Thursday, March 6, 2014


The GREAT AWAKENING  The Point of Awakening the Great Peace

The Peace Gateways Grids Diagrams given to Joe Crane, Divined by GWHardin


The Point of Choosing for Our World


brought to you by



a new multi-card

by G.W. Hardin



Angelic Awakening   ... 
Stepping into the Great
   ...   Angelic
on these topics

angelic teleconference
222 hz tone    
333 hz tone   
444 hz tone

angelic events
& geometry
angel photos at
Yellowstone & Switzerland


THE NEW GRIDS for the Vibrations of Peace and the Light of Truth
that Leads to Wisdom

The Halls of Healing and Enlightenment
and the Grids

In the last visit of September 8, Michael showed Joe a series of
grids that interconnected and interrelated forming what some of us
consider to be the “fabric of the universe,” a term the angels
originally coined. Since then, a series of meetings between Jewls,
Iris, Colleen, Michael Baumann, and myself, has discerned the
purpose and meaning of these grids. As we continue with the
worldwide transformation in what I call the “Angelic Awakening” (,
these grids will play a growing importance in how we fashion a new
kind of world.

Grid 1:

In 1998, Michael appeared to Joe to describe seven points around
North America that the angel called the Halls of Healing and
Elightenment. These Halls were to be established by the Gatekeepers
(Missoula, MT; Denver/Boulder, CO; Santa Fe/Taos, NM; San Antonio;
Knoxville, TN; Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN, and St. Louis). It’s been a
while since we’ve spoken about the Gatekeepers among the Sevens, but
it is time to bring the Gatekeepers on board once again. Many of you
were not aware that at the Yellowstone event, Gatekeepers were
positioned in the middle of the 8 circles that made up the outside
area of the Shekinah formation in the west. There was a reason why,
and that reason will unfold further in this message.

We did not know at the time, but the Halls of Healing and
Enlightenment form a circle with a center. That center is connected
to St. Louis and Kansas City. St. Louis is called the “Gateway to
the West” where the giant Peace Arch was built. Interesting that the
new vibrations of Peace will spread through the the three grid
systems through this center of the two cities in Missouri.

Grid 2:

The Eden Events were to circumscribe the boundaries of the New Eden.
If one draws lines from each of the locations to its opposite
location, a pattern develops right on top of the seven Halls of
Healing and Enlightenment, also centered between Kansas City and St.
Louis. If one assumes that Virginia Beach, Virginia (or nearby), is
the next Eden Event, then the 8th Eden Event would most likely be in
the Portland/Roseburg region to keep the geometry of the Eden
boundaries recognizable. The last event (2011) would most likely be
in the Kansas City region where all three grids center.

Grid 3:

A new geometric mathematics has developed from a scientist named
Marko Rodin. His Rodin coil is a breakthrough in quantum laws, along
with a mathematician named Garrett Lisi who has created a new Theory
of Everything based on geometry. The geometry of both, it turns out,
have embedded within them the angelic merkaba and the Cube of
Metatron. Thus, we discovered, the third grid that Michael showed
Joe is based upon a form of waves called scalar waves, and
specifically soliton waves. The Metatron geometry and the ninth seal
are based upon this soliton concept which, in this case, eminates
from a circular wave that goes out across the planet.

The 3 grids:

When you place the three grids together, three areas pop out:
Austin/San Antonio, Northern Idaho, and Eastern Connecticut. Oddly
enough, this matches up with the three names that Michael gave Joe:
Iris, Colleen, and Jewls. These three have agreed to create grid
anchors using sacred geometric figures based upon the angelic
merkaba and the geometry of the Rodin coil. The Sandpoint anchor
will connect two Halls of Healing and Enlightenment along with the
Metatron grid. The same will occur with the Mystic, Connecticut,
anchor. The Austin anchor will anchor these two grids along with the
Eden grids, thus completing the ability of the Sevens to send forth
the ever growing vibrations of Peace as the New Eden emerges. The
circle inside the Metatron geometry (grid) touches the intersecting
points of the Eden Events in the west and the center of the Halls of
Healing at St. Louis in the east. When all the grids fire up
together, a soliton wave of grace will cover the earth repeatedly,
sweeping the vibrations of Peace and the Light of Truth across a new
Earth, connected to a new Heaven.

I want to encourage all of you to support Iris, Colleen, and Jewls
in this effort as the anchors are put in place and the remaining
Eden Events complete the boundaries of the New Eden. The ability of
using soliton waves with conscious intent will allow the Gatekeepers
of the world to bring forth the fullness of the Halls of Healing and
Enlightenment. The time is now to for this to move to the next
level. At this time, I call the Gatekeepers forward as Michael
indicated in bringing the grids forward for the world.

from my heart to yours,


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