crystals are listed in the book THE MASTERS RETURN. After the Tree of Life Conference, more material will be made available here. When the seven people come together, the vortexes open up and grace begins swirling around the formation. This grace can be defined as the essence of Divine Love, which we all carry. It is limitless if we all allow it to be so. It should be noted that any Angelic Gateway will automatically shut down whenever any negative energy or intent enters it. Nothing negative can ever come through or enter or misuse the Gateway. It should also be noted that anyone carrying negativity within themself will find the negativity flushed out if they stand in the Gateway. This can be upsetting until the person comes back into balance. Otherwise, the Gateway provides a loving, soothing, and supportive atmosphere. | ||
• What Ray of Creation Vibrates With Your Soul? Though all seven rays of creation echo in our souls, one stands out more than the rest. There are several techniques used to determine what the prominent gift is, including dowsing, asking your friends, using the crystals, and standing in the positions of a built Gateway. Another way of determining your color is to consider the traps that can exist along with the gift. Don't think of gifts as good or traps as bad. We are who we are. The angels tell us that we are "Perfect, whole and complete, just the way you are." That may be hard to accept, but life is a journey, not a competition. We are where we are because we need to be. It's part of the journey. Using the information below should work for most people. RED: Archangel Khamael who appears as Caucasian, feminine ... with a red nimbus around her. Gifts — Leadership, Power ... teach others to see the truth in themselves. Intuitive by nature. Trailblazers, leading people from darkness into light. Reds tend to be pioneers, business leaders, pathfinders, in charge, see the big picture, naturally know what needs to be done, risk-takers, courageous, heroic. Traps — Unworthiness ... tend to listen to lies about themselves and believe them to be true. See themselves as powerless when they are meant to lead. They are known to be power hungry, arrogant, self-centered, or feel unworthy, not wanting to take on responsibility out of fear of their own power. ORANGE: Archangel Tzaphqiel who appears as Polynesian, feminine ... with an orange nimbus around her. Gifts — Bringers of Joy ... act as a mother to all. These men and women are people of divine love. They uplift others, see the blessings and gifts in others. The defend strongly those they love, and support others in their work. Can be the life of the party, the Bugs Bunny type. Promoters, incite enthusiasm, advocates, enjoy socializing with people, fun-loving, love being around people, bubbly, exciting Traps — lose themselves by becoming social butterflies, getting caught up in the attention they get being around people. When this happens they become more concerned about being in the limelight than bringing joy to others. Can be unfocused, flitting from person one to another, looking for excitement, caught up in excitement/emotions, become confused, judgmental, and blaming. YELLOW: Archangel Gabriel who appears as Arabian, masculine ... with a yellow nimbus around him. Gifts — Seekers of Truth ... love to bring truth and knowledge to others. These people have the gift of Natural Knowing. Have a strong desire to acquire truth or knowledge. Love reading books, or listening to how-to tapes. These show others the way into uncharted territory, making sure truth will lead the way. Always asking for more information. Traps — lose faith in themselves because they become too exacting, too critical. They end up not trusting their own truth to the point of believing only what others say about them. Can suffer analysis paralysis, want more data but still can’t make a decision. Don't deal with their feelings, stay in head to avoid feelings and avoid being hurt. Tend to always say "I think ..." rather than "I feel ..." GREEN: Archangel Raphael who appears as Indian/Pakistani, masculine ... with a green nimbus around him. Gifts — Healers ... making that which is bent straight, fixing that which is broken. Tend to be healthcare people or mechanics or repairmen. Mending work consumes them and is nourishment for them. Typically watch their checkbook and are good with keeping track of money. Tend to be doers if asked. Traps — Self-absorption, or seeking authority, or wanting credit for the work they do. Because their gift is so noticeable, they can get caught up in the attention and come off as walking egos. Sometimes see only black and white (no gray), have to be right. Can be energy junkies or workshop addicts. BLUE: Archangel Ratziel who appears as African, masculine ... with a blue nimbus around him. Gifts — Teachers of Wisdom ... love to teach people about themselves. Are the holders of the fourfold way (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual), and teach balance so wisdom can dwell within. Love all equally. Feel comfortable with androgyny. Knowledge is Divine. Desire that you become the best you can be (can be relentless about it). Traps — getting out of balance by not paying attention to one or more of the fourfold ways. When balance is gone, they stop teaching, stop giving to themselves and others. Silence. Can come off as know-it-alls. PURPLE: Archangel Haniel (Some call this color Indigo) who appears as Asian, masculine ... with a purple nimbus around him. Gifts — Creatives, bridge-builders ... teach with soft and gentle words. Good listeners with no judgment in what they hear. Give love to those in turmoil. Usually are centered in one or more of the art forms, creating things of beauty with the hands, feet (dance) or heart. Typically have an interest in the sciences to balance their creative side. Can be great networkers and peacemakers. Traps — Materialism ... these can get caught up in seeing their value in the company they keep or those who have prestige or by acquiring material things or making material goals because they fail to see the wonder of their own giftedness, their own capacity to bring polarities together and foster peace. Can go after personal glory because they trust not their talent. VIOLET: Archangel Tzadqiel who appears as Native American, feminine ... with a violet nimbus around her. Gifts — Helpers ... these have a natural sense of nurturing. Tend to be waiters, healthcare workers, stewards, executive assistants. These care about and for others as they would their own children. They solve conflicts understanding both sides and they teach tolerance. Tend to be there for anyone asking for help. Traps — Become too helpful to the point they forget about themselves. Can't ask for help when they need it. When they do this, they think they are unworthy to do so. Can be control freaks, martyrs to the extreme, doormats, won’t teach out of fear that they will hurt someone’s feelings. Can over-commit themselves. | ||
• How to Create the Gate of Grace Oftentimes it's difficult getting seven people together, let alone seven people with specific gifts. So the angels provided information to allow us to open these gateways with another method using crystals. When crystals are used, the term we use for that gateway is the Gate of Grace. Anyone can build these Gates of Grace. They now exist all over the world. Wherever built, they tend to create an acupuncture point for the Earth. Ever since people started building these, the number and severity of earthquakes has decreased. The details for building a Gate of Grace will be posted here later. If you want the information right away, it can be found in the book THE MASTERS RETURN. | ||
• What's the Difference in the Geometries? The Gates of Grace can be built in a 3D fashion on posts. The exact heights of these posts can be found in THE MASTERS RETURN. When the stones (crystals) are used in this 3D fashion, the power and intensity of the grace is greatly increased. Wherever these have been built, crime rates drop in the neighborhood. Another geometric version of the Gate of Grace is a complete 3D object made out of silver and gold, called the Angelic Merkaba. More information on this can be read at www.gwhardin.com/sevens.htm where the history of this geometric configuration and a picture can be found. When people come together to form the Angelic Gateway, an incredible feeling is added to one's experience. There is no real substitute for human beings. The angels love working with us when we come together. There is an initiation process that can take place over a weekend when seven people gather together with a Servant. Another formation is involved that we do not disclose in public because of its powerfulness. A Servant should be closeby for this geometry. At the Tree of Life Conference and the Eden Event, we use people to magnify intent as the angels join us. It's a great experience. | ||
• Other References on Angelic Geometry You can read a number of the angelic visits and teachings at www.teachonlylove.com ... though not much geometric information resides there. The books called TEACHING THE MASTERS and THE MASTERS RETURN can be purchased there. Other books can be ordered at www.gwhardin.com or at Amazon.com or bn.com. The books to order are ON THE WINGS OF HEAVEN, THE MESSENGERS, and THE DAYS OF WONDER. |
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