Friday, October 22, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
David's Page, Newsletter, Articles
David's Other Articles
A Mystic Looks at Inner Citizenship
Part 1,The Soul of America
The United States of America is like a wondrous play. What we see of it on stage is compelling, dramatic, inspiring, and powerful: its vast landscapes, its abundant farmlands, its towering cities, its network of roads and town and villages, and its millions of people. This is the outer America, the visible America. But there is a part we don’t ordinarily see as well, an invisible part behind the scenes. If it were a play, this would be all that takes place back stage, including the writing, the directing, the financing, the organization, and the stagecraft that makes the play possible. This is the inner America.
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A Mystic Looks at Inner Citizenship,
Part 2, Inner Citizenship
We usually associate citizenship with the civic and political part of our lives. It may consist for most of us of such activities as voting, paying our taxes, fulfilling civic duties that may come our way such as serving on a jury, and obeying the laws of the land. With a bit more effort, it can include running for public office and serving as a public servant. It may for some of us include protesting what we see as injustice and faulty laws, campaigning for those who have been disenfranchised in some manner, fighting for causes, and championing issues in a public forum.
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A Mystic Looks at Inner Citizenship,
Part 3, An Anatomy of the Soul of America
Outer citizenship is usually conceived as operating primarily within our civic and political life. Inner citizenship is not so restricted to any particular domain. Whatever enhances the quality of life (both inner and outer) in our country is an act of inner citizenship. Being a nourishing and empowering father or mother is inner citizenship at work. Creating a garden that brings beauty to your neighborhood and good energies to the invisible lives that are part of the land and part of the inner realm of plants is inner citizenship at work. In a holistic spiritual vision, the land and the creatures who live upon it are also citizens with us, all contributing to the greater holism that is America.
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A Mystic Looks at Inner Citizenship,
Part 4, Working with the Soul of America
In this final part of this series, I want to explore one way out of many that we might work with the Soul of America as described in Part 3.
It begins with a question: Can I embody the Soul of America in myself?
A second, related question is, can I be a means, an ally, through which the spirit and energy of the Soul of America enters the psyche, the personality, and the active life of the United States without distortion?
It is followed by another question: Can I hold to my sovereignty, think for myself (and think holistically), and choose a mindful course of action in the midst of collective pressure to do otherwise?
Click here to download the rest of the article.
Now and Then
The Problem of the Eternal Now
I have always found the teaching or technique of the eternal Now problematic. Like many such ideas, I find it can have unintended consequences. It sounds so sensible and intuitive, the "spiritual" thing to do. Yet, when I practice this state, drawing my attention away form anything having to do with yesterday or tomorrow and being fully focused upon what is happening in the present, I find a diminishing of my creative and spiritual powers. I feel narrowed, not expanded. My soul seems further away to me, less rather than more accessible. The "Eternal Now" disempowers me.
Click here to download the rest of the article.
The Pilgrimage Dimension
What is a pilgrimage? Usually it is thought of as a journey involving time and distance to a holy place or a place of some special significance. Such a journey may require an effort that can be transformative, making the pilgrimage life-changing. This gives a pilgrimage a dimension that makes it more than simply a tourist excursion or a sightseeing trip
Click here to download the rest of the article.
These are a few of the individuals with whom I’ve worked over the years and whose teachings or writings I recommend. Some have also collaborated with Lorian as a whole, but others primarily have a relationship with me. For other recommended and important colleagues, please see Friends of Lorian under Boundaries.
John Michael Greer: John is the Grand Archdruid of the Ancient Order of Druids in America (AODA). He has been active in the alternative spirituality movement for more than 25 years, and is the author of some eighteen books, including The Druidry Handbook (Weiser, 2006) and The Long Descent: A User's Guide to the End of the Industrial Age (New Society, 2008). He is a scholar of the Western Hermetic Tradition. His blog, The Archdruid Report, offers “Druid perspectives on nature, culture, and the future of industrial civilization. I highly recommend it. http://thearchdruidreport.blogspot.com/.
Dr. Brugh Joy: Brugh is an old friend and one of the finest spiritual teachers around, a unique individual who offers classes and training unlike any other I’ve seen. He and I co-sponsored a New Year’s Conference for twenty years at the Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, California. His book Joy’s Way is a classic. You can find his website at http://www.brughjoy.com/.
Catherine MacCoun: Catherine is one of the clearest thinkers and finest writers I know in the area of inner growth, alchemy, and the hermetic tradition. With a background in both Tibetan Buddhist training and Christian Hermeticism, in addition to her own inner contacts and training in the arts of Focusing, she brings a unique sensibility and awareness to spiritual work of all kinds and particularly that of healing.
Her website is at http://www.catherinemaccoun.com/hermeticist/index.html.
Robert Moss: Robert Moss is one of the world’s leading authorities on dreams and dream work. His books are classics in the field. Dreams are one of the ways we access the Second Ecology of the non-physical worlds, and I know no better guide to this process than Robert. We have been friends for a number of years. For further information, see his website at http://www.mossdreams.com/.
Janet Piedilato: Janet is a transpersonal psychologist with an eclectic background that is grounded with a doctorate in biology, tempered with a doctorate in transpersonal psychology, and empowered by years of study as a student of shamanism, herbal therapy, and ancient dream ritual. I have known Janet for years, and she literally straddles the fence between the scientific and the intuitive, the waking and the dream realities. She has her own private practice, facilitates workshops and pilgrimages to sacred sites, is the founder and CEO of Immaginal, and founder/director of Temenos, a sacred teaching space. Her business website is http://www.immaginal.com/.
Arthur Zajonc: Arthur is professor of physics at Amherst College, where he has taught since 1978. He has been visiting professor and research scientist at the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris, the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, and a Fulbright professor at the University of Innsbruck in Austria. He is an optical quantum physicist whose research has included studies in parity violation in atoms, the experimental foundations of quantum physics, and the relationship between sciences, the humanities and meditation. He is also a scholar of the Western Hermetic Tradition, a former President of the American Anthroposophical Society, head of its International Esoteric School, President of the Lindisfarne Fellowship, and a participant and scientific coordinator for the Mind and Life dialogue with H.H. the Dalai Lama. His most recent book is Meditation as Contemplative Inquiry: When Knowing Becomes Love. Arthur’s website is http://www.arthurzajonc.org/.
Susan Stanton Rotman: Susan is a gifted intuitive and teacher who guides others in discovering and applying their inner resources. Her background is that of an attorney and mediator, and she brings outstanding skills and integrity to her work with inner contacts. I have always been impressed with her work. As she says in her website, she offers "heart-centered guidance toward self-discovery and transformation for engaged, creative and joyful living." For anyone seeking vision and strategic direction, Susan has a great deal to offer. Her website is at http://www.susanrotman.com
David's Page, Newsletter, Articles
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Gmail - [ECETI News] Nice Message - emdonelan@gmail.com
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Gmail - [ECETI News] UFO 100% Proof - emdonelan@gmail.com
Gmail - "Request for names of Sacred Ceremonies" - emdonelan@gmail.com
From: <KRuffMFCC@aol.com>
Date: Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 10:32 AM
Subject: 'Request for names of Sacred Ceremonies'
To: KRuffMFCC@aol.com
Dear Friends,
The boys and I watched the DVD of '2012' last night. I was asked in a dream this morning to:
' Write to the world the REASON the world is not going to end in a Great Tsunami like in the movie.'
2012 movie poster_22.jpg
In the dream I was asked specifically by 'The Council of 2012' ( I didn't know there was a Council of 2012) to explain how that COULD have been the ending but that WE CHOSE the peaceful outcome where we all survive.
I was shown that it was because the world performed the Sacred Ceremonies honoring Pacha Mama and asking for another chance, that we turned a corner.
I was asked to write about the 'Miracle of Non-Tsunami in the Pacific Rim' last weekend. They want me to tell the world on the internet that:
'This was a test run. They will be more earthquakes,etc. but we have shown Mother Earth our pure hearts and devotion and she is working with us now to spare us from annihilation.'
And Easter Island is the
I was asked to mention the various Sacred Ceremonies that have been occurring recently and of course to mention the Hopi and Tibetan Ceremonies that have occurred every single month for thousands of years.
I feel intimidated by this task. I am blessed to know many friends and friends of friends that are and have been performing many ceremonies over the last few years.
The dream asked me to put our a letter and ASK everyone to let me know about any ceremonies that specifically have been to help us through the Ascension.
I am familiar with the International Sundance's that the World Council of Elders are doing, the Earth Codes Awakening that the Sisters of Honua are doing, the Ice Caps Ceremonies that Uncle Angaaganq are performing. I remember the Yellowstone ceremony that Bennie Lebeau did to protect Yellowstone so it didn't erupt into a supervolcano like in the movie. There was the 'Return of the Ancestors' gathering and
'the Great Gathering' that is being planned. I know there are many others at the Mayan sites.
I was told in the dream that there are MANY gatherings around the world happening right now that I should ask around and try and mention in the posting. If anyone knows of the names of some important ceremonies around the world,that have specifically been to help with the 2012 ending, I would appreciate them being passed on for the article.
The song I got in the dream was Art Gafunkel's 'All I Know'. I woke up hearing:
'They say in the darkest night, there is a Light beyond...'