Sunday, January 26, 2014


Changes in the Crystalline Grid - Changing the Past
us start by talking about the things that feel different to you. Here
is an example of a recalibration, and it's a summary of what we've given
before not long ago regarding the grids. We told you that the
Crystalline Grid of this planet, an esoteric, invisible,
multidimensional attribute of Gaia, was changing. We told you that it is
the "action" memory of humanity. It remembers Humans and what they do.
It's like the esoteric "memory grid" of Human action.

Crystalline Grid is, therefore, linked to Gaia and responsible for that
which you call portals, and also that which you call old, negative
energy. It is profound in spots where war has been, for it reflects a
memory of what Humans have done in battle. It reacts to Human emotion.
That's the Crystalline Grid, and the metaphor of anything crystalline is
that which holds memory and vibration. So imagine an invisible grid
around the planet that remembers what Humans have done.

In places
that feel dark, you may have had war upon war and battlefields that you
would rather not walk into. Lightworkers often feel the misery of
death, fear, and anxiousness. This stays in the land, and you know I'm
telling you something that many have experienced and told you about.
There are also places on the grid that are portals of healing and joy,
and what my partner even calls the womb of Gaia - a place where you can
go and bathe in the thickness of Human compassion.

A little time
ago, we told you something powerful about humanity. We told you that
Human Beings are responsible for posturing or "loading" that planetary
grid. However, as energy goes, it is typical that you would consider
this system a linear remembrance. That is, you would think that both
positive and negative things would be remembered and stored at the same
level within the grid. But that's not the way it is, and you know all
about this. What do you see on your news? What is the bias between joy
and horror? This balance is Human nature, and the grid reflects that
very attribute of humanism. It gives far greater emphasis to negative

Up to now, dear ones, the earth has remembered dark
energy in a nonlinear way and has given greater emphasis to where many
have died and where there has been great suffering. The grid remembers
horror a lot more than the birth of a child. It's responsible for what
you call hauntings and ghosts and all those apparitions that are playing
the tapes in the same way - that's the Crystalline Grid.

you look at the planet and ask what vibration it is today, it's the
measurement of the Crystalline Grid that is used to answer that. That is
what the vibration of the planet is based upon - what Humans are doing
and have done in the past. Then we told you that the way the
gridremembers Human action is starting to change.

So now you have
an answer to a quantum question: How can things done in the future
change the past? That is happening now, because what you are
doing now is changing the linearity of the grid's "remembering system".
So what happens that is positive is going to carry a far grander and
greater energy to the grid. Therefore, it overwrites anything that was
there, called past energy.

There'll be a day when you can walk
into the battlefield and say, "I feel nothing." This is because there
have been Humans who have trod this path who are Lightworkers and every
step they took changed the attributes of the field they walked in. So
the new energy is able to allow Humans alive now to rewrite the past!

that's out of the purview of your reality. You're not with me on it.
You want the storage process to be linear and it isn't. So we're saying
there's a recalibration of self - that is to say, a recalibration of
what you'd expect is real. It couldn't get any more personal than this.
Imagine what the energy would be for humanity if the energy of history

If the grid reflects Human consciousness and the grid is
recalibrating, then the "self" of the Human is also recalibrating in
the same manner. Human nature is following the model of what is taking
place with the grid. Humanity will eventually become softer, placing
emphasis on beauty instead of horror.

Imagine a situation where
oil does not float to the top when mixed with water. You might say, "But
oil always floats to the top. It has to. It's molecular bonding, and
density, and it always floats to the top." What if we said there'd come a
day when physics itself may actually alter the reality of everything
that you've known? What if oil became closer to the density of water
and, therefore, it would simply lay there in the middle and not float to
the top? Now, if it did that, you would say,"That's spooky. Something
is wrong with this." You wouldn't understand it, and that's the point.
Your reality biases you toward what has always been and does not allow
for what might be.

If something could change to the degree that
it upsets everything that you expected or thought was accurate and true,
how would you react? Based upon your core survival experiences and what
you've learned on the planet, how would you deal with it? Could you
recalibrate yourself and say, "I understand it used to be one way and
now it's another," and move forward? Or would you look at it and say, "I
wonder when it's going to return to the way it was?" This, dear ones,
is the crux of this message, for as the energy on this planet shifts,
even the old soul will be tempted to say, "Sure, Kryon, it's wonderful.
It's good. I love it. I'm going to work with it." Then in their darkest
hours, they're going to say, "I'm tired of this! When will it return to
the way it was?" It's because you grew up in an energy where the duality
was one way, but now it's starting to be another.

Recalibration of Self-Worth
we bring up the point of who the Lightworker is. The recalibration of
self is going to be the recalibration of self-worth. Now, we've said it
briefly before, but the Lightworker is afraid of the dark. It's because
the dark has beat you up every lifetime, hasn't it? So we sit in a room
of old souls who have come into this life yet again fearing what the
dark energy might bring for them. But you came anyway, and you came in
without knowing what was going to happen. There were many prophets who
said you wouldn't make it past 2000. Now you are in 2012! Every time you
arrive, the dark energy seems to be against you.

When I first
arrived and presented myself to my partner, it was slightly after the
Harmonic Convergence. I told my partner I was here because of what
humanity had done. I told my partner I would not have been here
otherwise, for there was nothing to teach, that you would not have made
it. Does it make sense that I would arrive to teach you for 20 years
then you all die horribly? No! I arrived because of the potentials of
what are happening right now.

Those who were astute and who had
felt the Kryon energy come into the planet knew why I had arrived. I
represented an entire entourage coming to share the good news with old
souls, to be their cheering section, because they had turned the energy
of doom around. Against all odds, it had changed.

The Soviet
Union had fallen over, a huge geopolitical event that had not been
predicted anywhere! It disarmed the potential Armageddon of the planet.
Other things started to move in directions that had no predictions
anywhere in the past. There would have to be guidance and direction for
this very day that you sit here. It would be a recalibration of your
survival instinct and of what you think is real. This is the task for
you now, if you're able to cope with the recalibration or whether you're
always looking over your shoulder, wondering when the old "normal" is
going to return.

The Story of the Old Soul
So this message
is one of three, and it's an encouragement and an acknowledgment of who
an old soul is and why this person needs to know what we have to tell
them. So we will just lay it out there for you to see: The oldest souls
in this room and hearing this have been through the worst of the worst.
Every lifetime that is written upon your DNA's quantum Akashic memory
carries engrams of emotion.

You came into the world expecting it
to do what it always did. As soon as you started awakening to the truth
that you carried in the past, you knew you might have to hide yet again.
You might have blocked this from your memory, but it was there,
embedded in the Akash. Some of you not too far from here were burned at
the stake. Some of you came back and it all happened again! How many
lifetimes does it take, shaman, before you sit and say, "I'm not going
to do this again"?

You awakened in a modern society this time.
Now you are a Lightworker, but you say, "I'm going to go to the esoteric
meetings, but I'm not going to tell others I'm going. Because I'm not
going to go through that again." You're careful who you tell about what
you believe, because you're tired of swimming upstream and having the
current beat you back against the rocks. You're tired of losing family
and friends or even jobs because you happen to believe that God is
inside you. That is the story of the old soul who is here in the room
and listening to these words.

However, the result of all this is
an old soul who comes and stands tall as a Lightworker on Earth, but who
also lacks self-worth. That's an oxymoron! How can you have a
lighthouse that's uncertain of its own light or if it's doing anything
worthwhile? Will the waves come and knock the light out? But that's who
is in front of me and listening now, because you're all that way! You
can't help it. Your past is your past.

This turnaround of energy
on the planet cannot instantly create giants and heroes of self-worth,
especially among those who have practiced in the old energy for so many
years. Perhaps you think you are ready for this shift? You are not - not
for the energy that's coming. That's what we want to also address.

is something coming where you will be able to manifest things only
dreamed of, but it's going to take belief, realignment, and new
understanding. You are going to have to start some basic survival
perceptions that require you to understand that, dimensionally, you are
more powerful in areas you cannot see than the ones you can. You weren't
taught this in school or by your mother, and you have never practiced
this. That's where you stand at this moment. "Well then, what's going to
happen, Kryon?" The answer is that you're going to have to want to
change. If you do not actively attempt to change, you will always be
floating on the surface like the old oil.

The Darkness. Is It Alive?
now, you think you have an idea how dark and light work on the planet.
So let's bring this up in a way that you'll understand. Let's talk about
dark and light attributes yet again. We have given you the information
over and over that darkness is defined as the absence of light. Yet what
do you do with this? In your spiritual mythology, you have decided that
darkness must be intelligent. There has to be a consciousness behind
darkness, you say, and because of this, there is a dark force with a
name and, therefore, you fear it. You don't understanding that physics
demands that darkness can't exist in the light! Yet you still don't
believe it. Darkness is a balance, not an entity.

Right now,
there are Humans saying, "Wait a minute, Kryon. Do you mean there's no
such thing as evil?" I didn't say that. Listen, Humans are powerful, and
when Humans take that which has no light and they apply it to a
consciousness of their own design, it becomes Human evil. Now, that has
consciousness because a Human put it there. But alone, there is no
entity out to capture your soul. Period. There is only a balance of dark
and light. Humans are responsible for making darkness look like it has
intelligence, because manifestation works both positive and negative.

of you are used to a certain balance on the earth. But it's not an
intelligent balance. That's the first thing that you have to learn,
Lightworker. There's no force against you! You don't believe it when you
are told this. This is difficult for you, because you've always been
taught there is something pushing against everything you do. Indeed,
there is, but it is represented by Humans in the dark and not darkness
with a personality.

The brighter your light, the less darkness
can be around. "Oh, Kryon, I love that. How can I make my light
brighter?" That's easy! It's by not fearing the dark! When you fear the
dark, you give it your energy, don't you? So what is it you fear? It's
survival, isn't it? For in the past, the darkness created by Humans has
created turmoil in your life. Your very survival was at stake. Now that
changes, and so does the dark/light balance.

There are so many
things here, dear one, that you're going to have to recalibrate. Who are
you trying to please, Lightworker? Let me ask you this: If you're
trying to please God, you are! I wouldn't be here if you weren't. If
you're trying to please those on the other side of the veil, who in some
cases are your own parents looking back at you, you are! By the light
that you have put here and by the light that you carry, all is well. Do
you feel that? Or are you looking around for some other approval
somewhere and not getting it? It's time for you to recalibrate these

I want you to understand something: God doesn't have
Human emotions. God isn't sitting around hoping anything or wishing you
would do this or that. God is the creative source of the Universe and
you are part of this God. Therefore, to "please God" is to love yourself
enough to be part of the wholeness of God. There are things you should
know about the way you think and what is going to change.

do you mean there's not going to be a struggle since the newer energies
are more benevolent?" Oh, dear one, there will be a struggle! This
struggle between the dark and light balance on Earth is classic. You're
going to watch it like a game played on your own ball fields, where the
energies go back and forth and it doesn't seem to be one team winning or
losing, just back and forth. When watching that, what will you think?
In your heart of hearts, what are you going to say? "Well, we've failed.
Nothing is happening." Indeed! That's because, dear ones, all you are
willing to look at is the three-dimensional game field. You're not
looking at anything else that might be happening under it or above it.
This is very hard to describe. This is the battle between dark and

How Can Darkness Battle Us?
"Well, Kryon, if
darkness has no intelligence, how does it battle us?" Here are some
attributes of the darkness that can explain it. Humans in the dark
battle you. Darkness itself is just a balance.

Dark, negative
energy is blind about what you're doing in the light. It's stupid about
things of the light, and this is your advantage, for you can see
everything and this energy of darkness can't. Humans walking in
darkness, creating darkness with intent, can never compete with a
Lightworker who can see everything. Integrity is blind to dark energy
and will always win. Honesty and compassion and caring are always going
to win over darkness. Benevolence and spiritual synchronicity are like
full color in the black and white world of those who willingly walk in
darker energy.

Now, it's simply an energy, like gravity is an
energy, and like magnetism is an energy. When you see magnetism at work
and you see things come together with force, do you look at them and
give them names and assign consciousness to them? Do you think they are
entities? No. Instead you say, "This is physics. It's energy. It moves
here to there, like oil and water are also about physics. It's just
energy. Oil floats because of its density. It's lighter than water's
density." Dark and light have these same kinds of attributes and
darkness moves when light is present. It's not spooky, and it's not

Here is a big difference - in the new energy, you are a
light creator. Therefore, you are changing the density of the planet. Do
you see what I'm saying? Therefore, the balance of dark and light moves
accordingly. It's not smart. It moves out of the way of the light. It
moves out of the way of the Lightworker! Do you understand what I'm
saying? For eons, this balance has not moved at all. Suddenly, it is
moving out of your way as you walk toward it. It can't exist where you
walk! It can't survive the way it used to and it will fight to keep it
the way it used to be. But the balance will slowly change, and that's
because you are not afraid of it.

Oh, dear Lightworker, this is
the message of today's channel and also tomorrow.  I'm going to itemize
some of the things that you will see regarding these changes. The one
big item right now is this: What are you going to do with this new
power? Although darkness is not intelligent, it is still a balancing
force. Therefore, you can expect it to have an effect on everything as
it changes. You can't have a rebalancing of such powerful influences on
Human nature without change on both sides. Do you understand? Do not
personalize darkness.

When you fall off a cliff, who do you
blame? Was it the gravity monster? What intelligence pushed you there
and how dare it take you down and hurt you? This is an example of a
force that is there, but understood for what it is.

But unlike
gravity, dear ones, this particular balance on the planet is a
multidimensional, elastic, dynamic thing. It has been the same way for
eons and now it's not. It is moving accordingly to the energy that you
have chosen to create. It is your fate. But unless you re-adjust to your
power, nothing is going to happen.

The recalibration of self
starts with understanding that darkness has no power over you anymore.
It will retreat from you instead of attack you. If you fear anything,
darkness has won. That's the balance we speak of. All this is difficult
to explain since these things are going to occur in
non-three-dimensional terms. My partner is even sitting here wondering
if he has done a good job today. So I will say to him, "The job has been

The recalibration of the Lightworker is described as
the Lightworker discovering their real light, the light of the creator.
They are discovering that it belongs there, that this is their time, and
that they can turn it on. The darkness will have no chance of existing
anywhere around them as long as they illuminate themselves with
compassion and patience. Let divinity shine through each of you as you
walk on this planet and understand these things, for they are imminent.

you want to know why you came? This is why you came. It's not to do,
but rather it's to be. It's to be light where darkness used to be. This
is the message of the day. I am Kryon, in love with humanity.

And so it is.




Re: The Recalibration of Self - Part 1

by Naybird
5th July 2013 9:08 am
Thank you Kryon and Lee. This resonates. Self worth has been
an issue. I am so grateful that it is being addressed and brought into
the light. It doesn't feel good to live in a cave when I'd rather dance
in the sunlight.



Re: The Recalibration of Self - Part 1

by bets
5th July 2013 2:50 pm
Although this was channeled a while ago, I can't tell you how
timely it is to see it here now. Perfect. This has expanded my
understanding a great deal. Thank you.

Re: The Recalibration of Self - Part 1

by bluefeatheryone
5th July 2013 5:04 pm
Ty, Lee & Kryon, for this wonderful message. Yes,
self-worth is an issue for me, too. Surely, I will awaken tomorrow &
it will no longer be tho. :2funny I don't think it works that quickly. LOL. Oh well, one foot in front of the other... Much love to you. :smitten:

Re: The Recalibration of Self - Part 1

by Deeni
5th July 2013 10:18 pm
Dear Kryon, and Lee,

Thank You so very much for this message.

You have clarified a great deal for me.

I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to embrace this message and shine that much brighter.

One point I had mistakenly bought into was that the dark was intelligent. I feel as though a huge weight has lifted off of me.


Much Love and Light to You, and All.

: ))

Re: The Recalibration of Self - Part 1

by CarolS
7th July 2013 1:18 pm
Thank you Kryon and Lee, just an AWESOME post. So much clarifying, important information.

Re: The Recalibration of Self - Part 1

by Tiff
7th July 2013 2:26 pm
I second that...couldn't have replied better.

Thank you Kyron, thank you, Lee and thank you Deeni.

Re: The Recalibration of Self - Part 1

by Ktstreitz
8th July 2013 10:03 pm
Thank you!! and thank you all for your comments.

I was just on a walk practicing my mindfullness meditation and
tonight more then ever noticing how often I fear that someone is going
to "catch" me, or call me out, or call me stupid... This is a huge help
in understanding that old, subtle fear of being seen being me.

Intention to relase my fear of being found out.

Intention to shine bright.

Intention to believe deeper and deeper every day that darkness moves out of my way.

with love,



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Group Information


Information from Kryon, a love-filled and empowering angelic being. Channeled by Lee Carroll

Books from Lee Carroll

Great Shift, The Cover image
Lee Carroll, Patricia Cori, Kryon
Kryon Collection Cover image
Lee Carroll


Compose Mail - - Gmail

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innate is the smart corporeal body. It knows everything about your
overall system. It actually is as smart as your brain, but in a
different way. So, what can a Human Being do to find out if he/she is
allergic to something? Let's say that is you, so you can ask your brain,
but it has no idea. So instead, you place the food or chemistry in your
hand and muscle-test it. That is called kinesiology, a big word for
something very simple.

Muscle-testing is using the body's innate
to give you a "yes or no" signal about something it knows about, but
that your brain does not. So in the process of kinesiology, do you
understand that you have acknowledged that there is a part of your body
system that knows more than your brain? Indeed, this is a process that
has been used for centuries, and it's very accurate.

This innate
knows a lot more than what you're allergic to, my friend. It is also
tuned in completely to the quantum parts of your DNA that know
everything about your spiritual and cellular evolvement. Innate
handshakes with your Higher-Self at all the three Human group levels,
and that is difficult to describe. If you put this information in a
circle chart, you can draw the lines between the groups and you'd see
what I mean. It's your smart body, and it's connected to everything.

me ask you a question, dear one: Don't you find it odd that there are
certain kinds of diseases that can lurk within your cells, that can
attack you, yet you only know it through your discomfort or through your
death! What kind of brain do you have that would not tell you about
this? You never have the signal through your brain about any of it
except discomfort and pain! But innate knows about it the moment it
happens. Innate knows when it entered your body. As your white blood
cells go to the places they need to fight, your entire immune system
goes into alert! Yet you have no idea about it, since your brain is just
doing what it always does - it computes and remembers. But, in this
case, it does a very poor job helping you survive.

About Innate
is innate? Where is it? This is difficult to explain. We told, you dear
Human Being, that the elusive Akash information is not in your brain
either. You cannot go to your brain to find out who you used to be in a
past life. The innate is the same. It's not in your brain, but instead
it's in every cell of your body and every molecule of your DNA. The
difference between innate and the Akash is that innate is on top (a
linear concept for you), and it is always broadcasting, always there. If
you know how to listen to it and where it is, you can tune in.
Muscle-testing is one way of knowing, a very basic way. Some of you also
know that innate responds to acupuncture. Did you know that? Your brain
does not.

The Merkabah - Innate's Quantum Field
Innate is
aware of all things at the cellular level and is broadcasting all the
time. It broadcasts so well that it flows into that which you call the
Merkabah of the body. Now, the Merkabah is a quantum field around your
body that pulses very strongly with esoteric information, including
corporeal health. Many have the ability to see and read this field.

medical intuitive can stand before you in various degrees of success
and read the messages from your innate. This intuitive person does not
have to muscle-test to know you've got something going on within your
cells. They can see it or sense it within the field around your body.
Now, you may have thought that a medical intuitive is looking at your
liver or your heart, doing some kind of analysis. That's very linear
thinking and is not what is happening.

That's your box of belief
working overtime. Instead, the medical intuitives are sensing the
quantum energy within your field that your innate is broadcasting about
your health, of what's going on in the chemistry, and of what might be
developing inside you. It's different than you thought, isn't it? That's
the innate and that's only one of the things that innate does.

Mining the Akash - The Role of Innate
I'm going to tell next, we have given you before. However, I wish to
explain it better in this communication. Your innate is also a governor
of what you personally need. Let me explain: Turn a page with me. We
have talked in the past about mining the Akash. So let us open that door
for a moment. Is it possible, dear one, that you could go into the vast
storehouse of the attributes of your past lives and pick out something
that you need today? The answer is yes. It's called mining the Akash,
and it is a staple of the Kryon teaching.

However, the way it's
accomplished by the individual Human is really difficult to describe.
It's a personal intuitive process. However, one attribute of it that is
often misunderstood is that permission from the innate is needed. This
is because the innate smart body knows what you need. It is then the
governor, or the filter, giving you permission regarding what can be
pulled out of your Akash and used. It will say no to frivolous things
and yes to the things that will allow you to cure yourself of disease,
live longer, and increase the efficiency of your DNA. It's a smart body

Innate doesn't care how you look. It cares about your
health. If you want to go into your Akash and pull out something that
you need for survival, it's right there with you. If you want to make
clearer skin, it won't respond. Do you see what I mean? It's the
governor for mining the Akash. By the way, the Akash is very ready to be
used for this. [Kryon wink]

You have earned what you've lived,
dear ones, and it's very available. It lies in a quantum soup of
lifetime information that is ready to be used. If you have a disease in
your body right now, and perhaps you want to mine the Akash in a way
that will create healing, you can. Like all nonlinear things, it
requires a new, mature consciousness and practice to work. But the body
is ready for you to "go get" the cellular structure of a past life that
had no disease.

The blueprint for this resides within you since
you earned it and lived it. The innate is responsible for spontaneous
remission! Science has no idea how a Human does this. The innate can
help you "go get" the things within your earned Akash and place them
into your cellular structure. That's how smart it is! Imagine clearing
disease so completely that there is no sign it was ever there? It
happens all the time. Imagine being able to drop a chemical dependency
overnight? It's exactly the same principle.

Did you ever sit in a
meeting and something is said or a feeling can happen, and you get
chills? What are they? You might say, "They are chills of validation."
Guess where they came from? The innate! The innate has the ability to
signal you the truth. The brain does not. In fact, your brain will often
get in the way. It's the brain that contains your box of belief. It's
the brain that contains the perception of who you are based on
experience and memory. It's your 3D survival instrument. But the brain
can't give truth. It can only give you what it perceives as the truth,
based on logical, processed, computed, synaptic reasoning and only based
on your past experience.

Your brain can tell you not to touch
the stove because of what happened once before. But it can't give you
chills of validation from information it does not have. The intellect
wants you to believe that your brain is supreme. However, the brain is
only one part of the body system and not a very intuitive part. It is
the innate that knows the truth. The innate is connected to the quantum
parts of your DNA and, therefore, also knows of your spirituality and
the truth of God inside.

The Next Step
One of the
attributes of the future Human Being is to build a bridge between your
Human consciousness and your innate. This is one of the three things in
the cellular parts of the nine attributes lesson, the Human energies
part. This needs to be a bridge of new tools so you no longer have to
muscle-test. In fact, you can become your own medical intuitive. Doesn't
this make sense?

So, when a virus or bacteria invades your body -
something your brain can't warn you about - you will know it anyway!
This bridge will begin to complete the Human Being's evolution and is a
logical next step for longer life. I know this makes sense to you. You
should be able to sense these things when they occur rather than going
to a doctor for tests. Going to a doctor for tests is not a bad thing,
but it should validate what you know is happening and not be the
discovery of it.

The Second Brain
Innate does so many
things for you! Some of you are starting to get a bigger picture of
where I'm going with this discussion. Here is a concept that we've not
really broached before. We're going to give it a name, but please do not
misunderstand it. You only have one word for your intelligent control
center, and the word is called brain. So we are going to give you a
concept that the innate is your second brain. It doesn't function like
your first one at all, but it is smart and it is intelligent and it
knows what you need. Sometimes it can even replace a function that your
logical brain normally does.

Let me show you what I mean. Here is
a puzzle, a conundrum of medicine: When an accident happens that severs
your spinal cord completely, it leaves you with no feeling or muscle
function from the waist down. This is because the signals from the brain
to your muscles are no longer able to be sent. The pathway for those
signals is severed.

You then spend the rest of your life in a
chair, perhaps even being fed by others. But the puzzle it that there
are some things within you that continue to function anyway. One of them
is your heart. Another is digestion. Many of these things continue to
work even though you are told that your brain, the central nervous
system, the organ that sends all the signals to make things work, had
its signals severed. The conduit where the signals are sent within the
spine is broken. So what keeps all these organs below the neck going?

heart depends upon signals from the brain to function. It needs the
electrical pulses sent from specific parts of the brain, creating a
synchronized rhythm in order for the heart to beat. Yet the brain is
disconnected and the heart keeps its rhythm. How can that work? Now I'll
tell you: The innate takes over and continues the signal. It's always
there, for the Merkabah is body-wide, not centralized in one place as
your brain is. The organs will continue to function, but the pathway to
the muscles are gone. Even reproduction can still happen! The heart
keeps going and digestion continues, and all without connection to the

Innate is smart! It's a second brain. Medical science is
often puzzled over this, and I just gave you the answer. So innate is
the intelligence in your body that is smarter about cellular things than
your brain. Now I want to wrap this all up.

What are you
supposed to do with all this information? I want you to get in touch
with innate. It's the heart connection, dear ones. The Higher-Self,
innate and Human consciousness are the three Human energies that need to
meld - Human consciousness, Higher-Self and innate.

When DNA
starts to work at a higher efficiency, there are bridges that start to
be built between these things. You'll start to feel them when you
recognize and sense truth. When you start to have discernment and
cognize things for what they are, you stop looking around for answers.
You are far more self-contained, and your answers are often the same as
those around you who have the same discernment engine. All this now
comes from within, instead of an outside source.

Many will tell
you this is all nonsense. They tell you about God and ask you to believe
them. They tell you that you were born dirty, or that there are
societies trying to control you, or that everywhere you look there's a
conspiracy against you. They generate fear, and the result is Human
fear, confusion, separation and even war.

The Smart Innate
if you could start understanding the truth from the innate within? You
would understand that you are a piece of God on this planet, and you can
discern what is and what is not happening around you. The Human Being
becomes smarter when the two brains come together and you're able then
to see your own health situation, to catch things before they get out of
hand, and even to sense the truth of God within the beautiful system of
your Akash.

We told you this in the Akash discussion earlier.
Every single one of you has a different diet based upon what works for
you. There is no such thing as an enlightened diet, except the one given
by your own discernment. The innate is smart. It works with your Akash
and it knows all about your soul aspects. It is connected to your
Higher-Self. It knows what diet will work for you based on your
immediate past lives. This is in your Akash, and your innate is in touch
with it.

Now, as you start to build a bridge to innate,
everything starts to change. The questions that you ask in this room
(and they're always the same), will not have to be asked: "Dear Kryon,
how can (your name goes here) mine my Akash? I (your name goes here)
want to go here, I want to know this, I want to know that. How can I
(your name goes here) create this and that in our lives?"

one, the day is coming when you will never have to ask these things, any
more than you would ask a person on the street how to walk. Someday,
when it comes to esoteric things, you won't feel you're in the dark or
that there are missing pieces. When innate starts to be present in your
consciousness, concepts will start to meld and the missing pieces will
start to fill in.

You're going to be a lot smarter about who you
are, and one of the things that's going to occur is you'll know you're
not from here! You will sense it! You're from the great central sun.
You're from where I am from, and you'll know that you're eternal! You'll
know that you've had more than one life, and it will be something that
you know just like innate knows it and not something you intellectualize
with the computer in your head.

It's the heart connection, dear
ones. Innate is what creates emotion. Let me tell you, dear ones, that
innate helps you fall in love. Innate gives you energies that you can't
explain. Innate makes you just a little nuts (nobody can explain the "in
love" feeling), but innate knows all about it.

Innate can change
every cell of your body, and it will ring true with information and help
for you personally. This will create more discernment and a wise Human.
There's nothing like it, and the most important thing is that "truth is
truth", and more and more Humans will see what you see. Can you see how
innate would serve humanity and how it shakes hands with your
Higher-Self and knows about God?

This has been our story for this
day - about something in you that is amazing and ready to work for you.
Perhaps you may have not known the extent of it or what it was? Perhaps
you didn't know how it worked or how important it is? Now you know a
little more. Finally, the beautiful part: It's not an entity inside you,
dear ones. It's you - the bridge from the corporeal body to the
Higher-Self, the smart part of your cells.

And so it is.



Re: The Mysterious Innate

by Rhiannon
10th January 2014 10:59 am
Thank-you, Lee... so on target, as always... and so needed... :smitten:


one soul of light and love, Rhiannon

Re: The Mysterious Innate

by IshaRa
10th January 2014 9:07 pm
WOW thank you Lee and I read the channel a lot of
things I have experienced over the years clicked into place and I
realised that I KNEW this information, not in my head but in a deeper
place. I am SO looking forward to expanding the connection with my
innate and LIVING it <3



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Group Information


Information from Kryon, a love-filled and empowering angelic being. Channeled by Lee Carroll

Books from Lee Carroll

Great Shift, The Cover image
Lee Carroll, Patricia Cori, Kryon
Kryon Collection Cover image
Lee Carroll


The Really Big Cosmic Picture of What's Happening on Earth > Expect Wonderful

The Really Big Cosmic Picture of What's Happening on Earth > Expect Wonderful