How Do Babies See the World?
By Teal ScottWhen a baby is born, their brain uses about 70 percent of their total energy intake. When babies are born, the parts of their brain that are developed are the parts that control survival. Such as Reflexes (like sucking so they can take in milk) and survival systems such as heart beat and breathing. Memory, which is responsible for recognition (recognition of mother’s smell or familiar faces), develops over time. Memory, allows us to differentiate between what is wanted vs. what is unwanted and to learn so the being can use the learning experience of this life to evolve (which is the entire purpose of coming into physical form in the first place).
When babies are born, the world is very fuzzy. Newborn’s eyes are physically capable of seeing perfectly at birth, but their brains aren’t ready to process all that visual information. It is actually not true that Babies see in black and white at first, babies are born seeing color but they have difficulty distinguishing between similar tones, such as red and orange or blue and purple.
This is because they are not integrated into the program yet. They visually perceive mostly light, shapes and movement. They have not learned how to focus yet. They have no depth perception until about four months old. But as the baby learns to focus, they will begin to see the world more like you see it. By eight months to a year, the typical baby sees like an adult sees with the exception that they usually hold a vibratory rate that is high enough that they still visually and auditorily perceive thought forms. Such as light beings, ghosts or spirit guides. As long as the vibratory rate of the individual stays high and their expectation isn’t trained away from the belief in them (by parents who say your imaginary friends aren’t real)… they will continue to perceive them into childhood and even for some, into adulthood. They must learn to see objects by ignoring what is around an object. This is why they are so drawn to high contrast edges and patterns. You learn to differentiate parts of the quantum field by ignoring the space around an object and focusing purely on the object. This is when things begin to look “static” and finite. It is also when the ability to see auras and other energy fields fades for most children.
Babies also have to acclimate to emotion. Though feeling exists past the physical dimension emotions does not. Emotion is a physical process. And feeling and emotion is not the same thing. The more energy we are able to focus on an individual thought or thing, the more it reflects as emotion, so when we are very young and not able to focus yet, emotion does not register in the body as strongly at all. We are born highly
Babies act according to the universal principals that exist. It is not natural to be out of alignment, and so the natural behavior and perspective of a baby is in alignment with their soul. They are self-focused because to continually find alignment with one ‘self is natural and beneficial and ensures not just survival but also enables them to thrive. This natural alignment is what allows their true, eternal self to flow unrestricted through their physical body. Which is why looking into the eyes of a newborn feels very much like staring into source. This is also why it is very difficult for adults to stay out of alignment (and maintain a negative emotional state) while spending time with babies.
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