Wednesday, May 12, 2010





David's Page, Newsletter, Articles

This form of subtle activism is very simple. It consists of creating a line of supportive energy between yourself and another person and the sacredness that is the Ground of Being. Center yourself in sacredness, in the Sacred, whatever that means to you as a universal presence of compassion and love. Center yourself in your own capacity for compassion and love, and link these two together, connecting your branch with the trunk from which all branches come. Then imagine a line of Light extending from you to a neighbor in your community. This line of Light has as its sole intent communicating that that person is not alone but is connected to a source of support, which ultimately is the “trunk,” the Sacred. Do this with another neighbor, then another. Build a web of inner support throughout your neighborhood. Remember, this web is not anchored in you but in the Sacred, but you are the one spinning it out into your world.
Once you get the sense of this, you can simply spin these webs of Light out into your world; it need not be limited to your neighborhood, nor to people you know. Do this with the intent that the subtle connections of energy that naturally exist between all of us be filled with Light and “tied to the trunk,” so to speak, that is, attuned to the compassion and love within the Sacred. The idea is to support the arising of compassion organically and naturally within people’s hearts. You can’t make anyone be compassionate, and you wouldn’t want to (that would be an act of coercion, not compassion), but you can intentionally add your energy and thought to strengthening the lines of loving support that can weave between us and that bring compassion into the subtle environments in which we live and act.
In time you may find yourself naturally and automatically radiating these supportive lines of Light throughout your environment, to animals, plants, and objects as well as people. It primes the subtle environment to be responsive to compassionate and loving actions should an emergency arise.
I’m in the process of creating a free “Subtle Activism Starter Kit,” which consists of a small PDF booklet with some ideas and instructions on one way to do subtle activism, plus two audio files. One is an example of a specific subtle activism meditation I did with a group recently on behalf of the Gulf oil spill and the other is an example of a more generic subtle activism meditation. You will find the link below as well as posted on our website. If you go there and find it empty, come back in a day or so. As I say, I’m still working on completing it.
If you decide to download it, I hope you’ll find it useful.
May we all be webmasters of compassion. David's Subtle Activism Kit

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David's Page, Newsletter, Articles

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Gmail - [ECETI News] Nice Message -

Predictions for 2010 video ""

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Gmail - [ECETI News] UFO 100% Proof -

Gmail - [ECETI News] UFO 100% Proof - ""

Gmail - "Request for names of Sacred Ceremonies" -

Gmail - "Request for names of Sacred Ceremonies" - "---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 10:32 AM
Subject: 'Request for names of Sacred Ceremonies'

Dear Friends,
The boys and I watched the DVD of '2012' last night. I was asked in a dream this morning to:
' Write to the world the REASON the world is not going to end in a Great Tsunami like in the movie.'

2012 movie poster_22.jpg

In the dream I was asked specifically by 'The Council of 2012' ( I didn't know there was a Council of 2012) to explain how that COULD have been the ending but that WE CHOSE the peaceful outcome where we all survive.

I was shown that it was because the world performed the Sacred Ceremonies honoring Pacha Mama and asking for another chance, that we turned a corner.
I was asked to write about the 'Miracle of Non-Tsunami in the Pacific Rim' last weekend. They want me to tell the world on the internet that:
'This was a test run. They will be more earthquakes,etc. but we have shown Mother Earth our pure hearts and devotion and she is working with us now to spare us from annihilation.'

And Easter Island is the

I was asked to mention the various Sacred Ceremonies that have been occurring recently and of course to mention the Hopi and Tibetan Ceremonies that have occurred every single month for thousands of years.

I feel intimidated by this task. I am blessed to know many friends and friends of friends that are and have been performing many ceremonies over the last few years.

The dream asked me to put our a letter and ASK everyone to let me know about any ceremonies that specifically have been to help us through the Ascension.

I am familiar with the International Sundance's that the World Council of Elders are doing, the Earth Codes Awakening that the Sisters of Honua are doing, the Ice Caps Ceremonies that Uncle Angaaganq are performing. I remember the Yellowstone ceremony that Bennie Lebeau did to protect Yellowstone so it didn't erupt into a supervolcano like in the movie. There was the 'Return of the Ancestors' gathering and
'the Great Gathering' that is being planned. I know there are many others at the Mayan sites.

I was told in the dream that there are MANY gatherings around the world happening right now that I should ask around and try and mention in the posting. If anyone knows of the names of some important ceremonies around the world,that have specifically been to help with the 2012 ending, I would appreciate them being passed on for the article.

The song I got in the dream was Art Gafunkel's 'All I Know'. I woke up hearing:
'They say in the darkest night, there is a Light beyond...'
