Saturday, March 23, 2013

Graham Hancock - The War on Consciousness @ TEDxWhitechapel - YouTube

Graham Hancock - The War on Consciousness @ TEDxWhitechapel - YouTube

How Do Babies See the World? | AngelicView

How Do Babies See the World? | AngelicView

How Do Babies See the World?

Filed under: Teal Scott — by angelicview @ 3:46 pm
By Teal Scott
TealScottThere are always variables for how anything perceives. Babies are no different. But for the sake of understanding, think of coming into this life, as opting into a “video game program”. At first, you are not fully integrated. Neither are your senses. You have to acclimate to it. The perspective you hold is still much more the perspective of your eternal self. You have not fully forgotten who you really are. You have still not forgotten that your experience is coming in response to what you give your attention to. This is why babies are so good (especially until they are about two) at ignoring things that they do not want to pay attention to. Gradually, your attention gets trained. You learn to focus on things your parents want you to focus on whether or not they make you feel good to focus on. And you go deeper into the program.

When a baby is born, their brain uses about 70 percent of their total energy intake. When babies are born, the parts of their brain that are developed are the parts that control survival. Such as Reflexes (like sucking so they can take in milk) and survival systems such as heart beat and breathing. Memory, which is responsible for recognition (recognition of mother’s smell or familiar faces), develops over time. Memory, allows us to differentiate between what is wanted vs. what is unwanted and to learn so the being can use the learning experience of this life to evolve (which is the entire purpose of coming into physical form in the first place).
When babies are born, the world is very fuzzy. Newborn’s eyes are physically capable of seeing perfectly at birth, but their brains aren’t ready to process all that visual information. It is actually not true that Babies see in black and white at first, babies are born seeing color but they have difficulty distinguishing between similar tones, such as red and orange or blue and purple.
This is because they are not integrated into the program yet. They visually perceive mostly light, shapes and movement. They have not learned how to focus yet. They have no depth perception until about four months old. But as the baby learns to focus, they will begin to see the world more like you see it. By eight months to a year, the typical baby sees like an adult sees with the exception that they usually hold a vibratory rate that is high enough that they still visually and auditorily perceive thought forms. Such as light beings, ghosts or spirit guides. As long as the vibratory rate of the individual stays high and their expectation isn’t trained away from the belief in them (by parents who say your imaginary friends aren’t real)… they will continue to perceive them into childhood and even for some, into adulthood. They must learn to see objects by ignoring what is around an object. This is why they are so drawn to high contrast edges and patterns. You learn to differentiate parts of the quantum field by ignoring the space around an object and focusing purely on the object. This is when things begin to look “static” and finite. It is also when the ability to see auras and other energy fields fades for most children.
Babies also have to acclimate to emotion. Though feeling exists past the physical dimension emotions does not. Emotion is a physical process. And feeling and emotion is not the same thing. The more energy we are able to focus on an individual thought or thing, the more it reflects as emotion, so when we are very young and not able to focus yet, emotion does not register in the body as strongly at all. We are born highly AngelBabyimmature three months immature to be exact. Our babies can only fit through the birth canal if they are born three months premature. As a result, many of the babies’ physical processes are not able to participate in the physical program yet. This is why wise parents adhere to the fourth trimester philosophy of parenting an infant. They simulate a womb like environment for an infant even though they are already born.
Babies act according to the universal principals that exist. It is not natural to be out of alignment, and so the natural behavior and perspective of a baby is in alignment with their soul. They are self-focused because to continually find alignment with one ‘self is natural and beneficial and ensures not just survival but also enables them to thrive. This natural alignment is what allows their true, eternal self to flow unrestricted through their physical body. Which is why looking into the eyes of a newborn feels very much like staring into source. This is also why it is very difficult for adults to stay out of alignment (and maintain a negative emotional state) while spending time with babies.

Keepers of the Garden IV | AngelicView

Keepers of the Garden IV | AngelicView

Keepers of the Garden IV

(Continued from Part III)


The Dinosaurs

AV: Who doesn’t want to know more about the dinosaurs? This chapter starts out by telling us that the first “animal” living creature on Earth was the amoeba. A single-celled organism. It evolved into a two-celled critter, and so forth. The goal was to eventually have the human being living here, and so any creatures that evolved that would not eventually lead to human beings was not nurtured and therefore died out. The animals that would eventually lead to human beings was nurtured and fed and cared for to make sure that they were the ones that survived.
Dolores asked about the evolution process more closely to humans. She says that the “missing link” in the evolutionary chain between the animal and man has not ever been found. Phil says that it won’t ever be found because there wasn’t one. Here is the text on that:

Phil: There will not be found any link, as no link really existed. Many times there were no such gradual evolution but a sudden and radical departure from that which had been. A mutation, so to say. These jumps in evolution were profound and radical but were often instantaneous within one generation.
AV: I’m sure we’ll hear more about that later. But now – to the dino’s.JesusNdino
P: They were evolutionary. Their appropriateness had expired and
so that reality which assured their destruction was manifest. It
always is a matter of what is appropriate and following that, for
in so doing, one follows the true path. So as their appropriateness
had ended, so did their existence. All animal life originated
with the seedlings. The dinosaurs simply had their time and
then were gone. The reason for their extinction was a natural
process in the tilt of the axis which caused the seasons to change
abruptly. Those who could adapt to the rapid change adapted.
Those who could not, did not.
D: People have always wondered what killed them because they have found
the remains of many dinosaurs that had food still in their bodies.
P: The change was that quick, for the Earth tilted on its axis. So that
which was warm and sunny suddenly, within minutes time, was
found to be cold and frigid. Climate changed, for the Earth is
a restless old woman who turns and frets. This was a natural
phenomenon which is occurring again at this present time.
AV: By the way, there was one NDE in particular that described this event – although I didn’t know at the time that it was what killed off the dinosaurs. However, it described how the Earth very suddenly began wobbling on it’s axis.
Dinos2D: After the other shift occurred, were all the dinosaurs destroyed at once
or were there still some left alive in various parts of the world?
P: There were some life forms left, for there was not the complete
annihilation. The largest dinosaurs were killed, that is correct,
for they could not adapt Their bodies were simply suited to one
particular type of climate and could not tolerate any change and
so they died. They were simply too large to adapt quickly. There
was no place to go. The smaller animals could hide and ran
under objects, for example, and could collect leaves and grass
and etc. around them and so build a warm environment. The
larger animals, however, could not do this, and so were left to the
elements and died.
D: I have read about people finding drawings or carvings in some
ancient countries that show dinosaurs and humans together.
P: That is correct, for there was humans at this time. They were in
a primitive stage but had already been inhabited by spirit.
D: I wondered when the spirits began to come to Earth and inhabit the bodies.
P: It was that early, yes.
D: Scientists have always said that humans came along much later than
the dinosaurs.
P: Scientists are always saying things and will continue to do so.
However, they have no unlimited access to knowledge and so
must make their deductions from the knowledge which is availableDinos3
to them at that point. So the truth at that point is based
merely on what is available.
D: I believe the scientists came to those conclusions because they did not
find human bones whenever they did their excavations.
P: That is correct, for they have now found human remains with the
dinosaur remains, but it has not been widely accepted. For this
is a radical viewpoint which is being introduced to a point of view
which has been around for many years. You see, the scientific
community is slow to change and is resistant to change because then truth must be rewritten. This characteristic is inherent, for it is common throughout humankind. That which is called truths considered sacred and is never to be changed. So there is much resistance, for then one loses the ground on which one bases their beliefs.
AV: I know this is true, that scientific findings are often hidden. Just imagine how much further along in our knowledge we would be if we accepted new concepts more easily! We wouldn’t have to be relying upon hypnosis sessions to find out the history of our planet. ;)

The Human

AV: Now we are getting back to the evolution of the human being – and so I put it under a separate title, “The Human”.
D: Yes, what is truth to one is not truth to another.-There is also a theory
that this jump from the animal to the human was caused by beings from
outer space breeding – physically breeding, with the animals.HumanEvolution
P: That is an accurate assessment as this was one way for the genetic
stock to be uplifted, for this was again an assistance of sort. However,
more of the nature of a nourishment, as the genetic stock
had reached the point where it could not go much further without
new genetic information, and so it was given.
D: Is this what you meant by nurturing?
P: That is accurate. It was an assistance as well. If this had not
occurred, the human form would have stagnated somewhat
towards the Neanderthal.
D: The functioning human we have now with a brain capable of such
intellect would not have come about through natural evolution?
P: That is accurate. Or had it been so, many millions of years would
have been necessary. However, it is doubtful that any such occurrence
would ever have happened naturally, as the evolution had
reached the point at which it could go no further naturally.
DC: According to the two schools of thought, creationism means that
all life was brought into being suddenly by the act of some superior
supernatural power, normally called “God.” Evolutionism means
that all life developed through a natural, evolutionary process from
a single living source. Arguments against evolution are based partly
on the fact that controlled experiments show that a species reached
a point or limit beyond which it will not develop further on its own.
After that point mutations can occur through genetic manipulation.
The council could be correct when they said that the Creation story
and the Darwin theory of evolution each had their share of the truth.
D: In the Bible it is said, “Let us make man in our image.” Is that what
you mean?
P: That is an allegory to the fact of man physically appearing in this
form, similar to other human forms throughout the universe.
That would be an accurate statement.
D: I always thought “in our image” might refer to the soul part of the human.
P: “Image” referring to visual representation, and so this human
form is then represented throughout the universe in many different
areas. This is also true throughout other universes as well,
that there are many representatives of one form.
D: But in this universe, it’s mostly the human, humanoid-type of being?
P: Not so to say “mostly,” for there are forms which are not human
in any respect. However, accurate to say the human form is simply
OtherWordlyone form of many. There are many different forms and
many different planets with different forms. There are those
planets which have multiple forms represented living harmoniously
and concurrently. This planet Earth, however, has only
one form. We would say that the form you have now is similar
to other human forms in the universe. Many have hair and facial
features and bodily structures very similar to that which you find
on this planet. But there are differences and it would be very
difficult to tell the origin of many of them. We are simply saying
that this is not the only form in the universe. However, this is also
not the only place this form is in the universe.
D: When life reached the human stage the beings from outer space
did not come as often. I wanted to know why.
P: It was not necessary. The assistance in the initial stages was one
of nurturing and careful attendance to that work which was
being done at that time. With the completion of this work, there
was no longer the need for such careful attention. They simply
returned to those systems from whence they came.
D: Did anyone stay here to observe?
P: There were at that time several commissions of entities who
remained on the planet in permanent form, physical real form,
in order to monitor on a day-to-day basis those conditions. These
were, however, not large scale or complicated ministrations as
were done previously.
D: You said these beings were physical?
P: In a three-dimensional form, real form as you would express on
your plane. These beings were of physical form but were of aHuman
race not from this planet.
(AV: Skipped some parts here).
D: In the Bible it says that there were giants in the land.
P: That is an accurate statement. For the human stock of that race
were of an average over seven feet tall. There were many other
races but that was one of the first. Many humans carry those
genes to this day, and so there are still occasionally those humans
who will grow to a height of over seven feet tall. These are simply
genetic reappearances of that stock.
D: It also says in the Bible something about the sons of God looked upon the
daughters of man and found them fair.
P: It would be accurate to say that this was a reference to the interbreeding
between those who came from the sky and those of the
earth. There was intent in this in order to uplift the genetic stock,
as the species had evolved to a point at which they had, on their
own, reached the limits of their evolution. And so it was necessary
to bring this stock to a higher level. To uplift the physical body
D: Then without their intervention the race would have remained at an
animalistic stage?
P: It would not have evolved to the point at which sufficient brain
capacity could accurately or adequately translate those concepts
which would in that time in the future be necessary for an understanding
of these concepts of which we speak today… of universal
custodianship and of God concepts, etc. It was accomplished
through the physical mating of the races.
(To Be Continued…)

Keepers of the Garden II | AngelicView

Keepers of the Garden II | AngelicView

Keepers of the Garden II

Filed under: Dolores Cannon,Human History,QHHT — by angelicview @ 3:08 am
Tags: , ,
(Continued from Part I)

The Explorers

AngelicView: The next time Dolores and Phil have a session together, he is on Earth. He is standing amongst trees and next to a spaceship. A “scout craft”. It is round in shape (oval shaped in cross-section). He says that the scout ship reports back to a “mother ship”, which is like the cigar-shaped craft many people have seen in today’s world.
GardenOfEdenThere are three crew members who are in the forest and they are collecting soil and vegetation samples. Then they will take these samples to “the central and super universe, and there they will be considered and analyzed. An adaptability study will be made at that time and a determination as to the appropriateness of the planet, as to supporting life in an animal form.”
So the time frame that we are talking about here is before Earth has animal or human life on it. They are trying to decide if the planet is ready to support animal life. Phil says that “the Hosanna”, or God, is the one that makes the decision.
Phil says that the ships come from “a constellation which is visible to the naked eye, Andromeda.” He goes on to say, “some visitations which are being made on this planet at this time are from this same star point reference.”

Here is some text from the book:
D: Why are they still coming to this planet?
P: They have returned, for there was a long absence of their visitations.
The time has now come for this planet to fulfill its destiny
and much information is needed in order to assimilate and
understand where this planet is at this point, regarding air pollution,
soil pollution, energy levels, etc.
D: The ships that did the actual seeding-did they come from the same planet
that this expeditionary ship came from?
P: That is not correct, for this detail was from a survey or scout mission.
The seeding was done by a separate and commissioned
group of ships whose sole purpose was that-to seed the planet.
So you may be now told that the human life and many other lifeforms
on this planet were seeded intentionally and was grown
from a garden state. So you can now see that your brothers are
still in the sky while you are walking, or rather crawling on Earth.
Your time to fly with your brothers has now approached.
AV: When asked where the seeds came from that began vegetation life on Earth, Phil replied, “the seeds were brought from many places and no one place in particular.”
Dolores asked him about the “half man / half beast” legends, and he responds that this is imagination. He goes on to say, “There was careful and attentive gardening to insure that all was well. Occasionally an intruder from the outside… there was the disruption of the plan, and so man has found much turmoil in his life because of this intrusion.”
At this point Phil doesn’t want to talk about that subject anymore and asks for a change of subject. Dolores knows not to push someone to talk about something they don’t want to, because that would ruin the trust they have developed. She then asks about the seeding of the planet some more. He says that it’s very well-orchestrated and it is meant to produce very specific results.
Now, some text from the book:CreatorBeing
D: This would seem to be very complicated. It would need a great deal of
planning behind it.
P: Exactly. As we were trying to describe earlier. For nothing is,
hopefully, left to chance.
D: But you must admit it is a radical idea.
P: It is not an idea. We wish to stress this; that this is not simply an
idea-this is history. Not that there is any great plans connected
with the giving of this information. It simply is given. We have
much information to give you as long as you keep searching. It
is as accurate as can be stated at this level of comprehension. The
information would be meaningless were it raised even to a fraction
of a degree above this comprehension. For there is information
which would be so far above what the human intellect could
comprehend that it would be entirely useless to include. For
there are no concepts in the human language with which to
translate this information. So it is described in terms which are
familiar to the human experience. The information it is based
on is true fact and is true. It, however, may be presented in such
a way as to seem a paradox, and this is not in fact the case at all.
It is simply a matter of translation.
D: There is probably some information we will never be able to have because
of this difficulty in translating.
P: That is correct, for the human language has many gaps or weaknesses
in the ability to convey ideas. Were this information to be
given telepathically the story would be vastly different and much
D: Well, I appreciate you trying to get the story passed over to me.
P: You are a manipulator of the English language and have a high
degree of skill in this, so you are chosen to do this work. For the
information must be given; it is time; the time table has arrived.
We are now in the active part of the planning to bring this planet
to seeding stage. And so we must work through those who are
skilled in this dissemination of facts and ideas in this conceptual
level. (AV: note that this session took place in 1984 and since then, this information has come through from many other sources).
D: Does this go along with what you told me before about approaching the
stage when we would also seed other planets?
P: This is correct; for the concept of seeding is one which is much
misunderstood. We wish to clarify this. The seeding will not be so much physical as spiritual. For the souls which are now inhabiting this planet will travel to other planets and carry with them those experiences which were accumulated through many millennia of lifetimes on this planet. So the consciousness of another fallen planet or inferior planet or … we wish to strike“inferior” for that is not an accurate presentation. But we wish to say that the consciousness of another planet may be raised by the infusion of souls from this planet after it has reached its seeding stage. And so you can see that it goes on and on and on. For there always throughout the universes will be planets which will be ready to be seeded and infused.
AV: Why does he say “we” instead of “I”? Answer: because he is coming from a state of unity consciousness. That is our natural state of being, rather than the duality consciousness we are living today. This is explained further in “Oneness Explained“.
Now, back to the book:
D: Can you tell more about the birth of the Earth that you mentioned? What exactly are you talking about?
InDreams1P: This is the concept of a seeding planet. Imagine a sunflower as
it grows. In its early stages it’s merely there. However, whenever
it blossoms into flower it is open for all to see. It eventually gives
off parts of itself in order to spread more of its kind and experience.
Earth is on the verge of blossoming and opening its flower
for the universe to see.

D: Would we be the seeds of the sunflower?

P: Some will be, yes.

D: Where will we go from here?

P: That is up to each individual and not for one person to dictate.
For each must make his own decision. Many will choose to stay;
the Earth’s history is not nearly complete. Much has yet to be
done here. However, there are many who will choose to carry the
seeds of Earth experience to other planes and other planets, and
to so assist in their blossoming and eventual seeding. It may be
merely on a spirit level or it could be on a physical level. It could
be as an incarnation on another planet, from which to draw the
experience on this planet. The spreading of willful energy is the
point here, for Earth’s energy is particular or unique. So Earth’s
energy could be spread to another planet which is in need of an
influx of outside, fresh, new mental energy.

D: Why is Earth’s energy unique?

P: It is unique to Earth. Another planet’s energy is unique to itself.
Even as each personality is unique to itself.

D: This brings up an interesting question. After the planet was seeded with
life, when did the seeding of the spirit occur?

P: This was a gradual process which was accomplished after the human body had reached the point of inhabitability. For there was the time between the first given seeds for the physical animal kingdom until the point at which the human body had developed through evolution to the point where it could be inhabited by souls. 
D: May I ask where did the spirits come from?
P: The spirits were from many other planets. There are no spirits
which are truly native to this planet, for all have come eventually
from other planets. There are many, however, who have spent
what could be considered a long time on this planet who are
considered native.
D: May I ask how this information would coincide or go along with the story of the Creation in the Bible?
P: We ask that you also consider the evolutionary or Darwin theory,
and you will see that both have a share of truth in them. For truly
there was the evolution of the body and yet truly there was theAnimalsInside
divine gift of life given to humans; that is the spirit So each is
right in a part of the whole.
D: I’ve already come to the conclusion that they are very similar.
P: They are not so much similar as complimentary, for they each
hold part of the truth. They do not contradict. One must
embrace both beliefs in order to more accurately approach
the whole.
D: Then you believe what you’ve been telling us does not contradict the
Biblical story of Creation?
P: Would we ask that you tell us how it does?
D: I don’t think it does, but there will be those who will say it does.
P: We will let them figure it out, for that is the whole idea. (Laughter) God is merely an observer of His children in their tasks. The children are doing the tasks. God simply is. God is, period. The children are doing; God is.
D: I’m just trying to form a mental picture. I was just curious if He ever wanted to ask anyone else’s opinion, or if He just wanted to do it all by Himself.
P: The opinions are asked of God; not the reverse.
Dolores: “We had now taken a new direction in the pursuit of knowledge,for they had lit the spark of my curiosity and I knew I would try to find out all I could about the seeding of Planet Earth.”
(To Be Continued….)

Keepers of the Garden | AngelicView

Keepers of the Garden | AngelicView

January 28, 2013

Keepers of the Garden

Filed under: Dolores Cannon,Human History,QHHT — by angelicview @ 2:18 am
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AngelicView: I wanted to post a short excerpt from Dolores Cannon’s “Keepers of the Garden”, but before I do… something personal from me.Contemplation
Dolores Cannon is way high up on my list of people who speak the truth. And I’m sure there are some out there who would call me gullible and naive. To tell you the truth, I really wasn’t sure about her at first. Her stories seemed so far “out there”. But my gut was telling me to read her stories anyway.
Since then, I have met new friends who have had experience with her – going to her classes and demonstrations, and they have learned her technique which produced similar results. In addition, some old friends that I knew personally attended her events and have learned her technique which also produced similar results.
So that was the clincher for me. Personal experiences from people who I know are telling me that Dolores is the real deal. It pays to listen to your gut. ;)

The Discovery of a Starchild

longer be considered as aliens existing only on distant stars or cruising
around in spaceships. They are everywhere, among your friends,
neighbors, even your relatives. We are all interrelated, for they are
our ancestors. Their blood flows through our very veins. We are as
much a brother to the beings from the stars as we are to the animals
of the Earth.
This was revealed to me through a year’s intensive work with an
actual starperson. Our contact was made through hypnosis. I am a
regressionist and I regularly take trips through time and space to visit
Earth’s past and learn about history as it is being lived. But until my
work with Phil D. began I had never visited other planets. I had always
wished to. I thought it surely would not be any more improbable
than what I was already doing. Surely some human being had
experienced life somewhere else besides Earth. The idea fascinated
me, but so far the proper subject had never crossed my path. I
thought this type of person would be rare. But as I work with so many
people I assumed that the odds were that sooner or later I would find
one, or they would find me (which is usually more accurate). I had
no way of knowing that the odds were greater than I thought. But
these people are not easily recognized. They are very cleverly disguised,
even from themselves, by the protective subconscious.
When I started on this totally unexpected journey I was preconditioned,
as we all are, to think of anything alien as being frightening
and bad. Anything we can’t understand we naturally fear. I was quite
surprised to find a totally different picture of these creatures than has
been presented by the movies and TV and science-fiction stories. It took quite a while to overcome the brain-washing of several years and to think that deep within us, our spiritual side, there is no difference, only misunderstanding.

The Lost Colony

“P” is Phil & “D” is Dolores
P: It’s windy … sandy and dusty. I feel it and see it. The sky is somewhat
reddish-orange tinted. I’m standing outside a spacecraft
There’s a clearing where we landed. I’m looking at the spire. It’s
to my right.
The spire apparently was the strange monolith that he had
described before. It stood out from the rest of the sharp peaks
because of the odd-shaped, donut-like structure which surrounded
the point. He continued with his description.
P: There are some shacks or huts to the immediate right which were
supply or storage areas … (sadly) which are now empty.
D: Are there others with you?
P: (His voice had a somber tone.) Only those on the ship. We’re
here to resupply and to check on the welfare of the scientists on
this planet. They’re colonists from the planet we’re from. Our
regular routes are on established trade routes. This is off the
“beaten path,” so to say, in an isolated part of this galaxy. This is
an isolated testing, mining and scientific colony here for scientific
purposes only and not mainly for colonization.
D: Do you know how long they have been on this planet?
P: Time doesn’t correlate to earth years, but it has been … seven
chronometers, although I can’t explain what chronometers are.
They have been colonizing and testing for seven.
D: Is that a long period of time?
P: For being on a planet, yes.
D: Has it been a while since you have been to this planet to resupply ?
P: We come approximately every two chronometers.
D: Did these people volunteer to do this work ?
P: Yes, all the work is voluntary. There is no conscription.
Although I was interested in obtaining the story and finding out
the reason for Phil’s sadness, my curiosity took over and I asked for
a physical description of the people on the ship. He said they were
small in stature with large bald heads, light-skinned and not very
D: Are they physically like humans with a circulatory system, or areStargazers
they different?
P: They are similar, yes. They have two arms and two legs, and eyes
and ears and a mouth, but they have no nose. There is no need
for a nose. This was part of the evolution. The mouth is but a
mere slit and its only purpose is for drawing air. There is no
tongue or vocal cords for speaking because the entire process of
communication is telepathic.
The physical description sounded a little revolting but it did not
seem to bother Phil to look at them. He said later he felt very comfortable
with these alien beings.
D: Do these people eatfood?
P: Yes. It is inserted into the slit
D: Are these people male and female?
P: We are androgynous, all are who are of this race.
At the time I knew vaguely what the word meant. I wasn’t exactly
sure whether it meant a being which had both sexes such as a hermaphrodite,
or one having no definable sex. Obviously it meant a
creature that reproduced by some other method than the one we are
familiar with.
P: We’re more of a combined or a combination of both sexes in
one, which is a blend of both male and female characteristics.
D. I’m curious about that. How would androgynous people reproduce? Or
do they live longer periods of time and have no need for reproduction?
P: There is a longer life span; however, it is not permanent so there
is the need to procreate. There are roles which are played. The
divisions however, are not nearly as pronounced as what we are
used to here on Earth.
My curiosity being temporarily satisfied I returned to the story.
D: You said you have come to this planet to bring supplies to these scientists?
Where are the scientists ?
P: (Sadly) All except one are buried in the ground. There were a
total of twelve who are all now, except for the one, buried. The
last survivor took the duty of burying the others. It was a shared
responsibility until the last and his remains lie with the others,
only it is on top of the ground.
D: Do you know what happened to these people?
P: Yes, the monolith, the spire contained the telepathic records of
what occurred here. They died of starvation and thirst, or its
equivalent. A very slow and painful death.
AngelicView: Skipping a bit, the people on that planet died because of lack of food and water. Phil’s ship was carrying these essentials to them and was delayed.
Dolores was very surprised, because in some of Phil’s descriptions he compared what he was seeing to things on Earth. Like for example, that planet was desolate like a desert here on Earth, and therefore, could not produce food and water to sustain them. Normally, Dolores says, people who are in deep trance cannot recall their life on Earth while hypnotized like this. She later learned that she was dealing with a different type of energy.

They Walked with Jesus IV | AngelicView

They Walked with Jesus IV | AngelicView

They Walked with Jesus IV

Filed under: Dolores Cannon,Jesus — by angelicview @ 12:53 am
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(Continued from Part III)
Jesus4AngelicView: Dolores Cannon had told us previously that she has not encountered very many people who had met Jesus in a past life. But she has had two who, in hypnosis, recalled Jesus. 
The second one is Anna, who’s name in that life was Naomi (pronounced “Nî-õ-me”). She was Jesus’ niece. She was the daughter of Joseph, Jesus’ half-brother and first-born son of his father (with another woman). Naomi was not too sure about all the family dynamics, as girls in that day were not told all the specifics on these things. In fact, she admitted that she could have been mistaken about the above part because that just came from overheard hushed conversation.
Anyway, Naomi is just a young teenager, and she’s decided that she wants to “walk with the Nazarene” (that’s what she affectionately calls Jesus). The book goes on about her for awhile. She has to cut her hair short to look like a boy – because girls were not allowed to do anything other than marry and care for children in those days. And Jesus goes along with her little white lie. She says, “he introduced me as Nathaniel. Nathan.”
The first place they are going is the Village of the Lepers, where Jesus visits often. For those of you who are healers, you’ll definitely want to read this one. ;)

(Below is from the book)
It was obvious Naomi was having her first exposure to
someone stricken with the worse stages of the disease.
A: I’m trying to be very strong but… (softly) it’s difficult.
He’s in very critical condition. It seems that all that can
be done now is to try to ease his pain, and hopefully he will make the transition out of his body soon.
D: You said there were three of you who went in there. Was
Jesus one of them?
A: Yes, and one of the older ladies. She has a parcel with
bandages and different powders she can mix to help
soothe some of the soreness. It*s soothing but nothing
seems to really conquer the disease. Since I have been
here I have seen it in such different stages. And every now
and then it gives you hope it won’t get worse. But these
people do the best they can to live with faith and help one
D: You said this man is so bad that they will just try to ease
his pain. Is the woman going to do that?
A: Yes, but she is here to mainly bandage and try to soothe
the worst of the decay. Jesus is praying and laying his
hands upon the man. And… it’s almost as if I can see a
light emanating from this man’s face. The Nazarene
placed his hands on the top of the head, the crown, and I
see this glowing light. And then he places his hands on the
man’s heart. He stays this way in silent prayer over the
man. And I see this golden glow from his heart area.
(Emotionally:) Oooh! It’s hard to describe.
D: What do you mean?FootprintsInTheSand
A: It’s beautiful, but it’s more than that. It fills you up. It fills
up any emptiness inside you. And it makes everything feel
warm and loved, and there is no emptiness within. It is
hard to put it into words.
D: You mean you feel this way just by watching him?
A: Yes, yes. And you can tell that this man… his face is at
ease… the pain seems to be much less. And the Nazarene
the other day… he lifted my hand, and with a finger he
drew a circle in my palms (she went through these
motions). And he said, ‘This, too, is the heart. The center
of your palms. In the center is another heart chakra’. And
that’s why there is so much power in the healing of these
hands, because of that energy coming straight through.
D: Did he use the word ‘chakra’?
A: Heart… center. Heart… chakra? I’m not sure.
D: Did he mean your hands, or his own?
A: I think he meant everyone’s hands. He took my hand… and
he took the other one, and he said, ‘These, too, are heart
centers. (She again went through the motions of drawing 
circles on the center of her palms).
D: He drew a circle in your palms?
A: Yes. Maybe this is just part of my teaching, because I have
always felt the energy and the strength there. And every
time he would touch me it was so strong. So maybe if you
know the connection, if you are aware of the connection,
and it’s done through the heart and with purity, then the energy is just a direct connection. And that energy from the heart is the strongest medicine of all.
D: Many people wouldn’t understand that, would they?
A: I guess not, but it just seems so natural to me.

D: Then he means that in addition to the heart inside your
body, there are also other heart centers in the body?

A: That’s how he explained it. That’s what I understood, and
I never heard anyone say anything like that before.

D: Maybe this explains some of the ways he is able to heal.

A: When he told me it just seemed so right. It made so much
sense. And then when I watched him, it was all so clear.
And when you look at the people, you know this is a tool.
This poor man was in such desperate pain, and his face is
so at peace right now.

D: Do you think the others in the room can feel the same
thing you feel?

Jesus10A: I don’t know. I know they must feel something, because…
the silence is so different. They must feel the energy, or
just see the love and caring flowing from him.

D: I think it would be obvious to anyone who watched him
that this is not an ordinary man.

A: No. He is so aware, so in tune with his… (she had
difficulty finding the words). God’s connection, or God
within him, or God purpose. I don’t know the right word.
But I guess most people wouldn’t even be aware of things
that are so clear and so simple to him.

D: Do you think he is different from other men?

A: He is different because of his sensitivity and
understanding, and his total lack of fear. He is so sure of
his place and duty.

D: Have you ever heard anyone say that he might be different
from other men?

A: Yes. There are people that turn him into something that is
more like a god. He has powers and capabilities such as I
have never seen. I know he is of flesh, but yet I know his 
spirit and energy is different.
D: You have heard people say they think he’s more like a
A: Yes. Because when you see him do some of the things he
does, there’s no other way to explain it. And yet he tries
hard to teach that we all are capable of being what he is
and doing what he is doing. Except that I believe most of
us can’t find the purity of heart and desire. It’s very hard
to be on a path like his, and not be drawn off by other
things that most men and women are drawn off by.
D: Yes. The human part of living would make it very difficult
to remain pure. In that way he is different.
A: In that way he is like no one else.
D: I wonder what he thinks if he hears people say he is like a
A: (Laugh) But he doesn’t accept that. Oh, I can remember
him saying — it’s something like this — he said, ‘My
brother, I am no more than you. I only recognize what I
can be and how I can serve. And I have true love and faith
in my God’. He tries to clarify what he thinks his purpose
D: What does he think his purpose is?
A: He thinks he was sent here to be a teacher of life, a ray of
life. To be an example of what humankind can be, and of
the gifts humankind has. And that people can all do what
he is trying to teach them.
D: That makes sense to me, but you know how people are.
It’s very hard to get through to some of them.
A: Yes. And most people live in such fear of something, or
many things. Until they can dispel this fear and not be
afraid of knowing themselves and listening to their heart,
then they will not be reached. They have to find it
D: Yes, that makes sense. (I returned to the scene she was
watching:) But he’s working with this man in the room,
and then the man is no longer in pain. Does he do anything
else in that little house?
A: No. He was with the man a while and then he went over to
the wife, and just held her hands. I couldn’t quite hear
what he said to her, but he said he would return. And he
was going on to the next visit.
D: Do you go with him on that visit, too?
A: Yes. We went… Oh, this is very sad. The next building we
went into housed children who were without family or
parents. You see, not all of these children appear sick. You
can’t tell that they have the disease. I guess you could
develop this disease in various stages or at different ages.
So some of them are so perfect looking. And then some of
them are so… eaten away (a deep sigh). But this is the
house of the children.
D: They live in that house together, the ones that have no
A: Yes. There is a nurse or nurse-caretaker that stays with
them all the time. And there are other helpers or
attendants that come in during the day.AkianeChild
D: What does he do there?

A: He goes to each child and… either talks to them or… He
always touches. I see him touching the face, smiling
lovingly, and then placing his hands on them. But he takes
time to talk to each of them.
D: Can you hear what he’s saying?
A: Oh. There’s a little girl sitting in a corner and… he asks
her name and… (smiling broadly) she got upon his lap.
And she asks him if she will be well or will she die. And he
tells her that she will be well, and that she will grow up
and help take care of the children. And that she must have
a pure heart, a loving heart, and not despair, because she
is where God needs her. And she will know love and…
that’s what he says to her (this was all said with such
beautiful emotion). ((AV) Earlier in the text Dolores had told us that some people are sent to the village of the lepers even if they are suspected of having leprosy by evidence of a rash or bruise.)
D: That’s very beautiful. What did the little girl do?
A: She’s just sitting staring at him. And he hugged her and
put her down. And she’s smiling. And there’s a boy he’s
going over to, who has just one leg. And oh, he’s in very
bad shape (big sigh). But Jesus is going over and kneeling
besides the boy, and putting his hands on the boy. And his
little face is looking up, and the tears are running down
his cheeks (she was almost in tears herself as she related
this). But the child recognizes something special. I can tell.
(DC) It was difficult for me to remain objective. The narrative
was so moving, I truly felt that I was actually there in the
presence of all this heartfelt emotion.
D: Could you see anything this time? I was thinking of that
A: Oh. I saw… I seem to always see the light. Maybe not as
strongly as I did before. There was something very strong
with that older man. But I always see a little glow coming
from the hands of the Nazarene whenever he places his
hands. This time I saw the glow when he put his hands on
the boy’s head, and his heart, and his legs. But I also see
the glow, the golden glow, around Jesus’ head… like a
little half circle.
D: Is that always there?
A: No, not always. It’s there sometimes when he’s with
someone, or sometimes I will see it when he is looking at
me. But it’s not always there.
D: Did anything happen when he put his hands on this little
A: Well, it eased him. It always seems to ease people. But
that’s what I saw.
D: Then a miracle does not always occur each time he does
this, or how would you define a miracle?
PersonStormLightA: I think the fact that the pain is eased and they are at peace,
I would call a ‘miracle’. But you don’t see these people,
who are this ill, get up and walk and have their bodies
grown back together. The miracle is the love and how it
eases them. And if they are meant to get better, they do. I
have heard stories that some of these people never get the
disease. And sometimes it stops, and they don’t know why.
But usually it progresses, and all you can do is ease the
D: Then it takes different forms in different people.
A: Yes. And sometimes if his energy is accepted… maybe it’s
the people that have more faith or more strength in the
things they feel coming from him, maybe these people have
an easier time. Although, he told me that everybody has
their time to be returned to the Source. They might just be
in this physical body for a while, so it’s difficult to know.
D: That makes sense. Does he have any explanation for why
people have to suffer in that way?
A: He believes it is part of the progression of the individual.
It’s very difficult to explain when you see people in such
pain and being eaten away. But he knows that reasons
exist for everything, and lessons are to be learned from everything, so nothing happens by accident. Maybe they created this learning in a prior time, when they walked here in another form. That is why people in pain or with disease are sometimes allowed to go sooner than others, because the lesson is over with.
D: Does he think that human beings have lived in other
A: He doesn’t say it exactly that way, but he says, ‘When they
have been here before. When they have learned prior
lessons’. He says it in different ways. But you understand
that he believes we visit this land more than once, for the
learning and for being of service. And that we are on
God’s mission every time we come. It is to help us learn
and get closer to where we, as a people, are supposed to
be. So there is no separation.
(To be Continued…

They walked with Jesus I | Search Results | AngelicView

They walked with Jesus I | Search Results | AngelicView

They Walked with Jesus IV

Filed under: Dolores Cannon,Jesus — by angelicview @ 12:53 am
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(Continued from Part III)
Jesus4AngelicView: Dolores Cannon had told us previously that she has not encountered very many people who had met Jesus in a past life. But she has had two who, in hypnosis, recalled Jesus. 
The second one is Anna, who’s name in that life was Naomi (pronounced “Nî-õ-me”). She was Jesus’ niece. She was the daughter of Joseph, Jesus’ half-brother and first-born son of his father (with another woman). Naomi was not too sure about all the family dynamics, as girls in that day were not told all the specifics on these things. In fact, she admitted that she could have been mistaken about the above part because that just came from overheard hushed conversation.
Anyway, Naomi is just a young teenager, and she’s decided that she wants to “walk with the Nazarene” (that’s what she affectionately calls Jesus). The book goes on about her for awhile. She has to cut her hair short to look like a boy – because girls were not allowed to do anything other than marry and care for children in those days. And Jesus goes along with her little white lie. She says, “he introduced me as Nathaniel. Nathan.”
The first place they are going is the Village of the Lepers, where Jesus visits often. For those of you who are healers, you’ll definitely want to read this one. ;)

January 16, 2013

They Walked with Jesus III

Filed under: Dolores Cannon,Jesus,QHHT — by angelicview @ 4:31 am
Tags: , ,
(Continued from Part II)

The Temple and Old Jerusalem

After that session with Mary, Dolores wanted to do some research into that Temple that Mary had talked about. She went to a University Library, and what she found was a bit frustrating for her. She found that places such as the land where Jesus walked no longer Jesus9exist, and even the very terrain and topography has changed. In Jesus’ time there were cliffs and valleys, and now the cliffs have washed down and the valleys are filled in. So what you would find now is more like hills. She expected to be able to find evidence of ruins from Jesus’ time, but she found that they were buried under approximately 100 feet of dirt, and that archaeologists don’t even know for sure exactly where to dig.
And so she found her information on the Temple in the writings of the scholars on the Bible and ancient historians. Now, the very interesting part of that is the Temple as described by the Bible scholars and the Temple as described by Mary/Abigail sound exactly like the same place.

They Walked with Jesus III | AngelicView

They Walked with Jesus III | AngelicView

They Walked with Jesus III

Filed under: Dolores Cannon,Jesus,QHHT — by angelicview @ 4:31 am
Tags: , ,
(Continued from Part II)

The Temple and Old Jerusalem

After that session with Mary, Dolores wanted to do some research into that Temple that Mary had talked about. She went to a University Library, and what she found was a bit frustrating for her. She found that places such as the land where Jesus walked no longer Jesus9exist, and even the very terrain and topography has changed. In Jesus’ time there were cliffs and valleys, and now the cliffs have washed down and the valleys are filled in. So what you would find now is more like hills. She expected to be able to find evidence of ruins from Jesus’ time, but she found that they were buried under approximately 100 feet of dirt, and that archaeologists don’t even know for sure exactly where to dig.
And so she found her information on the Temple in the writings of the scholars on the Bible and ancient historians. Now, the very interesting part of that is the Temple as described by the Bible scholars and the Temple as described by Mary/Abigail sound exactly like the same place.

Mary/Abigail’s description of the Temple:

…we dance up and down the steps. The steps
are very broad and spacious. They are deep and are very
long. This is just a wonderful spot. (Surprised) It’s not
unlike the grove. Ahhh! As the pillars and the overhang…
(merry laugh) the shadow, the cool, but the sunshine just
on the other side.
…it is a large temple. Open, tall columns, altars.
…The kingdom of God is within.
The temples are not to separate God from man. The
temples are to be a place of union. Man should be able to
come into the holy space, and invite God directly into his
heart. Not through sacrifices, not through intercessions,
but be allowed to stand on that holy ground and commune
directly with God.
…I believe he’s been at a different location on the Temple
steps than where I teach. It is as if it is a rectangle. I
would teach the children on the long side of the building.
He has stood on the narrow end, as you approach the
…There must have been a wide step
that was a breakdown between two staircases where weJesus
did that dance. The steps of the Temple weren’t like one
set of stairs. It was like a set of stairs and then a wide
landing, and then another set of stairs. So I think we did
that kind of dance on the wide landing.
…it is very big. Tall, high spaces. It is an… I hesitate to
use the word ‘intimidating’, but the size is remarkable.

Dolores Cannon’s research results describing the Temple:

According to Josephus, the walls of the outer Temple court
were lined with porticoes, and the basilica on the south was
especially notable, having at least one hundred and sixty two
columns. Each pillar was a single block of the purest white
marble, and was so large that three men could just reach around
it with their arms extended. These four rows of pillars included
three spaces for walking in the middle of these cloisters. The
roofs were adorned with beautiful sculptures in cedar, and the
front was made of polished stone. This was the first thing
encountered after entering the gate through the massive outer
wall. From there the open court was paved with all manner of
TempleMtBeyond the basilica was a large outer court commonly
known as the Court of the Gentiles. Although in the ancient
Temple of Solomon only Jews were admitted within the walls,
Herod felt that he must appropriate some part of the Sanctuary
for the use of strangers of all nations. This was because there
were many Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and members of other
nations resident in Jerusalem. Thus a large outer court was
constructed, open to all who wished to walk and converse in
this cloister, which was therefore called the Court of the
Gentiles. Adjoining this was the Court of the Israelites, into
which no Gentile was permitted to enter on any pretense
whatever. Josephus states that these two courts were separated
by a low wall or balustrade about four and a half feet high, with
thirteen entrances or openings. On the top of this partition small
square stone pillars were placed at intervals, each bearing an
inscription in Greek that no stranger should pass the wall, and
threatening death to any transgressor.
The Temple was a huge complex composed of various
courts, one leading into the other until the inner court and Holy
of Holies was reached. The people were allowed to enter each
court according to their worthiness and cleanliness. This was all
defined by the Law, or Mosaic set of rules. On the east side of
the Temple Mount was the Women’s Court. This was
approached by entering through a portico consisting of tallJesusTeaching
pillars (called the Hall of Solomon), and then climbing a series
of terraced steps, because this area was sloped at more of an
angle than the rest of the Temple Mount. The steps led from
one area to the next, progressing from the Women’s Court up to
the main Temple area. Ancient historians say the flight of steps
was probably broken by two wide landings, with a third wide
step at the top of the flight. Possibly these steps extended the
whole length of the Porch.
Jewish men could go inside this area into the Women’s
Court. However, most women could not progress further
because they were considered to be unclean most of the time,
due to their menstrual periods and the after-effects of childbirth.
Certain men were also not allowed to go further into the inner
courts, if they had any type of infection or disease, or if they
had recently come in contact with a dead body. There were
many rules regarding the cleanliness of the people, and most
Jews fell within some of these categories at one time or another.
Temple1Beyond the Women’s Court were several more into which
only certain people were allowed, until the final holy chamber
was reached. This east entrance to the Women’s Court was
distinguished by folding doors of Corinthian brass. Josephus
says that occasionally public gatherings took place in front of
them. They were so massive that it needed the combined
strength of twenty men to open and close them every day,
because it was unlawful to leave any of the Temple doors open.
There were nine other gates and doors to these inner courts that
were completely overlaid with massive plates of silver and
gold, as well as their doorposts and lintels. But the huge brass
gate far exceeded them in size and value.
In the Priests’ Court, and directly in front of the Temple
edifice proper was the altar upon which sacrifices and burnt
offerings were made. There was a series of rings in the floor
where the sacrificial animals were tethered to await their doom.
The area also contained eight marble tables on which the
carcasses were skinned, washed and prepared for the altar. The blood of the victims drained off through holes in the floor, and
the whole area around the altar resembled a butcher’s
AV: There is much more in this section of the book, but I think I have put together the most relevant pieces here. :)
(To Be Continued…)