Questions and Answers
Q. How many interviews has Maitreya given since early January?
A. Maitreya has now moved His appearances to Russia where He has given three media appearances. He has given a total of 87 interviews in all. (As of 3 February 2013.)
Q. Do more viewers watch these interviews now than, for example, two or three months ago? Are the programmes becoming more popular among the viewing public?
A. Since Maitreya has now moved His appearances to Russia it is too early to answer these questions, but I can say that the response so far in Russia has been very good.
Q. (1) Did the Syrian authorities use chemical weapons in Homs recently? (2) Have chemical weapons been used against the opposition forces in other parts of Syria?
A. (1) No. (2) No.
Q. (1) Do your paintings have a sort of healing effect? (2) Do your paintings radiate an energy which expands the consciousness? (3) Do these effects occur with reproductions or copies of your paintings – for example, such reproductions as are printed on the covers of your books and Share International magazine?
A. (1) Yes, some of them. (2) Some of them do. (3) Yes, in the lithographs.
Q. What does this mean: “The externalisation of the Hierarchy involves the externalisation of a Master’s Ashram”?
A. The externalisation of the Hierarchy is precisely the externalisation of the Ashrams of the Masters.
Q. What does the following mean for members of groups working with you: “The inner Ashram of a Master should be reflected on the outer planes, in the everyday world”?
A. This means that the spiritual tension of the subjective groups of the Master should be replicated outwardly in the physical manifestation – the spiritual potency achieved on the outer plane should be equal to that achieved on the inner plane.
Q. I’m wondering how to understand and make real for myself the following: “This group is an esoteric group – it is not an association, or union, or organization of volunteers”?
A. This group is connected with the plan of the Spiritual Hierarchy in its externalisation onto the outer plane. This includes our work for the reappearance of Maitreya the World Teacher and His group of Masters.
Q. Please help me to understand what it means to “identify myself with the group”?
A. See yourself as one of the group, carrying out the aim of the groups which is to do with the externalisation of the Hierarchy, and to prepare the world for the reappearance of Maitreya and His group of Masters. Study the passages on group work in my various books.
Q. If I join a Transmission Meditation group, and I’m totally convinced of your information, does that automatically make me ‘a disciple’?
A. Not necessarily, but your involvement is welcome.
Q. The origin of the word ‘disciple’ obviously refers to discipline, but what discipline? Isn’t the notion of ‘discipline’ rather old-fashioned, especially for young people?
A. No, it is central to the evolutionary process of each one of us. I personally believe the path of service and meditation (particularly Transmission Meditation) is the most powerful lever of the evolutionary process.
Q. What is your opinion of carbon emissions trading?
A. It is dishonest and does not help the fabric of the planet.
Q. Is nuclear pollution the worst aspect of environmental destruction?
A. Yes.
Q. (1) Just as there will be an emergency plan in the short term to feed the starving and the malnourished, do the Masters have a blueprint about what needs to be dealt with as a matter of urgency with regard to the terrible degradation we have caused to our planet? (2) What will be the first emergency tasks to save our planet?
A. (1) Yes. (2) Clearly, a lessening of the ‘carbon footprint’ of everyone on the planet.
Q. Is the skeleton that was exhumed in a carpark in Leicester, England, in September 2012, really that of King Richard III?
A. Yes, it was King Richard III, maligned by Shakespeare and of course the Tudor dynasty.
Q. Given that Benjamin Creme wrote on page 19 of his book The Gathering of the Forces of Light: UFOs and Their Spiritual Mission that the Day of Declaration would take place within three years of Maitreya’s first television interview, and that we are now past the three years. Obviously something has changed – that is fine, things do as we know. Would Benjamin be kind enough to inform us of where things now stand. Are the books being printed now still stating this three-year timescale? I believe it is necessary to clarify this situation, because people are going to ask us about it as we spread the message about Maitreya.
A. Yes, things do change. Throughout my years of work I have been asked with various degrees of manipulation, how soon Maitreya would appear – in so many weeks, months, years, in my lifetime (given my mature age) etc. It has always been quite difficult to satisfy this quite natural question, which everyone wants to know. The fact is nobody knows. I don’t, my Master says He does not, even Maitreya does not exactly.
Nevertheless, every time, pushed to the point by questions for some date, I ask the Master, He always says in about three years, and at the time He says it, it sounds logical. It sounds vague, not a hard set date. Remember, that to the Masters, there is no such thing as time.
If you read the actual answer in the book you will see that it is less cut and dried than you suggest: “Maitreya is emerging very soon. The Day of Declaration could be anytime from a year to two or three years after His first television interview. The Masters and Maitreya Himself seem to think that the time will be relatively very short indeed. But whatever the timing, these four spacecraft [Maitreya’s ‘stars’] will remain in the heavens, seen by an increasing number of people. Hopefully the media of the world will become more and more open to reporting on these ‘stars’.”
Nevertheless, every time, pushed to the point by questions for some date, I ask the Master, He always says in about three years, and at the time He says it, it sounds logical. It sounds vague, not a hard set date. Remember, that to the Masters, there is no such thing as time.
If you read the actual answer in the book you will see that it is less cut and dried than you suggest: “Maitreya is emerging very soon. The Day of Declaration could be anytime from a year to two or three years after His first television interview. The Masters and Maitreya Himself seem to think that the time will be relatively very short indeed. But whatever the timing, these four spacecraft [Maitreya’s ‘stars’] will remain in the heavens, seen by an increasing number of people. Hopefully the media of the world will become more and more open to reporting on these ‘stars’.”
Q. In a recent interview with Benjamin Creme (seen on YouTube), Mr Creme stated that Maitreya is in a physical body He created for Himself, but He can change His appearance at will, and can look quite hideous and grotesque. The question in mind is, why would a being of light and love wish to look hideous or grotesque?
A. If you knew the variety of appearances that Maitreya has adopted over the years you would be amazed at the flexibility which He displays. He can look like a young and beautiful woman, a gnarled old man, a toothless jibbering clown, in a huge variety of clothes, sensible or hysterical. He is still a being of “light and love” but adopts a persona exactly fitted to the occasion and to the hopes – or prejudices – of those who are blessed by His presence.
Q. What do you think of the 7th day Sabbath and why people keep Sunday?
A. Sunday, or the Sabbath, is meant to be a day of rest and if people have worked hard they need a rest. I believe that all people need more time for leisure, to find themselves and give of their best, that is from a creative point of view. One of the mistakes of our modern ‘civilization’ is that so many people today spend most of their working life in conditions of mechanical drudgery. Leisure is an essential part of life.
Q. I watched a documentary about Babu (Ambilike Mwasapila), a 76 year-old protestant priest in the small village of Samunge, near Loliondo, in northern Tanzania, who has given ‘miracle water’ to over 5,000 people since 2011.
In 1991 he had a dream in which he believes God spoke to him and showed him a woman with AIDS, and told him which medicine could be given to her to heal her from this disease. When Babu woke up, he wondered how a tree could heal AIDS when even doctors can't heal it?
The roots of a Karanga plumtree called Enga Muriaga, is used to produce the special drink: the roots are cooked in hot water over night and next day the people are given a cup to drink. Babu says it is only a healing water when you swallow the drink straightaway and don’t carry it home. People pay about 25 cents for the cup of miracle water: 40 per cent of the profits go to the church, 40 per cent goes to his co-workers and Babu receives 20 per cent.
The tree has been investigated by the National Institute of Medical Research in Tansania. Some of its healing qualities are already known: it helps to lower high blood pressure, helps diabetics by needing less insulin and it helps to detoxify and purify the body. But it also heals AIDS. Joyce Elia was healed from the disease after drinking the special drink: she took an AIDS test twice and the results showed she was healed. Many people have been healed from severe illnesses such as cancer, epilepsy and diabetes.
(1) Did Maitreya talk to Babu in the dream? (2) Can it really heal AIDS and cancer? (3) Is there a reason why the people should drink it only at Babu’s place? Why should they not take bottles home with them? (4) Could a potion of this tree be effective in a homeopathic dose to treat AIDS or cancer, for example? What dilution would you recommend to treat AIDS, cancer or diabetes?
In 1991 he had a dream in which he believes God spoke to him and showed him a woman with AIDS, and told him which medicine could be given to her to heal her from this disease. When Babu woke up, he wondered how a tree could heal AIDS when even doctors can't heal it?
The roots of a Karanga plumtree called Enga Muriaga, is used to produce the special drink: the roots are cooked in hot water over night and next day the people are given a cup to drink. Babu says it is only a healing water when you swallow the drink straightaway and don’t carry it home. People pay about 25 cents for the cup of miracle water: 40 per cent of the profits go to the church, 40 per cent goes to his co-workers and Babu receives 20 per cent.
The tree has been investigated by the National Institute of Medical Research in Tansania. Some of its healing qualities are already known: it helps to lower high blood pressure, helps diabetics by needing less insulin and it helps to detoxify and purify the body. But it also heals AIDS. Joyce Elia was healed from the disease after drinking the special drink: she took an AIDS test twice and the results showed she was healed. Many people have been healed from severe illnesses such as cancer, epilepsy and diabetes.
(1) Did Maitreya talk to Babu in the dream? (2) Can it really heal AIDS and cancer? (3) Is there a reason why the people should drink it only at Babu’s place? Why should they not take bottles home with them? (4) Could a potion of this tree be effective in a homeopathic dose to treat AIDS or cancer, for example? What dilution would you recommend to treat AIDS, cancer or diabetes?
A. (1) Yes. (2) Sometimes. Healing is not inevitable, but it helps in many cases. (3) It is not necessary to drink it just at Babu’s place. (4) Yes, in 30c potency.
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People power forever!
Dear Editor,
I attended a rally in Albany, New York, on 9 January 2013 against allowing an unconventional method of drilling for natural gas known as ‘fracking’ to occur in New York State. Around 1,500 anti-frackers outnumbered the pro-frackers about twenty to one at the rally. The rally filled a quarter mile long indoor hallway under the state capitol building. The activists were cordoned off on one side so the state employees had a walkway. Anyone could walk in that walkway if they didn’t carry a sign. So the activists hung over the ropes chanting “Ban fracking now!” over and over to the people walking by. At one point, a middle-age African American man in a gray sweatshirt with a backpack over one shoulder, walked along the outside of the rope stopping and addressing different groups of activists with a smile and his own chant: “Ain’t no power like the power of the people cause the power of the people won’t stop”. He kept repeating it and they kept chanting their own chant but acknowledging and smiling at him in return. I smiled at him as well and memorized his chant. His skin was not dark nor light, his hair was graying and cut short and his eyes appeared green, and they sparkled. A very strongly built black woman inside the ropes also called out at another point something like: “We need food, we need water, we need farms, don’t poison us!” I wondered if you could tell me perhaps if either or both of them were someone special? Thank you. A.F., Hurleyville, NY, USA.
(Benjamin Creme’s Master confirms that the man was the Master Jesus. The woman was one of the crowd.)
Dear Editor,
I would like to share an event that happened on 25 May 2006. I was visiting new friends in Rue du Château d’Eau, in the 10th arrondissement in Paris, for a group in self-healing that was supposed to happen a few months later. At the end of the visit, on the sidewalk near the entrance of the place, a young white man wearing glasses, was coming for a Transmission Meditation session and gave us a brochure of Share International in French. I had never heard of this event or Share International before. The energy and the look of this young man was very different from other people, he was very meditative and peaceful. Now after some years, I am more and more interested in practicing Transmission Meditation and spreading it to many people. I feel very strongly that this ‘young Buddha’ was Maitreya. Please let me know if it was him, and please could you tell me if it was a sign to practice Transmission Meditation.
G.B.L., Charente, France.
(Benjamin Creme’s Master confirms that the young man was the Master Jesus. It was a sign to practise Transmission Meditation.)
Dear Editor,
On 18 January 2013 at 6.45pm I was on my way to give a talk about Transmission Meditation at my local community centre, when seconds after leaving my home I noticed a deep red light in the sky to the north. It appeared to be coming towards me, then it dropped in height and disappeared. I wondered what this light could have been?C.E., Hullbridge, Essex, UK.
(Benjamin Creme’s Master confirms that the light was a spacecraft from Mars, which appeared on request of Maitreya.)
Dear Editor,
I was alone with my father when he died and several days later I was crying so much my pillow was really wet. I was alone in my bed when I felt a tap on my right shoulder. It shocked me into silence and it stopped me crying. What was it? An old lady told me it was a tap of an angel. Was she right? I do hope so as I’ve recently lost my mother and my husband and I long for another tap. A.S., Barnsley, South Yorkshire, UK.
(Benjamin Creme’s Master confirms that the ‘tap’ was from the Master Jesus.)
Interested parties
Dear Editor,
I attended the Transmission Meditation Conference outside San Francisco in August 2012 for the first time. Toward the end of the Conference, we were going upstairs to regroup and I paused to let two ladies go ahead of me thinking they were going to the same place. They weren’t, but they asked who all of us were and what we were doing. I think I told them we were going upstairs to meditate or something along those lines. They mentioned that they came in to get out of the cold and were going to catch a bus in the parking lot. If I hadn’t gotten a ride from a coworker, I was going to catch that same bus later that afternoon. As I got out of their way so they could go out to catch their bus, a coworker enthusiastically followed them out, for what I assume was to elaborate on what we were all about. She came back in her usual enthusiastic manner telling me that she thought I just had been visited by Maitreya or a Master. The elderly lady who did the talking was of fair complexion with grey hair. The mature lady who stood behind her had dark hair and complexion.While I am just fine if these ladies weren’t anyone ‘special’, just knowing that Maitreya and Jesus and other Masters take down-to-earth human form on occasions is enough to encourage me to treat everyone as ‘special’ since indeed they are all in their own right.
Thanks for this section of the magazine devoted to such phenomena. It is a delight to read every month.
T.M., Colville , WA, United States.
(Benjamin Creme’s Master confirms that the ‘grey-haired woman’ was Maitreya, and the other ‘woman’ was the Master Jesus.)
Helping hand
Dear Editor,
Within the last couple of years I’ve been diagnosed with a mental disorder and have been suffering somewhat, but before I was diagnosed I had become suicidal and out of it. I prayed while in the reception of the mental hospital I was staying at and I felt a hand lay on my shoulder. (1) Was it Jesus or Maitreya? And (2) just yesterday a strange, but nice man came up to me in the street and started to talk to me really nicely and plainly. Was that Jesus or Maitreya or another Master? (3) He also hung something in the bushes should I go get it?T.T, USA.
(Benjamin Creme’s Master confirms that (1) the hand on the shoulder was the Master Jesus. (2) This was also the Master Jesus. (3) Yes.)
Health tonic
Dear Editor,
In 2011 I was several times in Nordenau, Germany, to visit the ‘mineral spring’. One weekend, I was sitting in the waiting hall and talking about the healing effects with someone.As a result an elderly lady spoke to me: “I heard you talking to another person and I want to speak with you.” After the visit to the mineral spring we met again and talked together. She told me that she and her husband visit the spring very often at the weekend and they are very healthy. She said: “We have nothing wrong with us.” During the talk, her husband kept in the background. After that chat we said a kindly goodbye and I thought to myself, “This elderly lady has an unusual, loveable and restrained nature.” I regretted immediately that I hadn’t embraced her.
Who were this couple?
C.U., Berlin, Germany.
(Benjamin Creme’s Master confirms that the ‘woman’ was the Master Jesus and the man was a disciple of the Master Jesus.)
Passport to health
Dear Editor,
On Monday 27 August 2012, around 9pm, I had just retrieved my passport from the Immigration Office in Libreville, Gabon. I was waiting for a taxi when a man appeared out of the blue, tall, with a clear skin like the Fulani people, wearing dark glasses, and he started to talk to me.“Sir, throw away your cigarette, then throw the whole pack and your lighter. Do you think I came to you on my own will? Look around you: so many people, some of them smoke. Why didn’t I go to them? Because I was sent to you. Sexual weakness, hypertension, diabetes, throat cancer, prostatitis, nervousness, this is what awaits you! You stink of tobacco; your teeth are affected. Your wife and children are outraged. From now on, if you feel the urge to smoke, drink a few gulps of plain water and mentally say: ‘In the name of God, I will not smoke.’ After, do a bit of sport (jogging or push-ups). Did you know, Sekou Touré and Lansana Conté never wanted to listen to my advice? These two Guinean heads of state died because of tobacco.”
Since this meeting, I have quit smoking for a week now, a new record for me and I had been smoking continuously for over forty years!
Who was this man?
P.C., Port-Gentil, Gabon.
(Benjamin Creme’s Master confirms that the man was the Master Jesus.)
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Maitreya’s miraculous appearances
Share International regularly publishes readers’ letters, which illustrate a huge range of experiences of the presence of Maitreya and the Masters and how they comfort, support and rescue people all over the world.
Maitreya and the Masters appear in different guises, frequently using ‘familiars’, to attract attention and often to hint at something with special significance to the person seeing Them.
Benjamin Creme writes: “Most days of the week bring letters of these extraordinary meetings: funny, sad, solemn, hilarious, caring and deeply touching, they run the gamut of human situations like a series of characters in a play. In these different ways, Maitreya (or a Master) confirms the reality of Their presence – even as only ‘familiars’ – and consoles, teaches and inspires according to need. They should be a source of joy for everyone involved in this work.” (SI, January/February 2000)
We include a selection of photographs that capture some of Maitreya’s appearances.
Maitreya and the Masters appear in different guises, frequently using ‘familiars’, to attract attention and often to hint at something with special significance to the person seeing Them.
Benjamin Creme writes: “Most days of the week bring letters of these extraordinary meetings: funny, sad, solemn, hilarious, caring and deeply touching, they run the gamut of human situations like a series of characters in a play. In these different ways, Maitreya (or a Master) confirms the reality of Their presence – even as only ‘familiars’ – and consoles, teaches and inspires according to need. They should be a source of joy for everyone involved in this work.” (SI, January/February 2000)
We include a selection of photographs that capture some of Maitreya’s appearances.
People were flat on the ground, weeping uncontrollably in praise and worship, in total submission to the occasion.... In clear Swahili, which had no trace of accent, the strange man announced that the people of Kenya were blessed.” (SI, September 1988)
“At marches and demonstrations, where the people call for justice, peace and sanity, Maitreya may be found in one or other guise, playing the part of the people and speaking in their name. His energy of love pervades these gatherings of the just and inspires them to further effort. His strength becomes theirs and they feel undaunted and sure. In this way, the Lord of Love is turning the tide of hate, is potentizing the ardour of millions, and is finding that the people everywhere are aware of their destiny and are seeking the means to implement their heart-felt desires.” (Benjamin Creme’s Master, SI, April 2003)
Question: Will Maitreya look physically like Himself – that is, as He really is – when His first interview takes place, or will He be in a different ‘guise’ – as He usually is when He appears to people?
Benjamin Creme: When He appears to people He is usually using a ‘familiar’, a created person through which some part of His consciousness manifests. But when He appears openly to the world, although not using the name Maitreya, He will appear as in fact He is, in the self-created body in which He manifests now in the world.
Signs and miracles worldwide
‘Hand’ of Maitreya miracle
On 23 January 2013 I placed the photograph of Maitreya’s ‘hand’ on my chest in bed, because I have had a heart problem for half a year following my mother’s death. I tried to invoke Christ to apply His living hand to my heart – and immediately I felt peace and bliss and fell asleep.
The next morning I placed the photo on my chest again and found that it stuck to my body. I discovered a new, strange lubricant, like honey, covering my chest, neck and forehead. My husband tried attaching different objects to my chest (a ruler, spoons, pans, etc) and all of them stuck to me! I went to shower and wipe it off but the lubricant remained. I went swimming in the ocean and it still remained.
Would you be so kind as to ask your Master what this strange lubricant-like honey is? Is it meant for my health? Should I accept it as medicine?
E.S., Auckland, New Zealand.
(Benjamin Creme’s Master confirms that it is a rare manifestation by Maitreya, and you can use it as ‘medicine’.)
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